Causing a sharp sensation, as of the taste, smell, or feelings; pricking; biting; acrid; as, a pungent spice.
Prickly-pointed; hard and sharp.
An astringent puckery sensation given to the gums; it is a quality of the liquor and not a flavor. Also called bite. Pungency gives tea its refreshing quality; excessive pungency gives tea its refreshing quality; excessive pungency gives tea a bitter, harsh, rough character.
A term to denote a very astringent tea
A wine with a powerful, assertive smell linked to a high level of acidity. abc | def | ghijk | lmnopq | rstuv | wxyz
sharp biting or acrid especially in taste or smell; "tasting the pungent wood sorrel"; "pungent curry"; "a pungent smell of burning sulfur"
capable of wounding; "a barbed compliment"; "a biting aphorism"; "pungent satire"
producing a harsh sensation in the nose : a wine without elegance Top of the page Race wine of distinction and class
is a smell term used when a wine is very aromatic, often earthy.
This word drifts into shades of personal subjectives. In coffee, it can mean a strong and penetrating effect on the palate and nose. Not the same as pungency of tea.
a term meaning a wine is very aromatic or earthy; usually linked to high levels of volatile acidity.
Having a sharp tip, usually applied to spines or Petal.
Pleasantly astringent in the mouth.
A good combination of strength, briskness and brightness.
Astringency or tartness; bite.
Astringent; it's what gives tea its bite.
tea taster's term to denote a very astringent tea
Astringent with a combination of briskness, brightness and strength.
Very brisk- look for this
A high level of volatile acidity can have a powerful and assertive smell.
A sharp point; an acrid taste.
A term describing highly astringent tea.
Describes a tea liquor having marked briskness and an astringent effect on the palate without bitterness.
Gives tea a bitter, harsh, rough character. Usually described as an astringent puckery sensation to the gums which has nothing to do with flavor. It is the liquor that imparts this ‘bite'.
a quality characteristic of tea e.g. brisk
Having an acrid taste or smell.
Ideal combination of briskness, brightness, strength and flavor, highly desirable.
Irritating or shapely painful. Producing a sharp sensation of taste or smell.
Having a powerful, assertive smell linked to a high level of volatile acidity.
can be seen as strong, spicy, hot, heady, overpowering, sharp, biting, a penetrating taste or smell; or you could take it by the forceful, biting, cutting, caustic, acerbic side. Forget about bland or mild.
is the sharp, almost sour sensation or bite inside your mouth when you taste a tea with a higher percentage of unfermented tannins.
Pleasantly astringent; a good combination or briskness, strength, and brightness.