In some games, a point credited on the score to the player whose cards counts up the highest.
To play for a stake or prize; to use cards, dice, billiards, or other instruments, according to certain rules, with a view to win money or some other thing waged upon the issue of the contest; to gamble.
A table tennis game ends when one player has scored at least 11 or 21 points and at least 2 more than the opposing player. International rules now call for an 11-point game, but the 21-point game is still often used in informal player. See deuce.
contract worth 100 points (or more) bid and made. The minimal games are 3NT, 4â(tm)¥, 4â(tm) in majors, and 5â(tm)£, 5â(tm)¦ in minors. The game can also be achieved by making a doubled or redoubled contract, e.g. 2 spades doubled is initially worth 2×(2×30) = 120 points. The pair bidding and making the game is awarded a high bonus.
a sales promotion activity that features the offering of prizes based on chance and which requires little skill to play; generally, play continues for a period of time, often involving repeated trips to the store to continue playing for the prizes. See contest and sweepstakes.
A total number of points to achieve; also, what constitutes winning or ending a game.
A promotion that is a form of sweepstakes because it has a chance element or odds of winning associated with it. Games usually involve game card devices that can be rubbed or opened to unveil a winning number or prize description. [Go to source
Includes a variety of chance promotions such as contests, sweepstakes, etc.
a score of 100 or more points below the line; 100 or more in trick score.
100 points below the line. Given no part scores, a contract of 3NT (Notrump) or or more.
(1) a competitive activity done with a domino set and two or more players. (2) A collection of hands in which a player or partnership obtains a winning score. See also round, hand and the note at the end of the definition of match.
Competition played between players or teams until one of them scores 11 or 15 points.
(n.) The entire period of play, ending when the score of at least one team reaches or exceeds the designated limit.
a contract which scores at least 100 points.
a contest with rules to determine a winner; "you need four people to play this game"
(games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win; "the game is 6 all"; "he is serving for the game"
a match played against another team, which is registered with USA Hockey at the same competitive classification and officiated by registered officials
a mathematical x-ray of the crucial features of these situations
a series of races, which may easily be spread out across days or weeks by keeping a running tally of winnings
a story about winning against the odds
a universal form of recreation, generally including any activity engaged in for diversion or amusement, and often establishing a situation that involves a contest or rivalry"
A field hockey is made up of two halves, each 35 minutes in major contests, with a half-time intermission of 5 to 10 minutes. See also overtime.
A water polo game consists of four periods of 7 minutes each, with a 2-minute interval between periods. If the score is tied after the fourth period, there are two overtime periods of three minutes each, with a 1-minute interval. If the score is still tied, a penalty shootout is used to determine the outcome.
a series of contests between all strategies in proportion to their frequency. The summed outcome of these contests determines the outcome of a game; a game could be viewed as the interactions that occur over one generation although other definitions are certainly possible.
A program designed to offer a player chances to win prizes by betting some unit of credit of the correct denomination. There can be several games in one machine.
A period of play which is concluded when one team reaches 15 points, but with a margin of at least two points.
The part of a set that is completed when one player or team wins four points. In no-ad tennis the scoring is 1, 2, 3, "game."
A game in Euchre involves playing a sequence of hands until the score reaches 10. British variations of Euchre end at a score of 11. A short game of Euchre can be played until 6 points. The scoring model ensures that at least 2 hands would have to be played, and then only the best circumstances would make it end in two hands.
The part of a match completed when one player has scored at least 11 points and at least 2 more than the opponent.
A life-or-death situation for Mainframers; they must beat the User and win the game or be nullified. RB: 1
a point total of 500 or more
Courageous, dexterous, obstinate, spontaneous; bravery and heroism from a noble and self sacrificing devotion; a contest lasting until a result is obtained
The part of a set completed when one player or side has scored enough points to win a single contest.
A unit of scoring. The first player to win four points wins the game. Six games are needed to win a set.
A series of rounds played to an agreed point total
The part of a set completed when one player or team has won at least four points and is two points ahead of the opponent.
One a player reaches 6 games is a set (some cases may go to seven games or tie-breaks). the game consisits of 4 poins - love, 15, 30, 40, and sometimes five advantage scores.
100 or more points "below the line" in rubber bridge (or 100 or more points for the tricks bid and made on one hand in duplicate bridge). This is the target score.
A contest between two teams which usually consists of 8 1/2 or 9 innings.
Gameâ€(tm) is a catch phrase that can be used to describe the total sum of an individual players or teams collective talents, skills, limitations, playing style, on-field playing actions etc… in Rugby League. Often it is limited to describe a particular group of skills e.g. a “players passing game†or a “teams kicking gameâ€, but it can be used generally e.g. “they were off their game tonight†or “the fullback still has mistakes in his gameâ€. Alternatively ‘gameâ€(tm) can refer to an individual match or the game of Rugby League itself.
Game scoring is no-ad (first team to win four points wins the game). Should the game reach deuce (3 points each), the receiver chooses the side from which he/she will receive serve. IN mixed doubles, the serve is always gender to gender at deuce. Each game counts as one point in the tam's cumulative match score. Players change sides after every four games. Lets are played and either partner may return the let serve in doubles.
100 or more trick points scored on one deal
Part of a match, commencing with a service and concluding when one player has scored or been awarded nine or ten points (in accordance with the rules).
A series of rounds won by the first team to score 100 or more points below the line.
A trick score of 100 or more, which can be made by a bid of at least 3 NT, 4 or 5
A contest in which one player or side serves throughout. The first contestant to take four points wins the game, but the margin of victory must be at least two points. Scoring follows the sequence, Fifteen-Thirty-Forty-Game. If both players or sides reach forty, it's called deuce. See also advantage; deuce; set; match.
A game is a meeting of two teams playing for a specific length of time for the purpose of declaring a winner through the scoring of goals. The game consists of regular playing time and overtime, if such is required.
one game of tennis - to 40 points
Comprised of a series of points when the same individual is serving; the first player to win four points, or in the case of tie to win by two points, wins a game. There are at least six games in a set.