Definitions for "Law of effect"
A theory that the tendency of a stimulus to evoke a response is strengthened if the response is followed by reward and is weakened if the response is not followed by reward. Applied to instrumental learning, this theory states that as trials proceed, incorrect bonds will weaken while the correct bond will be strengthened.
Thorndike's general theory of learning, which states that any behavior that leads to a "satisfying state of affairs" is more likely to occur again, and that those that lead to an "annoying state of affairs" are less likely to reoccur. go to glossary index
the theory, developed by American psychologist E. L. Thorndike, that behaviours that lead to ‘good’ outcomes are repeated whilst those that lead to ‘bad’ outcomes are not, and which can form the basis for an evolutionary account of how the organism learns to make appropriate responses in its environment.