Sensation of the wine on the palate that reminds the drinker of the fleshy fatness of fruit such as plum
A wine of full body and rich mouth-filling flavour.
Often used to suggest great smoothness and richness with low tannins, a fleshy wine is considered fatter than a meaty wine.
Flavorful and soft, generally with relatively little tannin.
Full, oily, rich wines which produce a sensation of thick body on the palate.
Fatness of fruit; big, ripe.
Fleshy is a synonym for chewy, meaty, or beefy. It denotes that the wine has a lot of body, alcohol, and extract, and usually a high glycerin content. Châteauneuf-du-Pape and Hermitage are particularly fleshy wines.
Lots of extract, particularly in reds, denoting concentrated flavour with limited tannin.
Thick, firm yet soft, easily sliced. Parent Term: Texture Difficulty Level
Soft, smooth texture with low tannins.
A wine with a lot of big, ripe fruitiness. These wines are thick on the palate. Glycerine can also give a fleshy impression in the mouth.
Soft and smooth in texture, with very little tannin.
Very positive, meaning a wine is well fleshed out with firm texture and flavours.
Refers to both body and texture. A fleshy wine tastes fatter than a meaty wine, exhibiting some excess oiliness if too pronounced. Often suggests great smoothness and richness.