The word advanced refers to levels C1 and C2 as defined in the Global Scale grid of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. You should take into account that sometimes learning materials are based on different definitions of an advanced learner.
A level of attainment where the learner has mastered most of the structures and functions of the language and is able to move freely through several registers - there may be a working vocabulary of in excess of 3000 words.
Creating/interpreting oral discourse in very demanding contexts of language use; interpreting complex and very complex texts; creating complex and very complex texts. (Canadian Language Benchmarks 9 – 12) Curriculum: This field only applies to resources that have been identified as French Immersion. A subject list applies to all program types (Core French, Adult French/English, etc..) can be found in the Controlled Vocabulary in the Advanced Search. The following guidelines have been established for matching subjects to curriculum areas
One of the three NAEP achievement levels, denoting superior performance at each grade assessed. See each NAEP subject for a detailed description of what students should know and be able to do at grade 4, 8, or 12 at the Advanced level. The cut scores determining each level are available with the descriptions.
A higher level of more extreme exercises.