Vine game engine is a general purpose scriptable engine. Extensions to the engine are supported through plug-ins. Visit project's homepage at for more details.
Any woody climbing plant which bears grapes.
Hence, a climbing or trailing plant; the long, slender stem of any plant that trails on the ground, or climbs by winding round a fixed object, or by seizing anything with its tendrils, or claspers; a creeper; as, the hop vine; the bean vine; the vines of melons, squashes, pumpkins, and other cucurbitaceous plants.
A climbing or trailing plant with the stem not self-supporting. Very Clayey
A flexible shrub with extended growth in both height and length. It can be trained upward when supported by a fence or trellis or serve as a wandering ground cover.
a long trailing or climbing plant.
Like trees and shrubs, vines are a plant group whose definition is based on the way they grow. A plant is a vine if its stem is too weak to support its vertical growth, and so seek such support from other sources (e.g., arbours, pergolas, trellises, latticework, other plants, cliff faces) or simply be content to trail along the ground. Vines are classified as either climbers or creepers.
A weak-stemmed plant that derives its support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface.
A type of plant that trails or creeps along the ground, often climbing on other things by means of tendrils.
A slender stemmed climbing or trailing plant.
Herbaceous climbing plant.
(L. vinea: vine) n. A plant with the stem not self-supporting, but climbing or trailing on some support.
An elongate, weak-stemmed, often climbing annual or perennial plant, with herbaceous or woody stems. [RA
plant with a stem that requires support and climbs by tendrils or other means, or trails or creeps along the ground
a growth form based on long, flexible stems
a plant that doesn't have its own support
a plant that has a thin, weak stem
a plant which develops long, trailing stems that grow along the ground unless they are supported by another plant or structure
a woody plant that depends on an erect substrate to grow on
The main stem from which the grapes grow.
(VYNE) -- A plant that climbs.
A plant on which grapes grow.
A plant with a climbing or creeping stem.
A plant with a stem that is too slender, flexible, or weak to hold itself erect and that trails along the ground or supports itself by twining around or climbing on (often using tendrils or specialized aerial shoots) other objects or plants.
The main stem of the vine, from which the shoots grow.
A vine is a plant that needs support as it grows. Some vines grow by twining around other objects for support (e.g., morning glory), some use tendrils (modified shoots) to attach to objects (e.g., peas and vetch), and others send out aerial roots, often with suckers (e.g., poison ivy).
A vine is any plant of genus Vitis (the grape plants) or, by extension, any similar climbing or trailing plant. The word, ultimately derived from Latin vīnea, originally referred exclusively to the grape-bearing plant; the modern extended sense is largely restricted to North American English, which then uses grapevine to refer specifically to the grape-bearing Vitis species. (Conversely, British English tends to use climber to refer to the broader category, including, for example, ivy.)