Manufacturer on computers such as the ES9000 and the CMOS-based OS/390, both used by GW
nternational usiness achines. This is a company that develop business computers.
International Brotherhood of Magicians - Founded in 1922
( nternational usiness achines Corporation) The world's largest computer company.
International Business Machines. The largest manufacturer of mainframe computers and operating system software in the world.
(International Business Machines) in 1981 introduced the IBM Personal Computer which provided the spark for the home-computer revolution. Additionally, IBM provides customer solutions through the use of advanced information technology. These solutions include technologies, systems, products, services, software and financing.
International Business Machines. Technological giant based in Armonk, New York. In the process of being sued by SCO for allegedly taking proprietary Unix code and putting it in the Linux kernel.
International Business Machines URL:
See International Business Machines (IBM).
International Business Machines. One of the major mainframe computer manufacturers, as well as a personal computer designer. Manufacturer of many mainframes.
The kind of missile your family members and friends would like to drop on your computer so you'll pay attention to them again.
This is the company International Business Machines.
Stands for International Business Machines
(International Business Machines) The company that designed and built the first PCs, and still a giant of the industry. Standard PCs are still occasionally referred to as "IBM compatible", although IBM no longer control the PC standard.
International Business Machines. They designed the first computer specifically for the business community, and because they were the first, the word "IBM-compatible" tends be used to refer to any personal computer that runs DOS/Windows software. A technically more correct phrase is 'Intel-compatible,' since Intel is the leading manufacturer of the microprocessors that are in machines that run DOS/Windows software.
International Business Machines, U. S. transnational corporation
International Business Machine Corporation
International Business Machines
International Buisiness Machines Corporation.
International Business Machines. A manufacturer and retailer of computers.
International Business Machines.: Many flip expansions for the acronym exist, but IBM remains one of the most powerful companies in the computer industry despite numerous problems in recent years. Developer of numerous mainframes and obtuse operating systems, some of which are still in use today. Co-developer (with Apple and Motorola) of the PowerPC chip, used in the Power Macintoshes.
a big company that makes computer hardware and software and was the developer of one of the first sucessful Personal Computers WWWebfx Home Page
International Business Machines Corporation Find out more: The IBM site.
International Business Machines Corporation, a firm that manufactures computer hardware and software including the IBM RS/6000 SP. CTC has a long history of joint work with IBM in developing and testing products needed by the scientific research community.
International Business Machines. A company which offers a variety of data processing hardware systems, system and application software, and information technology services.
Short for nternational usiness achines, the largest computer company in the world. IBM started in 1911 as a producer of punch card tabulating machines. In 1953, it introduced its first computer, the 701. During the 60's and 70's, IBM came to dominate the new field of mainframe and minicomputers. In 1981, IBM launched its first personal computer, called the IBM PC, which quickly became the standard. However, IBM underestimated the market for PCs and lost market share to vendors of PC compatibles, such as Compaq.
manufacturer of computer hardware and software based in Armonk, NY. See IBM-compatible, PC, Deep Blue, DOS, Big Blue.
International Business Machines, IBM is the largest computer company in the world and the first to produce a computer back in 1953.
Acronym for : International Business Machines
International Business Machines Corporation. Company that develops hardware, operating systems, database systems, and applications that work with (and sometimes compete with) with Oracle products.
International Business Machines Corporation (known as IBM or "Big Blue"; ) is a multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in Armonk, New York, USA. The company is one of the few information technology companies with a continuous history dating back to the 19th century.