a compressed ZIP file with an additional "manifest" file
a convenient way of packaging together a set of class files and any associated GIF images, data files, or other resource files
a file compressed with the same algorithm used to compress Zip files
a file that uses a virtual machine to run
a good way of encapsulating multiple files in one spot
a single file that contains many
a ZIP file that contains package directories and class files in those packages, and can also contain a signature
jar)(JavaTM ARchive file) (n.) A file format used for aggregating many files into one.
A JAR (Java ARchive) file is a file that contains the class, image, and sound files for a Java applet gathered into a single file and compressed for faster downloading to your Web browser. An applet that comes as part of a Web page that you may happen to request may include several files, each of which would have to be downloaded along with the Web page. By putting them in a single file and compressing that file, download time is saved.
A file created with the Java jar program which is similar to tar on the Unix platform.
Java archive file. A compressed file format consisting of a collection of one or more packages used for Java applications. It includes all the resources necessary to install and run a Java program in a single compressed file.
JAR (Java archive) files are containers for compiled Java source files. They can be associated with an archive (such as, ZIP, JAR) as a source attachment. The children of JAR files are packages. JAR files can be either compressed or uncompressed.
A digital envelope for a compressed collection of files organized according to the Java archive (JAR) format.
A Java archive. These files typically contain everything needed to execute a Java application or a Java applet. They may also be used to package language-independent information such as data files or images.
In Java, abbreviation for Java ARchive. A file format that is used for aggregating many files into one.