A dry fruit which splits at maturity into several closed one-seeded portions.
A compound fruit which splits when ripe into several indehiscent portions, each having one seed
n. (Gr. schizein, to cleave; karpos, fruit) a dry fruit, as in the maple, that splits at maturity into two or more one seeded carpels which remain closed.
a fruit which splits into multiple parts called mericarps.
A dry dehiscent fruit that splits into two halves.
A fruit that splits into two or more 1-seeded sections called mericarps; as in the carrot family.
Dry to rarely fleshy fruit breaking into one-seeded (or few-seeded) segments (mericarps).
a dry dehiscent fruit that at maturity splits into two or more parts each with a single seed
a twin fruit that separates into two one-seeded mericarps, types of fruit that often have tiny oil tubes in their walls
fruit that splits into single seeded portions
fruit that splits into separate carpels at maturity, as in the Apiaceae (like golden alexander)
a dry fruit formed from more than one carpel but breaking apart into 1-carpel units when ripe. cf. mericarp.
Winged, samara-like fruits borne in pairs.
A fruit that splits between carpels into two or more one-seeded portions, as in the Apiaceae or Boraginaceae.
A fruit that splits into separate carpels at maturity.
A schizocarp is a dry fruit that develops from multiple carpels. When mature it splits up into one-seeded mericarps.