Splitting spontaneously when ripe.
breaking open at maturity to release the contents.
DIAGRAMS: Silique Dehiscent Fruit PHOTOS
Opening at maturity; as a dehiscent fruit.
Type of dry fruit in which the carpel (a simple pistil) splits along definite seams at maturity. Determinate growth. Limited growth.
Opens to let seeds escape.
Opening to emit the contents.
(of fruits) opening to liberate seeds, e.g. pea, poppy, etc.
Opening to release contents as a seed pod or anther.
(of e.g. fruits and anthers) opening spontaneously at maturity to release seeds
Splitting open along regular lines, as in a fruit or anther.
Opening (by slits or valves) at maturity to release seeds.
refering to fruits or anthers, which split when mature to release pollen or seeds.
Opening, applied when a ripe fruit opens, usually by a characteristic line or whole.
Fruit that splits open when ripe.
opening at maturity; releasing or exposing seeds
opening regularly by slits or valves to emit contents.
Will spontaneously burst open to release it's contents, usually spores or seeds.
Opening to discharge the seeds or pollen.
(Dry fruits) splitting when ripe to release seeds (see indehiscent; capsule). Parent Term: Fruit_type Child Terms: Achene Capsule Schizocarp Septicidal Siliqua Difficulty Level: Show examples
splitting open; method of dispersing contents usually of anthers or seed pods by splitting open along defined slits.
Splitting open at maturity to release contents. Said especially of fruit or anthers.
A seed capsule opened to discharge seeds is dehiscent. Seeds must be harvested before this process takes place and the seeds are lost. In some varieties, the seed capsules literally explode.
A fruit that splits open.
Naturally splitting open at maturity for seed dispersal.
Splitting open along regular lines, as in a fruit which breaks open at maturity to release its contents of seed. The Fireweed ( Chamerion angustifolium) is a good North Country example.
A dehiscent is a structure on some plants that opens to release seeds or pollen grains.