A perennial plant; a plant which lives or continues more than two years, whether it retains its leaves in winter or not.
lasting three seasons or more.
lasting more than 2 years
a plant whose life cycle lasts for several years; a plant that comes back year after year without having to be replanted each year.
a plant which grows year after year
Growing for more than two years. Trees and shrubs are perennials.
A plant which lives at least three seasons and sometimes much longer.
A stream that flows all year. A dynamic drainage network also includes intermittent and ephemeral streams but there should always be flow in a perennial stream channel ( Thomas and Goudie 2000).
A plant having a life span of more than two years
living for many growing seasons
A plant that has a life span of more than two growing seasons.
Plants that grow back every year when given proper care.
Having a life cycle lasting more than two years.
any plant that persists for three or more growing seasons, even though it may die back to rhizomes or rootstock during the dormant period.
Of more than 2 years duration.
A bedding plant that, once established, reappears each year.
A plant which will live for three years or more under normal conditions.
a plant that grows year after year as are most trees, shrubs, grasses, and some smaller plants. Lone Oak Tree Blaustein, Alan Buy this Art Print at AllPosters.com
Any plant that normally lives more than two years.
Plants with stems which persist for more than 2 years.
a plant that lives for many years and comes back after resting each winter, such as grass and trees
a plant that continues to live indefinitely after flowering.
Plant that can live for more than 2 years. Compare annual.
Of more than one season's duration.
A plant that lives for more than one growing season. There are two types of perennials, herbaceous and woody.
plants that grow from year to year.
A plant that normally lives for three or more years.
A perennial is a non-woody plant that lives for more than two years. Frequently the word is used to mean a plant in which the top growth dies down in winter and regrows the following spring, but some perennials keep their leaves all year.
A plant that lives for more than two growing seasons.
a plant that can live for more than 2 years.
A herbaceous plant, usually with showy flowers, which "dies" each winter and "comes back" each spring.
A plant that can live more than two years.
A plant that dies down to the ground during winter and survives to grow again each spring.
Regular, year after year.
a. (L. perennis, through; annus, a year) a plant that grows for 3 or more years and usually flowers each year.
Forest Stewardship] Plants that live or grow for more than one year. Some resprout from a root system or reseed themselves every year.
(per ren´ ee al) [L. per: through + annus: a year] • Referring to a plant that lives from year to year. (Contrast with annual, biennial.)
A plant that doesn't die after one life cycle. Often defined as a plant that lives more than one year. See; annual, biennial
Plants live from one year to the next, producing leaves and stems for more than two years from the same crown.
A plant that lives for many growing seasons. All trees are perennials.
A plant that normally lives for 3 years or more.
A plant living for many years.
A plant which lives from year to year, starting into growth again each spring. Some perennial plants are herbaceous and dies down each year, remaining dormant beneath the ground throughout the winter. Others are trees or shrubs; some lose their leaves in winter (deciduous trees), while others retain their leaves throughout the year and their growth slows down in winter (evergreen trees).
A plant whose life cycle spans at least three years and that produces seeds in as many growing seasons.
happening throughout the year or over a period of many years (Morris 1992).
A plant that lives longer than two years.
Occurs year-round, continuous.
A plant that lives fro many years and blooms and matures seeds in more than one of those years.
a flower that continues to live after it dies
a flower that returns year after year
a plant that can live for many years, certainly more than five
a plant that comes back from year to year
a plant that endures more than two growing seasons
a plant that germinates, grows, and
a plant that, had it lived, would have come back and bloomed year after year
a plant that is winter hardy and reappears year after year from its crown and root system
a plant that lives for two years or more
a plant that lives two or more years--and in many cases hundreds of years--and normally flowers annually
a plant that survives more than two seasons
a plant that will come back each year
a plant that will come back every year-if it had lived
a plant that will come back year after year if undamaged
a plant that will survive for longer than two years
A plant living more that two years.
A plant which lives for three or more years.
plants that live several to many years
pasture grasses that last longer than one year. These grasses tend to be more stable under grazing. Perennials such as mitchell grass can provide valuable feed over the dry season.
plants that grow and reproduce for many years
A plant that continues to live from year to year. In many cases, in cold climates the tops die down but the roots and rhizomes persist. Examples: field bindweed, Canada thistle, quackgrass, dandelion.
A plant that lives for more than 3 years.
a plant growing for more than two years.
Plant theat lives for three years or more.
a plant, such as a tree or shrub, that completes its life cycle over several years
a plant that persists and produces reproductive structures year after year
A plant that may live for more than two years, and reproduces by seeds, rhizomes or other underground plant parts.
A plant that does not die when the weather gets cold. Sometimes the leaves and stems above ground die, but the plant sends up new ones from its roots in the Spring.
Perennials produce crops every year. Usually the first year after planting there is little or no harvest. Perennial crops may last from 3 to 30 years depending on the type. In general, the larger the plant, the longer its productive life. However, all perennial crops require special attention not required by annuals, e.g. pruning.
plants which take more than two years to complete their life cycle.
Persisting for more than one year. Perennial plant species persist as woody vegetation from year to year or resprout from their rootstock annually.
a plant lasting more than one season or year, for an indefinite length of time
Plant that lives for three or more growing seasons.
Plants living 3 or more years.
adj. A plant that lives three or more years.
A flowering plant that comes back every year.
Flowing or occurring throughout the year.
A perennial plant comes up again the next year without re-planting. A perennial problem just keeps happening over and over again.
A plant that continues to grow new stems from the same underground parts (e.g. root) over many years.
Growing for more than two growing seasons usually flowering each year.
Plant that lives for several years (annuals live for only one growing season).
A plant that would have come back year after year if it had survived.
A plant that lives and blooms for many years. See Annual and Biennial.
A plant that lives for more than two years, usually flowering each year. The vegetative parts commonly die back in the winter, regrowing in the spring from dormant underground systems or structures such as rhizomes.
(crop science) A plant that lives for more than two years.
a plant that continues its life cycle for more than two years.
living from year-to-year.
a non-woody plant which lives more than two years, as distinguished from annuals and biennials.
rootstocks that increase and expand yearly.
plants that grow and produce flowers in successive years, from the same roots.
Bloom each season once established
a plant species living three or more years.
Any plant that continues growing, flowering and producing seed year after year, either evergreen or returning from a seasonal dormancy.
Living for 3 or more years.
a plant that dies down to the ground in cold weather, but remains alive beneath the soil to emerge again when the weather warms. Phlox, some milkweeds, asters, and coneflower are all examples of perennials.
A plant that lives for three seasons or more, usually indefinitely. Compare annual and biennial.
Any plant that produces leaves, flowers, and seeds from year to year, such as an iris or peony.
A plant that will come back year after year. Example: Liatris, Coreopsis pH: A measure of the alkalinity or acidity of the soil.
Lasting from year to year.
a stream that flows throughout the year.
an organism that lives from year-to-year.
Plant that lives for three or more years, producing leaves and stems each year from rootstock, crown buds, or branches.
A plant whose life cycle lasts for three or more seasons.
Persisting for several years, usually dying back to a perennial crown during the winter and initiating new growth each spring.
a plant that normally lives more than two growing seasons and, after an initial period, produces flowers annually
Any plant that lives more than three years.
A flowering or foliage plant with roots that live from year to year and tops that may or may not die back in the winter.
a plant whose life span extends over more than two growing seasons. cf. annual, biennial.
A plant that grows and flowers for many years. Some are evergreens; others may die back to the ground but will grow back again the following season.
A plant that lives through three or more growing seasons.
a plant that lives for several years or more, flowering repeatedly; includes hard, woody-stem shrubs.
a plant that lives for several years, typically supported by underground rhizomes, tubers, or bulbs.
Living through three or more seasons.
A plant that lives for more than two years as a result of some form of vegetative reproductive structure. Spread and reproduction is both sexual (seed) and asexual (vegetative).
A plant that produces flowers and seeds more than one time in its lifespan, and therefore lives for more than one year.
a plant that usually lives more than two years.
A Forage plant that remains viable for 3 years or more, producing culm and leaves each year from rootstocks, corm buds, rhizomes, stolons, or branches.
A plant that lives for a number of years, generally flowering each year. By "perennial," gardeners usually mean an herbaceous perennial, which dies back to the ground each autumn.
Living more than two years or growing seasons.
with a lifespan extending over more than two growing seasons. In this book the term is often used in the horticultural sense of 'herbaceous perennial' that is, a non-woody plant that lives for more than two seasons.
A plant living three or more years duration.
Growing more than 2 years; completing several reproductive cycles.
plant species with a life-cycle that characteristically lasts more than two growing seasons and persists for several years.
living for more than 2 years, flowering each year.
herbs that have life cycles longer than two years.
A plant whose life cycle lasts longer than two years. The tops of herbaceous perennials die down at the end of the growing season, buds, roots, and underground portions persist.
a plant that can live more than 2 years. References Hatch, Stephen and James Stubbendieck, and Charles Butterfield, 1991. North American Range Plants. Univ. of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE. Johnson, James and James Nichols, 1982. Plants of S. Dakota Grasslands. SDSU, Brookings, SD 57007. Hitchcock, A.J., 1971. Manual of Grasses of the U.S. Dover Publications, New York. Looman, Jan, 1982. Prairie Grasses, Pub. 1413.Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Ottawa, Canada VanBruggen, Theodore, 1983. Wildflowers, Grasses and Other Plants of the Northern Plains and Black Hills. Badlands Natural History Assoc., Interior, SD 57750.
lasting throughout the year or through many years.
n, adj A plant whose life cycle is more than two years. The term "perennial" refers only to the plant's normal life cycle. It does not imply that a plant is cold hardy. For example, geraniums ( Pelargonium spp.) are usually called annuals because they die in the fall. However, if a Pelargonium is taken indoors for the winter or grown in the tropics, it will continue to bloom for years. Pelargoniums are clearly perennials. See tender perennial. Nor does "perennial" imply that the plant will die back in the winter. Hedges, topiaries, and trees are perennials that do not die back, although the deciduous ones do go dormant. (You don't think of trees as "perennials"? Then take another look at the definition above, and see if trees don't fit.)
A plant living for more than two years
Having a life cycle of more than 2 years.
nonwoody plant which grows and lives for more than two years. Perennials usually produce one flower crop each year, lasting anywhere from a week to a month or longer.
There are two types. Herbaceous non-woody (soft and fleshy) plants die back each year and grow and bloom each successive year. Woody perennials (such as shrubs and trees) have a period of dormancy but maintain their form year round.
A woody or herbaceous plant that continues its growth for at least three years.
Referring to a plant that continues to live for several years.
Plant which lives for several growing seasons
a plant that lives for more than 2 growing seasons.
Plant that lives for at least three seasons
Any plant that produces leaves, flowers and seeds from year to year, such as irises or peonies.
A plant that lives for several years and does not die after one season or life cycle.
A plant that lives and reproduces for several years; the stems and leaves may die each year, but portions close to or below the ground remain perennial.
a plant that may live many years, growing each year from stored energy reserves in roots or woody structures.
a plant which lives for more than two years.
A plant which continues to grow after it has reproduced, usually meaning that it lives for several years.
A plant that blossoms annually; continuous; undying.
A plant that returns from its rootstock year after year.
A plant that lives for more than 2 seasons and does not die after flowering. Most perennials die back to the soil surface at the end of each growing season, and come up again at the beginning.
A plant capable of living through more than two growing seasons and producing seeds for more than one year.
Plants that persist for several years with a period of growth each year (e.g. brown alga Cystoseira harbata).
A plant that lives for more than 2 years.
A plant that lives for three or more seasons. Perennials may not bloom the first season planted, especially ones that are shipped bareroot. We do not guarantee that our perennials will bloom the first year.
Plant that blooms actively throughout the entire year or blooms year after year.
A plant that continues to grow from year to year.
Used in reference to plants that last several years (as opposed to annual).
pur-REN-nee-al) To be, annually: A plant type that, after a typical annual die-back during the winter, regrows from the ground up every year. Perennial plantings can be perfect for outdoor trap crops.
Of three or more seasons duration.
A plant that grows for 3 or more years and usually flowers each year. The vast majority of North Country plants are perennial. From the Latin, perennis, "through;" and annus, "a year."