Dying to the ground or lacking a definite woody structure.
A non-woody plant that dies back every season.
1. of or relating to an herb. 2. soft and green, rather than woody (Morris 1992).
Describes an annual, biennial or perennial plant that is not woody and dies back at the end of the growing season.
Leaf-like in texture and color ; pertaining to an herb.
(adj.) Describing a plant that dies back below the ground each year; fleshy-stemmed; lacks a persistent woody stem.
a plant with no persistent aboveground woody stem, dying back to ground level at the end of the growing season.
Not woody; having no persistent woody stems above ground.
Green and of soft texture, not woody.
( Prickly Pear) - having the characteristics of an herb (no above-ground woody stems); not woody
Plants that are soft and green without woody stems or tissue
describes plants that have stems that are soft. These plants die back to the ground in the winter.
a plant that is soft and green, rather than woody.
not woody; soft in texture.
Non-woody plants such as ferns, nettles, and foxglove.
plants that do not form unyielding woody stems.
Usually refers to perennials, these are plants with non-woody stems that die back to the roots at the end of the growing season.
Having the character of an herb; not woody. Grasses, grasslikes, and forbs are herbs.
Herbaceous plants are plants that are herbs with soft, non-woody stems and no secondary growth.
Plants that do not have woody stems. Herbaceous plants are typically sun-loving, occupying fields, road-sides, and clearings. Herbaceous plants include a wide variety of grasses and forbs (broad-leaf plants often referred to as wildflowers or weeds).
Herbaceous plants are plants with non-woody stems whose above-ground growth dies back in winter in the temperate zone. However, do not confuse herbaceous with annual: an annual plant dies altogether at the end of the growing season, both above the ground and below
Like a herb. Used here to refer to flowering plants that are not vines, shrubs, trees or succulents. Generally used to refer to plants that die back to the ground every year. Also spelled 'herbacious'.
Describes a plant with little or no woody tissue. An herbaceous perennial, unlike a plant with woody stems, has tender stems that die back to the ground each fall.
referring to plants lacking a woody stem; usually dying in winter, but sometimes recovering in spring, as with herbaceous perennials.
Plants that are mainly soft and succulent, forming little or no woody tissue.
Shortest layer of vegetation in a forest, it is comprised of grasses and forbs, sometimes with small shrubs as well.
a plant which does not develop woody material and dies back at the end of a growing season.
Herbaceous plants are plants that have soft rather than woody tissue
The plant strata that contain soft, not woody, stemmed plants that die to the ground in winter.
plants which do not form compact woody tissues.
plants with no woody stems above ground (distinguished from a tree or a shrub) that die down in the winter and survive in underground parts
a plant that grows from seeds or perennial roots rather than from woody, above-ground parts.
Herblike, thin in texture and green, as opposed to woody.
Herbacé krautig Herbáceo Not woody, dying back to the ground every year.
A plant whose stems die back to the ground in the winter. See Woody.
a plant that does not form woody tissue
Of or relating to non-woody plants or vegetation
Vegetation growth with little or no woody component. Non-woody vegetation, such as grasses and forbes.
soft in texture; midway in thickness between membranous and coriaceous, usually applied to the lamina.
Not woody. Applied to plants that are herbs as opposed to shrubs or trees.
Vegetation or parts of plants with little or no woody tissue.
A group of plant families belonging neither to the graminaceae nor to trees (composite, Polygonaceae, Urticaceae, etc.).
A non-woody plant in which the top-growth dies to the ground at the end of each growing season.
flowering, non-woody plants
Having little or no woody tissue. Most plants grown as perennials or annuals are herbaceous.
Non-woody plant, having the characteristics of an herb.
not woody; referring to plants whose tops are killed back by frost but whose roots and crowns remain alive and send out top growth when favorable growing conditions return
1. Having little or no woody tissue; leaf-like in color and texture. 2. Refers to a plant which dies back to the roots each year during winter, as opposed to a plant which remains green all winter.
Not woody; soft often green, stems (even on non-herbs) having the texture of a herb stem. Parent Term: Habit Difficulty Level
A plant with soft tissue that dies back to the ground every year
Non-woody type of vegetation, usually lacking permanent strong stems, such as grasses, cereals and canola (rape).
Non-woody vegetation, i.e. grass or forbs.
pertaining to herbs with non-woody stems.
The plant strata which contain soft, not woody, stemmed plants that die to the ground in winder.
(a) Vegetative growth with little or no woody component. (b) Non-woody vegetation, such as graminoids and forbs.
Plant parts that contain chlorophyll and are non-woody.
Describes a plant with soft rather than woody tissues.
Referring to non-woody (soft-stemmed) perennial plants that often die back to the ground every winter and reappear in the spring.
Non-woody; dying to the ground each year.
Designating or relating to plants or plant parts that are fleshy as opposed to woody.
Describes plants with a non-woody stem.
A plant that remains soft or succulent and does not develop woody tissue.
Referring to a plant that has little or no woody tissue and usually persists only for a single growing season.
Plant that dies down at the end of its growing season
Herbaceous plants are those seed plants that do not develop permanent woody tissue and die down at the end of the growing season.
Plants with soft, green stems as opposed to woody.
A plant with a non-woody stem.
Adjectival form of herb; also, leaf like in color or texture, or not woody.
Perennials with soft stems that die down after the growing season
A characteristic of a soft plant, having no woody tissue.
A plant that dies back to the ground in winter and returns again in the spring.
Non-woody plants whose above ground growth lives for but one season, dying back to the ground in winter. Known as herbs in the non-culinary sense.
In botany, herbaceous refers to plants that have leaves and stems that die at the end of the growing season to the soil level. It includes both annual and perennial plants.