A shrub or branch, properly, a branch of ivy (as sacred to Bacchus), hung out at vintners' doors, or as a tavern sign; hence, a tavern sign, and symbolically, the tavern itself.
To branch thickly in the manner of a bush.
To set bushes for; to support with bushes; as, to bush peas.
() A general term for all types of forest or woodland, usually referring to untended indigenous forest. Syn. Jungle. () Shrub. ( BCFT).
A general term for low tree–high grass vegetation occurring in semi-arid or seasonally arid regions. Can be further described by the dominant species present, for example, 'acacia bush', 'combretum bush'. A low, well-branched shrub.
a low with several stems without a single trunk
A many branched small shrub with no distinct main stems.
a green plant that grows foliage close to the ground and has a number of woody stems.
a densely-branched, low shrub.
a low woody perennial plant usually having several major branches
a bunch of plants growing from the same spot
a low, densely branched shrub
a plant with stems which are of the order of a metre long (that is, of a similar scale to humans)
A low, thick shrub without a distinct trunk.