thought born with an animal or human
a relatively complex, inherited behavior pattern characteristic of a species. (376)
to reduce drives and behaviors to instincts is like reducing a car to one of its wheels. The fact that instincts correlate with mental life does not prove that one causes or is comprised by the other. The "instinctual" drives described by Freud were actually neurotic trends, strivings for safety.
a genetically-determined pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific internal or environmental stimuli.
the determination of conduct by inherited tendency. An instinct is an inherited tendency to general forms of response to given situations; the specific response is almost always a combination of inherited tendency with acquired modifications.
An inborn drive. The primary human instincts include self-preservation, sexuality,and according to some proponents the death instinct, of which aggression is one manifestation.
The unique urging of one's genetic and national makeup to act a certain way; certain propensities of a people to assure its own survival, such as guarding its young, safeguarding morals and marriage, establishing borders, carrying on certain customs or traditions, fighting enemies and staking out territory.
Behavior that is performed, presumptively, without conscious forethought.
Capacity of an animal to complete a complex behavior in response to a first-time encounter with a given situation; purposeful action without foresight of the ends and without previous education in the performance, an inborn behavioral mechanism that manifest itself in an ordered movement sequence ( FAP); see also Innate
(followed by `with')deeply filled or permeated; "imbued with the spirit of the Reformation"; "words instinct with love"; "it is replete with misery"
a behavior that animals exhibit independent of the wide range of learning and experiences of different individuals
a behavior with which an animal is born
a biological force that has the capacity to produce a periodical biological urge of a particular type
a biological imperative which cannot be altered
a blind tendency to a mode of action independent of any consideration on the part of the agent, of the end to which the action leads
a complex pattern of behaviour, a set of actions
a genetically determined complex pattern of behaviour (as opposed to a reflex, which is a genetically determined simple action)
an adaptive pattern of behavior formed by an interaction of genetics and ordinary developmental processes
an inherited, encoded sequence of a fixed action pattern
an innate biological force that predisposes the' organism to act in a certain way
an unconscience innate behavior
an urge inherent in organic life to restore an earlier state of things ( Sigmund Freud ) The aim of all life is death
a pattern of behavior which is inborn and characteristic for a certain species
a pattern of behaviour present in all members of a given species
a propensity prior to experience, and independent of instruction
a propensity prior to experience, and independent of instructions
a simple or complex set of behaviors that are innate rather than learned
a stereotyped, species-typical behavior that appears fully functional the first time it is performed, without the need for learning
a talent that is not acquired, you don't have to learn it, it's a knowledge of something that God put in here that you just know how to do it without ever being taught or learned
A propensity that urges an animal to perform actions that are for the most part useful or beneficial; a natural or inherent aptitude that is largely hereditary and usually unalterable.
(noun) - a way of behaving that is natural to an animal from birth. The behavior is known without having been taught. Also, instinctively (adverb).
An animal's inherited knowledge; knowledge that did not have to be learned.
Behaviours which do not need to be learned. They help an animal survive.
any behavior that is performed without prior learning and that is inherited. Suckling by new-born animals is an instinctive behavior.
An inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli: the spawning instinct in salmon; altruistic instincts in social animals.
Behavior that is naturally ingrained in an animal.
An innately determined behavior that is specific to a certain species and appears in the same form in all members of the species.
Instinct is the inherent disposition of a living organism toward a particular behavior. Instincts are generally inherited patterns of responses or reactions to certain kinds of stimuli. In humans they are most easily observed in behaviors such as emotions, sexual drive, and other bodily functions, as these are largely biologically determined.