Any plant having narrow leaves with parallel veins, small flowers and stems with joints that appear as easily visible bulges where the leaves attach – that is, any plant of the Grass family (whose botanical name is Poaceae).
plants of the family Poaceae, typically with narrow leaves and jointed stems.
Botanically, a plant of family Gramineae.
A common name for members of the Grass ( Gramineae) family of plants.
any of a family (Gramineae) of plants with long, narrow leaves, jointed stems, flowers in spikelets and seed-like fruit, as wheat, rye, barley, oats, etc.
narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay
a plant with narrow, elongated leaves which are in two ranks upon the jointed usually hollow stem
Type of plant that has long slender leaves that extend from a short stem or the soil surface.
A plant in the Grass Family (Poaceae). These are usually short plants with slender leaves. People grow different species of grasses for their lawns. Many animals eat the seeds and leaves. When allowed to grow wild, grasses get several feet tall.
any of 9,000 species in the monocotyledonous family Poaceae (These plants have leaf sheaths split lengthwise on the opposite side of the blade. The stem is cylindrical and hollow between the nodes. Grasses are wind pollinated.)
A plant found in flower gardens that needs little or no care.
A healthy, well-kept lawn or other stretch of grass augurs success and prosperity, while sunburnt, blackened, or dead grass indicates financial setbacks. To dream of planting, sowing or sodding grass indicates that youâ€(tm)ll have to work very hard to attain your goals, while cutting or mowing grass implies attaining security but nothing much beyond that.
Plants of the family Poaceae (Gramineae). Grasses are characterized by rounded, hollow or pithy jointed stems (culms), and narrow sheathing leaves with parallel veins. The leaves alternate on two sides of the stem. The junction of the blade and sheath often bears an erect fringe of hairs (ligule) and sometimes also earlike projections (auricles). Flowers are borne in reduced spikes (spiklets). See drawing of plant group characteristics.
Botanically, any plant of the family Gramineae. Generally, in grassland agriculture, the term does not include cereals when grown or grain.
Any plant of the family Gramineae or Poaceae, having jointed stems, sheathing leaves, and seed-like grains.
a type of plant with jointed stems, slender flat leaves and spike like flowers such as corn and wheat
Botanically, any plant of the Gramineae family. Grasses are characterized by narrow leaves with parallel veins; by leaves composed of blade, sheath, and ligule; by jointed stems and fibrous roots; and by inconspicuous flowers usually arranged in spikelets.
A plant with long, narrow leaves having parallel veins and nondescript flowers. Stems are hollow or pithy in cross-section. Members of the plant family Poaceae.
Grasses are a group of flowering plants ( angiosperms) that belong to the family Graminae. Classification: Division Magnoliophyta (angioperms), Class Magnoliopsida (dicots), Class Liliopsida (monocots), Subclass Commelinidae (grasses, sedges and rushes, Order Cyperales, Family Poaceae (Gramineae) (grasses).
Grass is a common word that generally describes a monocotyledonous green plant in the family Poaceae, True grasses include most plants grown as cereals, for pasture, and for lawns. They include some more specialised crops such as lemongrass, as well as many ornamental plants, and some weeds. They also include plants often not considered to be grasses, such as bamboos.