Ready for reaping or gathering; having attained perfection; mature; -- said of fruits, seeds, etc.; as, ripe grain.
Advanced to the state of fitness for use; mellow; as, ripe cheese; ripe wine.
Having attained its full development; mature; perfected; consummate.
Maturated or suppurated; ready to discharge; -- said of sores, tumors, etc.
Ready for action or effect; prepared.
Like ripened fruit in ruddiness and plumpness.
The term used to describe the cervix when it is soft and ready for the onset of labor.
Of, relating to, or being a claim for relief that is ready for judicial resolution because the injury is certain to occur and is not merely hypothetical or speculative. Back
fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used; "ripe peaches"; "full-bodies mature wines"
fully prepared or eager; "the colonists were ripe for revolution"
more than 90 % of the tomato surface is the mature colour.
When a cheese reaches its peak of flavour.
wine usually has rounded flavors tending to be a bit rich, almost sweet. Ripeness is the most desirable state for grapes to reach prior to fermentation, balancing sweetness, acidity and flavor maturity achieved in the vineyard.
A wine is ripe when its grapes have reached the optimum level of maturity, where the varietal characteristics of the grapes are very evident.
Mature, fully ripe fruit.
A mature wine that's ready to drink. If used to describe the grapes, this term means they were picked at sweet full maturity and richness.
A wine is ripe when its grapes have reached the optimum level of maturity. Less than fully mature grapes produce wines that are underripe, and overly mature grapes produce wines that are overripe.
Full; tasting of ripe fruit, without a trace of greenness.
Natural sweetness of flavour resulting from fully ripe grapes.
General term for the overall impression of fruit in a wine; a favourable description for a wine in good balance, stops a bit short of 'juicy,' 'jammy' and similar terms describing wines in which fruit is dominant.
Favorable adjective bestowed when the varietal characteristics of the grape are optimally present in a well balanced wine. Ripe-tasting wines tend toward being slightly more fruity and sweet than otherwise normal wines.
A descriptive term for cheese that has arrived at peak flavor through aging. The optimum period of aging varies widely among cheese varieties.
where reproduction products (ovaries and testes) have reached (sexual) maturation and fish is ready to spawn.