an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of a name; e.g. see ARM
a word formed from the initial letter(s) of each successive part of a phrase
a mnemonic device that involves forming a term from the first letters of a series of words that are to be recalled. 295
A word derived from the first or most important letters in a multiple word descriptive noun or other expression, often serving as a mnemonic to recall the words comprising the term. For example, HTML is short for "Hypertext Markup Language."
On the Internet in general and newsgroups in particular, acronyms are groups of letters that represent an expression. For example IMHO stands for In My Humble Opinion. It is a way to keep messages short and to the point.
A term used to refer to initialisms, which are combinations of letters representing a longer phrase). Acronyms are pronounced as words rather than a series of individual letters. View a complete list of acronyms.
a new word or pronounceable and hence memorable name coined from the first or first few letters or parts of a phrase or compound term ( HUD for ousing and rban evelopment).
An often pronounceable word made from the initial (or selected) letters of a name or phrase
a word made up of the first letters of a group of words: e.g., NATO for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
a word formed from the initial letters of a multi-word name
a combination of letters that you invent
a label formed from the beginnings of words
a made-up word where each letter stands for a word that you need to remember
a method of pegging where one links a list to a word and each letter in the word reminds you of a member of a list, e
an abbreviated form of an organization name or other term that is commonly spoken as a word
an abbreviation coined from the initial letter of each successive word in a term or phrase
an abbreviation constructed from the first letters of the words of a phrase or multi-word name
an abbreviation for a phrase
an abbreviation in which each of the letters stands for the first letter in a list of words to be recalled
an abbreviation made from a string of initial letters that can be pronounced as one word
an abbreviation of several words in such a way that the abbreviation itself forms a word, e
an abbreviation of the first letters of a phrase or the long name of an organization that forms a word or conveys a message
an abbreviation that is formed by combining the first letter or letters of several words
an abbreviation that is pronounced as a word
an abbreviation which is made up of the initial letters of a group of words, and is pronounced as a single word
an easily pronounceable word formed from the initial letters or major parts of a computer term
a new word created by using the first letters of a series of words
an invented combination of letters
an invented word made from the initial letters of a group of words and is useful in saving space (and typing)
a pronounceable word formed from each of the first letters of a descriptive phrase
a pronounceable word formed from the i
a pronounceable word formed from the initial letter or letters of the constituent words, such as NATO
a sequence of letters that may or may not form a word, wherein each letter represents one of the steps to be remembered
a series of letters that represents several words
a set of letters that stand for a set of words
a short name formed by combining the first letters of the complete name
a string of letters that appear to mean nothing to the ordinary individual
a string of letters, where each letter represents a word
a term formed from the initial letter or letters of each
a type of abbreviation that is made up of the initial letters of the words of a phrase
a word coined by putting together the initial letters of a group of words
a word composed of the initial letters of other words
a word created by using the first letter or parts of words within a phrase
a word derived from the initial letters or groups of letters of several other words
a word formed by the first letters or syllables of other words, for example "Roy G
a word formed by the initial letters of a longe
a word formed by the initial letters of a longer term
a word formed by the initial letters of a phrase or title
a word formed either from the initial letters of a term (OOP for object-oriented programming) or from parts of words in a series (FLOPS for floating-point operations per second)
a word formed from initials or some combination of words, such as NATO (pronounced nay-toe) for North Atlantic Treaty Organization
a word formed from the first letter of each word in a phrase
a word formed from the first letters of the words in a phrase
a word group created in a similar way to an initialism but which is pronounced as a word
a word made from the letters of a
a word made up from initial letters of a phrase, always correctly written in capital letters to indicate this
a word made up of first letters or parts of words of a compound term
a word made up of the first letter of each word in a title or phrase
a word made up of the initials or syllables of other words, such as RADAR , which stands for RA dio D etection A nd R anging, or ASH which stands for A ction on S moking and H ealth
a word that is formed by combining some parts (usually the first letters) of some other words
a word that is made by using the first letters of a phrase or by combining initial letters or parts of words to get a new word
a "word" that you create by using the first letter from each word that you want to remember
A word formed by combining the initial letters of a set of words, as in the word RADAR from RA(dio) D(etecting) A(nd) R(anging).
a word which is composed of the first letters of the words it refers to, e.g. VAT = value added tax
A word formed by the first letters of other words (such as AIDS or CDC).
A pronounceable abbreviation formed by combining initial letters or parts of words - for example, UNESCO for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
a word formed from the initial letters of other words (e. g., JAVMA is the acronym for the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.)
A word formed from the initial letters of a name, such as AHT for average handling time, or by combining initial letters or parts of a series of words, such as RADAR for RAdio Detecting And Ranging.
A word formed from the initial letters of a group of words. For example: UNICEF stands for nited ations nternational hildr n's und Radar stands for RA dio etection nd anging
A word formed from the initial letters or syllables of other words; for example, radar (Radio Detecting and Ranging)
A word formed from the initial letter or letters of a series of words in a phrase (cf. Abbreviation). The advantages of a commercial acronym are that it may challenge the consumer to "solve the puzzle," as if it were a vanity license plate (e.g. TCBY, The Country's Best Yogurt), or else present the consumer with a prefabricated bit of upscale slang (e.g. DKNY, Donna Karan New York and MGD, Miller Genuine Draft). The chief disadvantage is that it may be unintelligible and forgettable without a prohibitive investment in advertising. It took James Earl Jones to make "This is CNN" a meaningful phrase. [Greek akros "topmost" + onuma "name"
A word formed from the first letters of a group of words. E.g. SCUBA from Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. Acronyms should be marked with the acronym/acronym tag.
A form of abbreviation where the letters of the abbreviation form a new word as in HUD for The Department of Housing and Urban Development (not HUT, but HUD), or JIRC for Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission (Truly, it exists in Virginia.)
A word formed from the first (or first few) letters of several words; for example GIL, Reese Library's online (computerized) catalog, stands for ALILEO nterconnected ibraries.
Abbreviation from the words of a phrase or title; for example, CQ Weekly refers to Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report. Journal titles that start with an acronym are shelved before any words that start with the same letter.
A word formed from the initial letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term. Examples: BTW (by the way), FYI (for your information), IMHO (in my humble opinion). Acronym Finder is a searchable database containing common acronyms and abbreviations about all subjects, with a focus on computers, technology, telecommunications, and the military.
A word formed from the initial letters of a series of words. For example, the ALA stands for the American Library Association.
n. A word derived from the first letters or groups of letters in a multiword descriptive noun or other expression, often serving as a mnemonic, such as RAM (random access memory) and AUTOEXEC.BAT (automatically executed batch file).
A word formed by the initial letters of words or by initial letters plus parts of several words. Acronyms are widely used in computer technology. For example, COBOL is an acronym for COmmon Business Oriented Language.
A word formed from the first letters of a name or a string of connected words, e.g. C/W MARS, CD-ROM, NASDAQ, WMECO.
In SYSTRAN terminology, a word, all upper case, formed from the initial letters of other words or parts of a series of words, such as WAC for Women's Army Corps.
An abbreviation made from the initial letters of a name or phrase that contains several words. Many acronyms can be pronounced as words. Defined differently in different languages. For example, NOAA is an acronym made from the initial letters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States.
is a word made up of the initial letter of each of a series of words; the initials themselves do not constitute an acronym. Example: scuba, elf- ontained nderwater reathing pparatus, is an acronym; PTA, Parent-Teacher Association, is not.
An acronym is a word that is composed of the initial letters of a series of words.
A shortened form of a word or compound term usually formed from its initial letters.
A word formed from the first or first few letters of several words (e.g., RADAR for radio detecting and ranging, NATO for North Atlantic Treaty Organization). The acronym is spoken as a word, rather than a series of letters each with its own pronunciation. (See Abbreviation)
An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of a series of words. See acronyms for examples.
The abbreviation "DFW" for "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport"
A shortened version of a name created from the initial letters of each of the words in the official, multi-word title. For instance, PAC is the acronym for Public Access Catalog (the library's online catalog).
a word formed from the initial letters of a series of words. Example: IEEE is an acronym for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
A set of letters that are short for a number of words - usually the name of something. For example, W.H.O. which is short for World Health Organisation.