A phase change in which a substance passes between the solid and gaseous states without passing through the liquid state. Glaciers can lose ice through sublimation.
A process in which a solid goes directly to the gaseous state without passing through an intermediate liquid state.
A term relating to the loss or migration of color due to heat. Certain dyes when exposed to high heat will change from a solid to a gas and then redeposit somewhere else.
the transformation of a solid directly to a gas without an intervening liquid state.
A procedure for purifying a substance by precipitating a solid from a gas.
The change of state from a solid to a vapor state without and intermediate liquid state.
changing directly from solid to gas without passing through the liquid state.
Passing directly from a solid to a vapor state without first melting into a liquid.
The conversion of a solid to a gas without melting. Example: frozen carbon dioxide passes directly from solid to a vapor that is heavier than air, and is known as dry ice.
Conversion of ice or snow to vapor without passing through the liquid phase.
The conversion of a solid phase of a substance to a gaseous phase without going through the liquid phase.
the change of state of a materiel from solid to vapor and back to solid without going through a liquid state.
A process of creating a multitone imprint on vinyl, cloth or toher material using a paper transfer created through the use of screenprinting and raio wave transfer. Heating a solid substance into a vapour that on cooling condenses again to solid form.
The transformation of a solid directly to a vapor without forming a liquid
The process where a solid changes state or phase, directly to a gas.
The process of the change in the physical state of water from solid (ice) to gaseous phase (water vapour) and vice versa.
sublimate; sublimating. Conversion of a solid directly into a gas, without first melting into a liquid.
Phase change of water directly from vapor to ice, or the reverse.
A two-step printing process in which special dyes are heat-transferred from a layer of paper directly into the desired material, resulting in photorealistic images and vivid colors.
The direct change of a material from a solid state to a gas state without turning to liquid in between. Can also occur in reverse, as crystallization from a vapor.
is the process of passing from the solid phase directly into the vapor phase.
The phase change from solid (ice) directly to gas (water vapor) at subfreezing temperatures without an intermediate liquid (water) phase.
(chemistry) a change directly from the solid to the gaseous state without becoming liquid
the process in which ice changes directly to water vapor without melting, but also in meteorology the opposite process in which water vapor is transformed to ice (also called deposition)
is the transformation of a solid into a gas. You see it on Earth with theatrical fog machines.
Phase change from solid state to gaseous state. For instance, naphthalene is a solid that suffers sublimation.
In modern chemistry, the conversion of a solid to vapor without passing through the liquid phase. In Newton's day, the term was used more generally to refer both to this and to some distillations.
The conversion of a substance from its solid form directly to its gaseous form without the intervening liquid form. Dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) sublimates at normal room temperature. The principle of sublimation allows water to be used as a coolant in a vacuum.
Sublimation printing is the process of using heat-sensitive dyes to print images onto a special substrate before transferring the inks, which have been temporarily turned to into a gas, to polyester or any polymer coated item where they return to liquid and harden.
The transition of water from the solid phase (snow) directly to the vapor phase without melting.
Process where an image is printed by turning ink or toner, by heat and pressure, into a gas, which then impregnates itself into a substrate or a special coating on a substrate. Sublimation most often done in awards/recognition industry by printing a transfer, using a laser printer and special sublimation toners.
the process in which solids transform directly to a gas or vapour without going through a liquid phase.
A type of transfer in which dyes, rather than inks, are used to transfer a design onto a substrate with a combination of heat and pressure. The dyes vaporize and are absorbed by polyester fibers. The process can be used to print textiles, as well as mugs, plates or other specialty items.
the process of a solid changing directly to a gas
In U.S. meteorology, the phase change of water vapor in the air directly into ice or the chance of ice directly into water vapor. Chemists, and sometimes meteorologists, refer to the vapor to solid phase change as "deposition."
The process by which solids are transformed directly into vapor without passing through the liquid state.
The process by which water can move between solid and gaseous states without ever becoming liquid.
The change of a solid (such as ice) directly into a gaseous state (bypassing the liquid state). This happens in the vacuum of space with comets, as the heating effects of solar radiation cause ices in comets to "steam off" as gasses into space. The ice molecules present in the nucleus actually break up (or dissociate) into smaller atoms and molecules after leaving the nucleus in gas form.
A phase change of water directly from ice to water vapor without melting.
The direct conversion of a solid to a gas.
process of passing from gas to solid state (or vice versa) without becoming a liquid.
The process of a solid changing directly to a vapor without passing through a liquid state--for example, dry ice.
The change of phase from solid to gas without an intermediate liquid state, e.g. the ablation of snow.
The process whereby ice or snow change directly to water vapor without first going through the liquid state.
The process through which ice goes directly into a vapor without passing through the liquid state.
The transference of printed images to a synthetic substrate by the application of heat
To cause (a solid or gas) to change state without becoming a liquid.
When a solid changes directly to a gas, and skips the liquid state completely.
The process by which a substance changes phase from the solid directly to the gaseous without first going through the liquid phase. The term is sometimes used to describe the reverse process (deposition).
The evaporation of ice directly into vapor without first forming a liquid.
formation of a gas from a solid, or vice-versa, without passing through the liquid phase
Dye transfer process where the image consists of a colored dye permanently embedded into the material surface of pores. Used to imprint messages, graphics and photographs on a variety of items, primarily mousepads, mugs, T-shirts, caps and trophy medals.
Is a heat transfer method of imprint using heat-activated dyes that "sublimate" into the fabric; becoming part of the fabric, not an imprint sitting on top of the fabric.
When ice turns directly into gas, without becoming a liquid.
Method used for printing. A loss of material as a result of surface evaporation of a solid. Some colors lose dye by sublimation.
A physical change from a solid directly into a gaseous state.
the process of changing from a solid directly to vapor or gas
the process by which a substance goes directly from the solid state to the gaseous state without passing through the liquid state. Substitution reaction (hydrocarbons) a reaction in which an atom, usually a halogen, replaces a hydrogen atom in a hydrocarbon.
This is the changing of a solid directly to a gas. (Iodine is an example of a substance that sublimes). Back to top of the page
The change of water vapor directly into ice crystals or ice crystals directly into water vapor.
the term for the change of a solid directly to a vapor. Evaporation is commonly used as a generic word meaning the change in state from either solid to gas, or liquid to gas.
The process by which a material passes from a solid state directly to a gaseous state without becoming liquid.
The direct passage of a substance from solid to gas or gas to solid without appearing in the intermediate liquid state.
The direct vaporization of a sold by heating without passing through the liquid state.
A change of state from a solid to a gas that occurs without going through the liquid state. The melting of dry ice or solid carbon dioxide is an illustration of sublimation.
to change, when heated, from a solid state to a vapour without going through the liquid state.
When a substance changes directly from a solid state to a gaseous state without becoming liquid.
Chemical conversion of a solid substance directly into vapour by the means of heat without becoming liquid. On cooling the substance re-solidifies.
Process by which water vapor is converted into solid water (snow/ice) directly without passing through the liquid phase.
The transition of a substance from the solid phase directly to the vapour phase, or vice versa, without passing through the liquid phase.
The conversion of solid to vapor,followed by condensation of the vapor in solid form upon cool surface; the volatising of a dry substance by fire, causing it to cling to the sides of a vessel. Alchemical:Often represented as a soul or spirit, or occasionally a homunculus rising towards heaven.
The process of phase transition from solid directly to vapor in the absence of melting. Thus an ice crystal or icicle sublimes under low relative humidity at temperatures below 0°C. The process is analogous to evaporation of a liquid. Colloquially the terms are used interchangeably for the solid–vapor transition ( evaporation). For growth, the term sublimation has been replaced by deposition since the 1970s. There is evidence that deposition nucleation does occur, although there may be an adsorbed layer prior to nucleation. It appears that most nuclei in the atmosphere require near–water saturation before they initiate ice.
The process whereby certain dyes change directly from a solid to a vapour and back again to a solid by the application of heat. Inks containing these dyes are used for printing onto polyester materials.
A process by which graphics are transferred into the pores of a material using heat and special inks. Also called thermo-transfer-printing.
The process of a solid (ice) changing directly into a gas (water vapor), or water vapor changing directly into ice, at the same temperature, without ever going through the liquid state (water). The opposite of crystallization.
Going from the solid to gaseous to solid state. The direct change of state from solid to vapor.
Sublimation of an element or substance is a conversion between the solid and the gas phases with no intermediate liquid stage. Sublimation is a phase transition that occurs at temperatures and pressures below the triple point (see phase diagram).