Definitions for "Flavor"
Keywords:  taste, aroma, nutty, acidy, musty
That quality of anything which affects the smell; odor; fragrances; as, the flavor of a rose.
That quality of anything which affects the taste; that quality which gratifies the palate; relish; zest; savor; as, the flavor of food or drink.
That which imparts to anything a peculiar odor or taste, gratifying to the sense of smell, or the nicer perceptions of the palate; a substance which flavors.
Keywords:  quark, muon, tau, lepton, neutrino
The name used for the different quark types and the different lepton types. The six flavors of quarks are up, down, strange, charm, bottom, top, in increasing order of mass. The flavors of charged leptons are electron, muon and tau, again in increasing order of mass. For each charged lepton flavor there is a corresponding neutrino flavor.
(physics) the kinds of quarks and antiquarks
The name used for the different quark types ( up, down, strange, charm, bottom, top) and for the different lepton types ( electron, muon, tau). For each charged lepton flavor there is a corresponding neutrino flavor. In other words, flavor is the quantum number that distinguishes the different quark/lepton types. Each flavor of quark and charged lepton has a different mass. For neutrinos we do not yet know if they have a mass or what the masses are.
Keywords:  rpcsec, kerb, gss, auth, unix
Historically, security flavor and authentication flavor were equivalent terms, as a flavor indicated a type of authentication (AUTH_UNIX, AUTH_DES, AUTH_KERB). RPCSEC_GSS is also a security flavor, even though it provides integrity and confidentiality services in addition to authentication.
Historically, security flavor and authentication flavor had the same meaning, as a flavor that indicated a type of authentication (AUTH_UNIX, AUTH_DES, AUTH_KERB). RPCSEC_GSS is also a security flavor, even though it provides integrity and privacy services in addition to authentication.
Keywords:  dbgpthr, ogsi, gcc, conary, troves
Pre-OGSI Globus description term that uniquely encompasses Machine Architecture, OS, Compiler and other attributes into a single term, for example: gcc32dbgpthr for a threaded Linux debug distribution.
A flavor is a combination of architecture information and configuration
A flavor is a selection of troves which allow a software appliance to support something specific for which the flavor is created. The earliest flavors in Conary were created to provide support for different hardware architectures (32-bit and 64-bit). Flavor selection is part of cooking a group, and multi-flavor group cooks can be used to make an appliance support multiple things (such as multiple architectures).
an emotion or sentiment, not experienced directly as in real life, but aesthetically, so that it affords a calm enjoyment, a dispassionate pleasure in the passions
propylene glycol or oil based flavor providing excellent heat stability, but typically more expensive than emulsions.
Keywords:  zen, css, inspired, garden, idea
an idea inspired by CSS Zen Garden
Flavor is a language developed for describing any coded audio-visual or general multimedia bitstream. It comes with a translator for automatic generation of C++/Java code, which can be used to read/write/trace the described bitstream.
Keywords:  chicken, roasting, season, lend, breast
lend flavor to; "Season the chicken breast after roasting it"
Keywords:  trait, altitudes, teas, highly, grown
A highly desirable trait and usually the result of teas grown at altitudes between 4,000 and 7,000 feet.
One of several types of conduit. Each flavor serves a different purpose.
That quality which gives character to any of the productions of literature or the fine arts.