The act of shortening, or reducing.
The form to which a word or phrase is reduced by contraction and omission; a letter or letters, standing for a word or phrase of which they are a part; as, Gen. for Genesis; U.S.A. for United States of America.
Abbreviations are the term given in typography to characters that are composed through the fusion of letters. One example of this is the character "&", which is a combination of the letters 'e' and 't' to form 'et' (Latin for 'and').
shortening something by omitting parts of it
an abbreviated word or phrase
a shortened form of a text-string, and all acronyms are types
a shortened version of a word or group of words
a shortened version of a word or phrase and is often followed by a period
a shorter way to write a word or phrase
a short form of a word or words, and is spoken as a sequence of single letters
a short way of writing a word or a phrase that could a lso be written out in full
a short word that takes the place of a long one
a word or a combination of words that represent something that would take too many characters or words to use
The shortened form of a written word or phrase (cf. Acronym and Nickname). Inc. magazine is an excellent example of an abbreviation which outdoes its full form by conveying an insider image.
a short form of a longer word, e.g. abbrev. (abbreviation); cttee (committee)
A short way of writing a word or group of words. For example: BBC is short for British Broadcasting Corporation Mr. is short for mister
A shortened form of a word. Abbreviations on a web page should be marked with the abbr/abbr tag.
Shortened form of a word, phrase or name, i.e. a general category that includes abbreviations, initialisms and acronyms.
A shortening of a word or term (e.g., in. for inch, BC for British Columbia, Mr. for Mister, CLC for Canadian Labour Congress). (See Acronym)
A shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in writing to represent the complete form.
An abbreviation (from Latin brevis "short") is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Usually, but not always, it consists of a letter or group of letters taken from the word or phrase. For example, the word "abbreviation" can itself be represented by the abbreviation "abbr." or "abbrev."