a storage organ, usually underground, made up of a stem and leaf bases, the food reserves being stored in the inner, fleshy leaf bases.
A stem or flower bud that is surrounded by a mass of it's own food supply.
A storage organ, usually formed below ground level, used for propagation. A true bulb consists of fleshy scales surrounding the central bud, but the term is often loosely applied to corms, rhizomes and tubers.
A subterranean bud with fleshy scales, such as those of an onion.
A bulb is a modified stem where the upper stem and the apical meristem are cover by several concentric layers of thick scales. The scales are modified leaves and swollen with water and stored food. Rootlets come out of the bottom of the bulb and are attached to the stem. A good example of a bulb is an onion. DIAGRAMS: Bulb PHOTOS
a miniature packaged plant that contains everything needed to grow a new plant, made up of special scale leaves and food for the plant
A bulb is not a root; it is an underground stem that functions as a food storage organ. Think of the onion-- each layer is a modified underground basal leaf, called a scale, closely adhered to the stem to protect it, as well as store additional food. Plants producing bulbs are all perennials.
A stem base surrounded by swollen food-storage leaves
This is really a modified stem acting as storage for the plant (that's why you shouldn't cut the foliage back on daffodils when they stop flowering because it feeds the bulb). A true bulb is made up of individual, although often tightly packed, scales. The term bulb is also applied wrongly to tubers and rhizomes.
Bulbe Zwiebel, f Bulbo An underground storage organ, consisting of leaves modified for storage (called scales), which can be solitary or many and which are most commonly fleshy and attached to a basal plate of solid tissue, enclosing the growing point.
Modified, shortened stem enclosed with fleshy leaves; usually underground; as an onion.
modified shoots of shortened stems, enclosed by leaf-bases or plump, scale-type foliage.
Underground plant part derived from a short, usually rounded, shoot that is covered with scales or leaves. | Return to Alphabet Bar | alyx The outer set of flower parts, composed of the sepals, which may be separate or joined together; usually green.
A bud with fleshy scales, usually subterranean.
An underground storage organ composed principally of enlarged and fleshy leaf bases.
A modified underground stem comprised of shortened central axis surrounded by fleshy scale-like leaves.
an underground stem bearing modified (scalelike) leaves and fibrous basal roots; generally food storage organs.
A short, erect underground stem surrounded by fleshy modified leaves. [RA
A specialized underground organ produced by a monocot that consists of a short, fleshy, usually vertical stem axis with a growing point at its apex or a flower primordium enclosed by thick, fleshy scales.
A plant storage stem, typically underground, that contains a short stem base and one or more buds. Bulb types include true bulbs, rhizomes, corms, tubers and tuberous roots.
A tight cluster of food-storing leaves at the base of a stem underground. It usually reproduces another bulb for the next year through vegetative reproduction.
a complete or nearly complete miniature plant encased in fleshy modified leaves called scales which contain reserves of food
a enlarged stem of a plant that contains the materials for starting a new plant
a globe-shaped, underground bud with fleshy overlapping leaves from which the plant grows, including tulips, lilies, garlic and shallots
a modified leaf-bud formed on a plant on or beneath the surface of the ground, emitting roots from its base and a stem from its centre
an underground, modified stem that develops in some flowering plants
a reservoir of fluid on one end of the stem of a liquid-in-glass thermometer
a self-contained nutritional unit that sustains a plant by storing food during its dormant period
a shoot with fleshy leaves that store food, e
a short stem surrounded by fleshy leaves for storing nutrients
a single, large, roundish bud, consisting of a short stem surrounded by layers of underground, scale-like leaves
a specialized underground organ consisting of a short, fleshy, usually vertical stem axis (basal plate) bearing at the top a growing point or a flower bud enclosed by thick, fleshy scales
a thickened, fleshy bud that is formed below the soil surface which carries the plant over from one season to the next
A short, vertical underground shoot which has modified leaves or thickened leaf bases developed as food storage organs.
underground stem surrounded by fleshy, overlapping leaf bases
A type of modified subterranean storage stem/bud consisting of overlapping fleshy leaf bases or scales. Example: garlic and onions.
An underground modified stem, usually covered by a papery exterior. Bulbs are the growth and food source for many flowering perennials.
Resting stage of a plant. Except for onions. Those you eat.
A swollen, modified bud with a short stem that serves as a food-storage organ for plants.
bulbous adj. A short underground stem surrounded by fleshy leaf bases containing food stores.
An underground, thick stem that is surrounded by thick leaves (e.g. onion) with fibrous roots.
underground structure with swollen leaf bases enclosing a bud
Modified plant bulb with scaly leaves that grows beneath the soil.
A storage organ that usually grows underground and resembles a bud in that it contains the embryo leaves and sometimes flowers of the plant. Bulbs, which enable many plants to endure prolonged periods of total inactivity (dor- mancy), often have a protective skinlike covering (the tunic).
an shortened underground stem which stores food in overlapping scales (modified leaves) - as in onions, often used to survive an annual period of dormancy; compare with corm.
1. A) A modified underground stem; as that of the onion or tulip, usu. Surrounded by scale-like modified leaves and containing stored food for the undeveloped shoots of the new plant enclosed within it. b) An underground stem or root resembling this, as a corm, rhizome, or tuber. c) A plant that grows from a bulb. 2. A rounded projection or part. 3. An incandescent lamp or its glass housing. 4. Anat. Any of various rounded, enlarged, or bulb-shaped structures, esp. the medulla oblongata.
An underground leaf bud enwrapped in fleshy scales or coats.
tightly packed fleshy leaves used as a storage organ. Onions and tulips both have bulbs
A specialized type of perennial with a thickened underground storage organ that contains a reserve of nutrients.
In botany, “bulb” is usually an underground structure consisting of a short, vertical stem with fleshy storage leaves attached, as in daffodil, tulip, and lily. In gardening, “bulb” can be any specialized underground structure that is used to propagate plants, including true bulbs, corms, tubers, tuberous roots, and rhizomes.
A budlike structure that consists of a small stem with closely crowded fleshy or papery leaves or leaf bases.
A thick, rounded, underground organ consisting of layered, fleshy leaves and membranes.
A swollen, usually underground organ involving a compacted stem and enveloped in succulent or scale-like leaves or leaf bases which Parent Term: Underground_bulbs_etc Plural: Bulbs Child Terms: Bulbil Difficulty Level
an underground storage organ with short stem surmounted by a mass of fleshy scales.
The thickened underground storage organ of the group of perennials which includes daffodils and tulips.
An underground part of ther plant composed of fleshy modified leaves that contain next year's plant(s). Method of asexual propagation
A fleshy underground plant structure that contains the nutrients, energy and seed to produce a plant. Bulbs are typically buried in the ground at least one season before they emerge. Daffodils, lilies and tulips are common examples of bulbs.
A rounded, usually underground structure with thick, fleshy concentric layers or scales merging into the stem at the top and roots at the bottom. See corm.
A resting stage of a plant that is usually formed underground and consists of a short stem base bearing one or more buds enclosed in fleshy leaves and buds (tulip, daffodil, etc).
A bulb is an underground stem, usually globular, that has fleshy leaves emerging from the top and roots emerging from the bottom. The fleshy leaves store food. Examples include the tulip, narcissus, and onion.
A short underground stem, the swollen portion consisting mostly of fleshy, food-storing scale leaves.
A bulb is an underground vertical shoot that has modified leaves (or thickened leaf bases) that is used as food storage organs by a dormant plant.