Definitions for "Universal design for learning"
a basis for conceptualizing access to the general curriculum, in which curricular goals contain adequate challenge and materials and methods are flexible, challenging, and provide supports. The concept of UDL is adopted from the architectural term and serves as the basis for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in varied living and learning environments. Return to the top
Universal design for learning (UDL) is a new approach to teaching and learning and the development of curriculum and assessment that draws on current brain research and new media technologies to respond to individual learner differences. UDL curricula, teaching practices, and policies are inherently flexible and therefore may reduce the demand on educators to develop and implement modifications and accommodations to meet individual differences within general education learning environments. (from the CAST website,, November 21, 2000)
a method of teaching that takes into consideration various learning styles during the course development phase to ensure that all students are engaged in the material