a small, dry, nonsplitting fruit with a woody cover, usually containing a single seed.
A small, indehiscent, dry fruit containing a single seed; may in some cases be synonymous with mericarps of a schizocarp.
Dry fruit having a hard shell which usually contains only one seed. Go Back
A dry fruit with one seed and a hard coat that does not open when dried.
small , single-seeded portion of ovary typical of Lamiaceae
a small dry fruit that does not split open along a seam or surface; as used herein, synonymous with achene.
A small nut-like part of a fruit, especially associated with fruit of the Borage, Mint, and Verbena families.
A small, one-seeded, nut-like structure; the specialized fruit of members of the borage (Boraginaceae) and mint families (Lamiaceae).
A very thick-walled achene.