A plant which exists or lasts for two years.
A plant that lives two years from sowing, usually flowering in the second year.
a plant whose life span extends for more than one but less than two years after germination. cf. annual, perennial.
Plants that grow for two years are considered to be biennial. The first year is when the plant grows and the second year is when the plant flowers or produces fruit. Some biennials, such as Hollyhock, re-seed themselves giving the impression they are perennials.
a plant that lives for about 2 years, typically forming a basal rosette in the first year, flowering and fruiting in the second year, and then dying.
A plant that ordinarily requires two years, or at least part of two seasons, with a dormant period between growth stages, to complete its life cycle. A plant that flowers only in the year following that in which it germinates from seed.
A plant which completes its life cycle in two seasons. Compare annual and perennial.
a plant that takes two years to complete its life cycle and produce seed.
Whereas annuals complete their life cycle in a single year, biennials take two, flowering and setting seed on the second. Biennials occasionally complete their growth cycle in a single year.
A plant that lives for two years. It produces leaves in the first and flowers in the second.
Occurring every two years; a term applied to the scheduled regular session of the legislature.
a plant that takes two years to complete its life cycle (dies after 2 years)
Plants which require 2 growing seasons to complete a life cycle- i.e. to germinate, flower, seed & die
A plant that goes from germination to seed bearing and death in two seasons.
Biennal zweijährig Bianual Requiring two seasons from germination to flowering. Commonly biennial plants form the foliage the first season, flowering and dying occurs the second.
When the plant's life cycle needs two growing seasons.
A plant grown from seed that under normal conditions takes two years to complete its life cycle, developing a leafy tuft or rosette the first season then flowers, seeds and dies the second year.
A plant that lives for two years. In the first year, the plant grows a rosette. In the second year, it sends up stems with flowers and fruits. A biennial plant dies at the end of the second year. [Go to source
Use of a fixed week every other year. Owners are often referred to as either "odd" or "even" year owners.
The two-year cycle of a plant in which the vegetative growth in the first year is followed by fruiting and dying during the second year.
a. (L. biennialis, from biennis; bis, twice, and annus, year) a plant requiring two years in which to complete its life cycle, the first year growing only vegetatively, the second flowering, fruiting, then dying.
Referring to a plant whose life cycle includes vegetative growth in the first year and flowering and senescence in the second year. (Contrast with annual, perennial.)
Ordinarily applied to plants that live only two seasons; during the first season only leaves and stems are produced above ground, while the flowers and seeds are borne the second summer. Here used in a special sense in separating the biennial canes of the raspberries and blackberries from the stems of other woody plants. In these species, the canes themselves are biennial from underground perennial stems.
a plant with a lifespan of two years. Often only flowers and goes to seed (yes, that's the source of this phrase) during the second year.
Somwhat of a misnomer seeming to mean a plant that completes a life cycle in two years. It actually is often applied to plants that generally take more than one season or yearly cycle to complete a life cycle. Basically the term applies to plants that die at the end of a life cycle (they die after they produce seeds) but don't complete that cycle in one season. Many plants take an indeterminate number of years to complete the growth necessary to reproduce. See; perennial, annual, monocarpic
Plants live two growing seasons. Normally these plants form a basal cluster of leaves the first year and send up a seed stalk the second year.
A plant that takes two growing seasons to go through its life cycle. [KR
A plant whose life cycle extends over two growing seasons. The first year the seed germinates and produces a seedling that usually remains short of the winter. The second growing season the seedling rapidly grows, flowers, produces seeds and then dies.
life cycle completed in 2 years or seasons
A plant which forms leaves in the first year, produces a flowering shoot in the second year, flowers, sets seed and dies.
A plant that lives for two growing seasons. Usually this means that it germinates one year and make seeds the following year.
A plant which lasts for two years. The first season is a leaf and shoot growing phase, during which energy is stored for the second season's flowering. Biennial vegetables are cropped after the first year. Examples include parsnips and carrots.
A plant that produces roots and foliage in the first year, then flowers, produces seed and dies in the second year.
a plant that completes its life cycle in two seasons. The plant produces vegetative growth in the first year and reproductive growth in the second year, before dying.
Requiring two years to complete development and life cycle.
a plant that grows vegetatively in its first year of life, and that then flowers, fruits and dies in its second year.
a plant having a life cycle that normally takes two seasons from germination to death to complete; flowering biennials usually bloom and fruit in the second season
occurring every second year; "they met at biennial conventions"
having a life cycle lasting two seasons; "a biennial life cycle"; "parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals"
a plant requiring two growing seasons
a plant that comes up and dies twice a year
a plant that germinates, grows and overwinters as a crown, blooms the following year and dies
a plant that grows from seed one year, flowers the next year and then dies
a plant which flowers and dies the second year
A plant that lives for two growing seasons, usually flowering only in the second year.
a plant that completes its life cycle in 2 years
A plant that grows from seed and produces leafy growth the first year. In the second year, it produces flowers, sets seed and dies.
plants that complete their live cycle in two years
An event that occurs at 2-year intervals.
A plant with a life cycle that spans two years. The first year the plant produces stem and foliage growth. After a dormant season, they produce flowers and seeds the second year.
Any plant that completes its life cycle in two years or growing seasons. Most biennial plants normally generate leaf growth in the first year, and then bloom, produce fruit, and die in the second year. The following plants are classified as biennials: alkanet, caraway, celery, clary, dill, evening primrose, feverfew, foxglove, goat's beard, high mallow, hound's tongue, mullein, parsley, prickly lettuce, Queen Anne's lace, raspberry, red clover, rocket, scurvy grass, sweet clover, and teasel.
Completing the life cycle in two growing seasons.
Occurring in two-year cycles.
The term used for the process of growing a plant one year to flower the following year.
Biennials are plants that grow for one year without flowering, produce flowers/fruits in the second year and die
A biennial plant is one which grows to maturity, flowers, produces fruit and dies in a two year period. Many crop plants are biennials, but are harvested in their first year and not allowed to reach maturity, e.g. carrots, leeks.
A plant that completes its life cycle in two growing seasons.!-- document.write("SCR" + "IPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.1' SRC='http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/HOMS.HG.OUT/olver/intro/rdgt_glossary2.asp;poe=homestore;pos=BAR;sz=300x250;ord=7312006141732277530425?'/SCR" + "IPT"); // --!-- if ((!document.images && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/2.") = 0) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebTV")= 0)) { document.write("A HREF='http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/HOMS.HG.OUT/olver/intro/rdgt_glossary2.asp;poe=homestore;pos=BAR;sz=300x250;ord=7312006141732277530425?' TARGET='_blank'"); document.write("IMG SRC='http://ad.doubleclick.net/ad/HOMS.HG.OUT/olver/intro/rdgt_glossary2.asp;poe=homestore;pos=BAR;sz=300x250;ord=7312006141732277530425?' WIDTH='300' HEIGHT='250' BORDER='0' ALT=''/A");
plant of two years duration. The first year is often a vegetative form such as a rosette and the second year the plant flowers, forms seeds and dies.
Completes life cycle over 2 years.
A plant that grows vegetatively one year, produces flowers, fruits, and seeds the next year, and then dies.
Use of a timeshare week every other year. Timeshare owners own a week on either an odd year or an even year. See also: odd or even year usage.
A plant starting from seed and requiring two years to complete its life cycle.
Growing for two years -- usually producing flowers and fruit in the second year.
Use of a fixed week every other year (EOY). Owners are referred to as odd or even year owners. See also: odd or even year usage.
A plant which completes its life cycle over two growing seasons. Relatively uncommon in the North Woods, where one example is the Pale Corydalis ( Corydalis sempervirens).
A plant that completes its life cycle in two years. vegetative growth is achieved in the first year, with flowering and seeding in the second year.
plants which flower in the year following that in which the seeds are sown.
a plant that germinates and produces foliage and roots during its first season, then blooms, produces sees and dies during its second season
Live two seasons, blooming second season only
a plant that completes its life cycle in two years, usually flowering and producing fruit the second year, and then dies.
A Vacation Property that can be enjoyed every other year. A bi-annual Vacation Property owner should know whether he can take his vacation in an odd or even numbered year.
A plant that grows from seed to flower and seed production and then dies during two growing seasons. Coinpare annual and perennial.
Occurring every two years. The Legislature meets biennially. NOTE: Biannual means "occurring every six months."
1/2á×Ñ A plant that usually only lives two years, normally producing flowers and seed the second year.
A plant that lives for up to two years under outdoor conditions, flowers and produces seed the second year.
A plant which completes its entire life cycle over two seasons; e. g. Eryngium giganteum. Seed germinates and the plant establishes during the summer and autumn of its first season, then flowers, sets seed and dies in its second season. Also, naturally perennial plants treated in this way: e.g. wallflower.
Published every two years.
A plant which completes its life cycle in two years. Usually has leaves and stores food in underground parts the first year and then blooms, produces seeds and dies the second year.
biennium, a period of two years) In botany, a plant which completes its life cycle within two years and then dies. For most biennial plants, the two growing seasons have to be separated by a period of cold temperature sufficient to induce flowering and fruit formation.
A plant that completes its development in two years and then dies (usually blooming the second year).
any plant needing two seasons of growth (with a dormant period between growth stages) to complete its life cycle, from seed to seed. In the first year, plants form vegetative growth, and in the second year they flower
A plant which lives two years.
Plants that complete their life cycle in two growing seasons.
A plant species that completes its life cycle in more than one but less than two years. The first year is usually a vegetative stage.
A plant that grows the first year, flowers the second year, and then goes to seed. Many biennials will then reseed and continue this process on their own for many years.
Occurring once in every two years.
A plant which germinates in the spring, produces a rosette of leaves in the first year and then sends up a flowering stalk during the second year.
Usage of a timeshare week occurring every other year. Also referred to as EOY (every other year). See "odd or even year usage".
a plant that finishes its life span in two years; leafing the first year, flowering/seeding the second.
A plant that lives for two years, usually as a rosette of leaves the first year and then as a flowering stalk the second. After blooming and maturing seeds it dies.
Completing the cycle from seed to death in tow years or seasons.
A plant that completes its life cycle in two years. Usually forms a rosette of basal leaves the fist year then sends up fruiting structure the second year. IT reproduces only be seed.
recurring every two years.
Plant that completes its life cycle in two years, often flowering and fruiting in the second year. Parent Term: Habit
Plant that normally requires two years to reach maturity; basal leaves are produced in the first year, while floral structures develop and produce seed in the second year.
A plant that completes its life cycle in two years, and normally not producing flowers during the first year.
completing the full cycle of germination to fruiting in more than one, but not more than two, years, and then dying.
Plant with life cycle completed in two years or seasons.
A plant that normally takes two years to reach sexual maturity, producing leaves in the first year, blooming and producing fruit in its second year, and then dying.
plant species that complete their life-cycles within two growing seasons.
herb that completes it's life cycle in two years.
A plant that flowers in it's second year before; carrots, onions, and parsnips are all biennial although they're not normally allowed to go to seed unless it's for seed saving purposes
n, adj A plant that grows the first year and reproduces and dies the second year. Biennial flowers are often grown in a nursery their first year and sold the second year (when they flower) to be cultivated as if they were annuals. Biennial vegetables, for example, carrots and onions, are normally harvested their first year, before they flower.
A plant completing its life cycle in two years, without flowering the first year
Rather than every year, your timeshare week occurs every other year (EOY). These are generally much less expensive than an annual timeshare week. Owners of biennial weeks are referred to as odd year or even year owners.
A serial publication issued every two years.
Plant that flowers and dies in its second season after germination, producing only stems, roots and leaves in its first season.
plant that germinates in one growing season, then flowers, seeds, and dies during a second.
A term applied to plants that normally complete their life cycles in two years.
Plant that completes its life cycle in two years and generally flowers in the second year
A plant whose normal growth cycle spans two growing seasons. Many biennials produce roots and a cluster of leaves near the surface of the ground the first year; flower, produce seed and die the second year.
A plant, which germinates in the first year and dies after blooming in the second year.
A plant that usually only lives two years, normally producing Gardening supply need. flowers and seed the second year.
A plant that blooms only during its second year of growth, then dies.
A plant grown from seed, that completes its life cycle within the span of two growing seasons. The plant spends the first season growing leaves, and flowers and produces seeds in the second season.
A plant that completes its life cycle and dies in two years.
Of two seasons duration, from germination to maturity and death, usually developing vegetative growth the first year and flowering, fruiting, and dying the second year. Biennials need exposure to winter temperatures to trigger flowering or fruit production the second year.
Biennial (menaing "two years") means that it takes two years to complete the full life cycle.
A type of plant that goes through its life cycle in about two years, flowering in the second year.
A plant with a life cycle of two seasons' duration.
A plant that lives for two years or growing seasons, producing leaves the first season and flowers and seeds the second.
Biennial is a term referring to a period of two years, much in the same way refers to 100 years. If an event occurs every two years, it can be said to occur biennially. This is commonly used in reference to legislative agendas in U.S. states (often as biennium), as many representatives are elected to two-year terms.