description for a deep flowing section of river. These regions are also called “holesâ€, and often contain the largest sized fish in a river.
A deep and Quiet stretch of river.
A relatively deep, still section in a stream.
an excavation that is (usually) filled with water
a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid; "there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain"; "the body lay in a pool of blood"
something resembling a pool of liquid; "he stood in a pool of light"; "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines"
a Healing Center Human beings intuitively know that soaking their bodies in water will feel good
a small body of water, often man-made
a streaming video player's influence, in case these are reduced to zero a streaming video player is flushed from either a game
a significantly deeper area in a river. In the Guide it applies to all water more than 100cm deep. Depth is usually given in centimetres but occasionally in metres in deep water.
a small and rather deep boy of quiet water as: water behind a dam.
A small body of still water, usually fresh. A deep part of a stream or river where the water runs very slowly.
a segment of a river or stream with greater depth and slower current, making it safer from predators bird and animal and where swimming against the current is reduced.
a portion of a stream where the current is slow, often with deeper water than surrounding areas and with smooth surface texture. Pools often occur above and below riffles and generally are formed around stream bends or obstructions such as logs, root wads, or boulders. Pools provide important feeding and resting areas for fish.
A small body of still water for swimmimg, wading, etc.
A section of river with almost no currant, usually deep.
A stretch of calm water on a stream or river.
A deep reach of a stream. The reach of a stream between two riffles. Natural streams often consist of a succession of pools and riffles.
A reach of stream that is characterized by deep low velocity water and a smooth surface.
portion of a stream with reduced current velocity, often with deeper water than surrounding areas and with a smoother surface.
The main body of water in a river that slows and deepens between rapids or quick moving riffled water.
Slow, deep water just upstream of most major rapids. Useful for scouting before running the rapids.
A Section of a stream where the water deep and slow moving.
A stretch of river with little current.
a deeper area of water in a stream; usually quiet and often with no visible flow.
An area of relatively deep slow water in a stream that offers shelter to fish.
area of relatively deep slow-moving water in a stream, often at the outside of a bend
Scoured depression found on the bed of streams. Associated with riffles.
A point at which a stream is relatively deep, where stream energy is dissipated by increased volume of water. The surface of the pool is essential level.