A small dry one-seeded fruit in which the ovary wall is free from the seed
A small, dry, one-seeded fruit that does not split open; from an ovary with a single chamber.
A single-seeded dry fruit that does not split open.
A small, dry indehiscent fruit with one seed.
n. (Gr. , not; chainein, to gape) any small, dry fruit with one seed whose outer covering (pericarp) does not burst when ripe.
A dry, one-seeded, indehiscent fruit with a relatively thin wall in which the seed coat is not fused to the ovary wall.
akène a single-seed dry fruit that does not split
A small dry, one seeded fruit that does not open at maturity, e.g. sunflower.
Fairly small, indehiscent, dry fruit with a thin and close-fitting wall surrounding but free from the single seed. Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Example 4
Small one-seeded, thin walled, indehiscent fruit smaller than a nut.
a type of one-seeded, dry, indehiscent fruit
A small, dry fruit that contains one loose seed and that does not split open spontaneously, e.g., sunflower seed
A dry, indehiscent, single-seeded fruit, e.g. Asteraceae, Rosaceae; in a strict sense developed from a superior ovary of one carpel Parent Term: Dehiscent Difficulty Level
A type of fruit, as in most composites, that contains one seed with a hard, dry covering.
small dry indehiscent fruit with the seed distinct from the fruit wall
a dry indehiscent fruit of a simple carpel in which the seed is free except at its attachment (Funiculus)to the Ovary Wall
an indehiscent (not opening at maturity) fruit that contains a loosely bound seed in its outer wall or pericarp
a one-seeded, dry indehiscent fruit in which the seed coat is not fused tightly to the fruit wall
a one-seeded fruit, Indehiscent and arid, to boot
a type of dry fruit produced by many flowering plants, such as sunflowers
A non-fleshy, 1-seeded fruit.
A type of dry, indehiscent (closed) fruit that contains a single seed and develops from a simple ovary. The pericarp often adheres to the seed at only one point. Example: strawberry.
A small, dry, indehiscent, unwinged fruit bearing one seed. (eg: in Rosa)
Dry, single-seeded fruit which attaches to the fruit wall in only one place.
this is a dry fruit containing only one seed and which does not split open (a hazelnut).
Dry one-seeded fruit with tight,thin outer wall which does not open when ripe.
A small dry fruit with one seed inside.
A dry, one-seeded fruit that does not split open; common in the sunflower and buttercut plant families.
A small dry indehiscent fruit, strictly of one free carpel.
A dry fruit with only one seed (e.g. a sunflower seed).
seed surrounded by hard, dry fruit coat, or shell
A dry type of fruit that contains a single seed; e. g., fruit produced by members of the Aster family.
small single seeded fruit that does not split (strawberry "seed")
a dry, single seeded fruit that doesn't split at maturity, similar to a small nut.
dry, indehiscent fruit, usually one-seeded
a fruit which is small, dry, hard, 1-celled and 1-seeded.
A one-seeded, dry, indehiscent fruit with the seed coat not attached to the mature ovary wall.
a small, dry, hard, one celled, one seeded, non-spliting fruit.
the small hard seed of a sedge; 1-locular, 1-seeded.
A small, dry, one-seeded fruit. See drawing of fruits.
A dry, indehiscent, one-seeded fruit.
a small dry, one seeded fruit which does not split at maturity.
a dry, one-celled, one-seeded fruit, the product of a simple pistol.
a dry, indehiscent fruit formed from a superior ovary of one carpel and containing one seed which is free from the pericarp (often applied, less correctly, to the one-seeded fruits of Asteraceae). cf. cypsela.
A small, dry, one-seeded fruit, without a predictable opening ( does not split open spontaneously) and formed from a single carpel. It's usually one of many, like an unshelled Sunflower seed.
A small, dry, hard one-locular, one-seeded closed fruit with a thin pericarp, derived from a one-carpellate ovary.
small, dry, indehiscent 1-seeded fruit in which the ovary wall is free from the seed
a small dry indehiscent single seeded fruit.
A one-seeded, dry, indehiscent fruit with seed attached to fruit wall at one point only, derived from a one-loculed superior ovary.
type of fruit in which a single seed occurs in a locule and that seed is attached at only one point
A small dry hard fruit with the appearance of a seed. Does not separate. The fruits of the sedges which line North Country waterways are achenes.
A small, dry fruit that contains one loose seed and that does not split open spontaneously For example: sunflower seed
An achene is a type of simple dry fruit produced by many species of flowering plants. Achenes are "monocarpellate" (formed from one carpel) and indehiscent (they do not open at maturity). Achenes contain a single seed that nearly fills the pericarp, but does not adhere to it.