View Message Erase the message you are viewing. There is no undelete option.
Request to removes the identified object form the server The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI. This method MAY be overridden by human intervention (or other means) on the origin server. The client cannot be guaranteed that the operation has been carried out, even if the status code returned from the origin server indicates that the action has been completed successfully. However, the server SHOULD not indicate success unless, at the time the response is given, it intends to delete the resource or move it to an inaccessible location.
remove selected object (not saved anywhere)
To remove an object or value.
A key that you can press in some applications to erase the character to the left of the cursor.
To irrevocably remove a record from a data table.
Deleting allows you to remove something from a document.
n. A choice that removes a selected object. The space it occupied is usually filled by the remaining object or objects in the window.
Delete is computer terminology for remove or erase. You can delete text from a ...
To erase or remove a file. The MS-DOS command “DEL” causes files to be removed from the disk directory, opening up disk space
To remove something; erase.
To permanently remove an object from an IRIS Showcase page. You can't retrieve objects you delete by choosing .
Permanent removal of a file or message.
To remove data from a disk or other data storage device.
To remove a file from the client workspace and from the depot with p4 delete followed by p4 submit. Deleted files are not actually erased from the depot; the head revision of the file is marked as being deleted, but older revisions of the file are still available. To remove an existing client, label, or branch from the Perforce server. This is accomplished with the flag to p4 client, p4 label, and p4 branch.
To remove text or graphics from a slide, or data from a datasheet cell.
remove or make invisible; "Please delete my name from your list"
The action of removing some part of the text. You can delete anything from a comma to a huge chunk of text. First highlight the text to be deleted. Then either go to the Edit menu and select Cut; alternatively hold the Control key and press 'X' or simply press the Delete key.
to erase graphics or text from a document. (see also: cut)
To remove an element of the layout.
To select text or other data and remove it from a file; to remove a file from your disk. If you delete a section of text, you can immediately undelete (using the Edit/Undelete) function. If you delete a file from your disk, you can sometime undelete it depending on your PC's setup. If you are running Windows 95, there is a Recycle Bin that stores files that have deleted for a period of time- double-click on the bin icon to see your file. In Windows 3.x you can sometimes undelete a file by using the UNDELETE command
To remove from a Scene by selecting the object (or its corresponding timebar) and pressing the Delete key.
(SQL) Statement to remove some or all rows from a table. ddldml.php
To remove permanently. If you don't want to save a message, you may delete it, or put it in the trash to be deleted later.
To remove or erase, e.g. deleting a character means removing it from a file or erasing it from the display screen or a disk. A common misconception when deleting files is that they are also removed from the hard drive. However, data can still be retrieved from the hard drive even after the files have been deleted. The only way to completely erase a file with no trace is to overwrite the data.
Die; also: Erase, Offline, Quit File, Quit without saving. RB: 1 (mostly, from Enzo)
Removing unwanted images by way of honing, opaquing, taping out.
The button used to remove unwanted messages
The Delete key is used to erase the character just to the right of the cursor. Any text beyond the erased character is moved to the left.
Delete, in reference to a computer file, means to remove the reference or pointer to a file and flag the space as available for new storage. If you delete a file, the data is still there! That data will remain there until it is overwritten by another file or by a drive wiping program.
An instruction given to remove an element from a layout. The height from the baseline to the top of the uppercase letters in a font. This may or may not be the same as the height of ascenders. Cap height is used in some systems to measure the type size.
DML command used to remove data from a table. Also see Truncate.
Remove data from a table. DELETE FROM Customer WHERE balance 0;
The act of erasing e-mail; when the delete key on the keyboard is pressed while data or objects are selected, they will disappear.
Deleting an image means removing it from a file, or erasing it from the display screen. Deleting a file means you are erasing it. Unlike cutting, deleting does not necessarily place the removed object in a buffer, or clipboard from where it can be recovered.
Remove all occurrences of an item from the container.
Use Delete to remove an object from the docbase or unlink it from the cabinet or folder to which it is linked. Selecting Delete displays the Delete dialog box.
(word processing) Removes text from document. The Delete key or other combination of keys is used to remove the highlighted text.
To remove an unwanted piece of a document.
A key on the keyboard that erases information on the screen.
A mark made by a proofreader. The material so marked will be removed or excised.
(1) To remove a row from a table using the SQL statement DELETE. (2) To drop the definition of a database object using the SQL statement DROP. (3) In SQL*Forms, to remove a record from the workspace.
The key used to remove text. Works backward from the cursor. Also used to clear selected text or objects.
Deleting a playitem means removing the playitem from its playlist AND deleting the source file (eg photo). Compare with "Remove" which doesn't delete any files.
It is the removing of information from a document or the throwing away of a document.
A function that enables a user to initiate action to remove all or part of a previously entered text, field, or record from display and indexing. May or may not be a permanent removal. (1)
A DELETE statement in SQL removes records in a relational database management system.