Script Description File. a file describing certain kinds of complex script behaviour, used to control a rendering engine to which it has given its name. Created by Tim Erickson and used in Shoebox, LinguaLinks, and ScriptPad.
Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon. A tendon which runs down the back of the leg, splits below the fetlock, and attaches to the P I and P II. In the hind legs, the SDF acts primarily as a ligament of the stay apparatus.
(Self-Defence Forces) Japan's army, navy and airforce, established in 1954 purely for national defence, though now also used for international peacekeeping operations.
SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOOD. The largest flood that a given project is designed to pass safely. The reservoir inflow discharge hydrograph used to estimate the spillway discharge capacity requirements and corresponding maximum storage elevation in the reservoir.
Screen Definition Facility. An IBM product which assists in the definition of CICS Basic Mapping Support (BMS) maps for device and format independence.