A flavor taint due to bacterial infection; however, a piquant fruity quality is characteristic of oolong.
A broad descriptor for wines that have aromas and flavors that suggest fruit (better if broken down into specific types of fruit, as apples or pears). Misperceived as a synonym for "sweet", while all sound wines must be, in some degree and at some stage of their maturation, "fruity".
The natural taste of the grape, more obvious in younger wines. A dry wine can taste sweet due to its intense fruitiness.
Tasting term describing the flavor and aroma of bananas, strawberries, apples, and/or citrus notes resulting from high temperature fermentation and top-fermenting yeast strains.
The presence in beer of grape, apple, blackberry, cherry, black currant, newly mown hay, peach, pear, apricots, banana or other trace flavors known as esters. Not to be confused with beers such as Lambics which are actually made with fruits.
aromas and flavours derived from the grape.
Displaying aromas and flavors suggestive of fruit. It can apply to aromas or flavors suggestive of fresh fruit, dried fruit or cooked fruit.
Wine characterized by pleasant aroma and flavor.
tasting or smelling richly of or as of fruit
reminiscent of the odours and tastes of grapes and other fruits
Fruit like tastes and bouquet - fruity wines do not mean sweet
Coffee whose aroma or flavor reminiscent of fruit, typically cherries, brambles and berries; generally a positive attribute.
Having the aroma and taste of fruit or fruits.
A young wine which has aromas of fresh fruits.
used to describe wines with a high sugar content
aromas and flavors derived from the grape; descriptive of wines in which the fruit is dominant.
an aromatic sensation common in certain African coffees and can be in a range from citrus to dry berries.
A berry or citrus characteristic that can be present in coffees.
A piquant characteristic of oolongs and other teas.
Flavor nuance found in quality teas such as oolongs and Keemuns. Also describes fruit flavored teas.
An aromatic sensation reminiscent of citrus fruit or berries.
Citrus, berry, tropical fruit, dried fruit.
A fruity wine is one in which fruit flavors dominate the aroma and taste. Often these wines are easy-drinking and light.
A characteristic reminiscent of citrus or berries.
A flavor said to come from overripe fruit pulp; it can be desirable or undesirable.
Piquant quality characteristic of good oolongs, Keemuns, etc.
A fruity wine will have a berry like, applely or herbaceous character, a very good wine should have enough concentration of fruit so that it can be said to be fruity.
Literally aromas and flavors that are fruit-like, it refers to red and white wines that are relatively young.
Flavor / aroma often found in good arabica coffees, reminiscent of a wide range of fruits: citrus, berries, currants, etc, always accompanied by some degree of acidity; this is usually positive, but can indicate overripeness or over-fermentation.
Aroma and/or flavor of grapes; most common to young, light wines but refers also to such fruit flavors in wine as apple, black currant, cherry, citrus, pear, peach, raspberry, or strawberry; descriptive of wines in which the fruit is dominant.
is the fragrance impression of natural fruit odors, such as raspberry, apple, plum, etc. Their sensual role in perfumery is only to produce nuances. However, single fruit odors do become fashionable, from time to time, in such products as shampoos. Exaggerated doses of fruit notes give perfumes the effect of being "edible," i.e. the opposite of erotic.
Believe it or not, many coffees have fruity tones to them. This is most evident in fresh roasted coffee, (still in whole bean). When drinking your coffee, think of the fruits it may remind you of. Berries, peaches…..
Self descriptive, but don't confuse with sweetness.
A coffee with a taste and aroma that brings to mind fruit.
is used to describe wines with good fruit.
An over-ripe taste. Can be due to overfermenting during manufacture and/or bacterial contamination before firing or drying
Used to describe a wine that has few tannins. It may smell or taste like any number of fruits, most commonly berries and citrus.
An attractive fruit flavour that comes from healthy, ripe grapes.
A coffee that reminds the taster of fruit, particularly citrus or berries. Can be used in a positive or negative way.
A wine with good extract from fully ripened grapes.
A tasting term referring to the flavour of grapes, which can include flavours of berries, citrus etc.
A variety of fruit odours and tastes that may be discerned in wine including apple, apricot, citrus, cherries, & berries as well as grapes.
a pleasant fragrance from ripe grapes made into wine; a berry-like quality akin to fruits in general.
Surprise ! Surprise ! Having the taste of fruit.
the distinctive aroma and flavor that combines tartness and sweetness. Suggests the taste of ripe fruit: blackberries, cherries, apples, pears, peaches, etc.
Wine with ripe flavors of fruit.
Obvious fruit aromas and flavors; not to be confused with sweet flavors such as berries, cherries and citrus
A strong over-ripe characteristic prevalent in coffees left too long in the cherry.
A term used to describe wines whose primary aroma or flavor is that of fresh fruit. Typical fruity wines include Beaujolais (Gamay), Riesling, Musca... Comments
Describes any quality referring to the body and richness of a wine, i.e., "appley," "berrylike" or "herbaceous." Usually implies a little extra sweetness.
Can be due to over-fermenting during manufacture and/or bacterial infection before firing or drying, which gives the tea an over ripe taste. Unlike wines, this is not a desirable taste in tea.
The aroma and flavour of fresh grapes found in fine young wines. It diminishes with age.
An aromatic characteristic that is sweet like berries or citrus.
Describes a wine with abundant or pronounced fruit flavors, but does NOT indicate sweetness. A wine can be fruity AND dry. The taste of fresh fruits — particularly grapes. This is a characteristic of well-made young wines. New World wines are often characterized as being fruitier than their Old World counterparts, although many European wines are now being made in a fruitier style.
Fruity wines are those that taste just like the grapes.
indicates lots of fruit flavor in the wine.
One of 8 aromatic groups. Fresh fruit flavours (red, black berries or white fruit) and citrous fruit.
A term used to describe and grade coffee. It is used to describe an aromatic sensation created by a highly volatile set of aldehydes and esters found in coffee's aroma. Either a sweet sensation reminiscent of citrus fruit or a dry sensation reminiscent of berry fruit.
Coffees that have a berry or tropical fruit-like flavor or aroma are referred to as being fruity. Kenya, Ethiopia Harrar, and Ethiopia Sidamo are a few examples.
Wine which has retained the fresh flavour of the grapes used in its fermentation.
Aromas and flavours that derive from the grape, as opposed to the winemaking process or the barrels in which the wine was aged.
A wine with lots of appealing sometimes quite sweet fruit flavours and aromas
aroma or flavor of apples, grapes, currants, pears, etc.
High levels of fruit flavor, either from the grapes or from flavors that are similar to different kinds of fruit
The lovely aroma and flavour that some wines get from the variety of grape used.
Terms used to describe wines with good fruit; also used to describe white wine that is slightly sweet.
A flavor taint said to come from overripe fruit pulp.
Overall description for wines in which fruitiness is the predominant quality without any specific fruitiness coming forward. Blackberries are often referenced in the aromas of Cabernet Sauvignon and Zinfandel wines.
In perfumery refers to the sweet-sour edible fruit odours (excluding citrus). E.g.. apple, strawberry, pineapple, banana.
Said of wines that have fruit aromas (anything from apples to blackberries, or even cooked fruit).
coffee with a citrus or sweet flavor.
Is a flavor characteristic that can vary from berries to citrus.
Fruity is a term used to describe a fragrance that has fruit scents, but not citrus fruits. It's usually a kind of sweet-sour scent, like apples, strawberries, pineapples or bananas.
A fruity wine has an "appley", berrylike" or herbaceous character. "Fruitiness" usually incorporates the detection of a little extra sweetness as is found in really fresh grapes or berries.