An underground storage organ, part of either the stem or the root of the plant.
An undergound storage root that is used to sustain the plant during dormancy.
A thick short underground branch or part of a branch.
A short, thickened underground stem with numerous buds.
A short, thickened organ, usually but not necessarily, an underground stem.
A round, food-storing, underground mass of stem tissue. Flowers are developed within the tuber. Examples: Anemone, Cyclamen, Dahlia.
a thickened portion of a root or rhizome modified for food storage and vegetative propagation, such as a sweet potato.
an enlarged, fleshy, underground stem with buds capable of producing new plants.
a fat stem that grows underground and is used for storage for plants
An enlarged portion of a rhizome (under ground stem) that stores food. Trait A character Testa The Seed Coat. It is derived from the integuments and is several layers thick. It is protective in function. Tolerance 1. The ability of a plant to with Stand adverse environmental Conditions. The ability of a plant to withstand the development of a parasite within it, without showing serious symptoms of disease. Triploid Organisms or cell with three sets of chromosomes.
a storage organ formed by swelling of an underground stem or the distal end of a root.
Swollen underground stem; a storage organ; such as a potato.
Look up "tuber" at the ANBG . A thickened underground stem, as in a potato. Since a potato is a stem, its "eyes" are suppressed buds; this is made obvious if you forget about them for a few weeks
Storage organ for some plants (Aponogeton) that supplies nutrients during their dormant periods. submitted by Adrian
fleshy, thick roots or underground stems that store and provide nutrients.
Tubercule Knolle, f Tubérculo A short and thick swollen, generally underground organ, often but not always capable of producing shoots.
The thick, underground stems or roots of many plants, often with buds present.
Like a bulb and a rhizome, this is a modified stem, or sometimes a root, that provides storage for a plant. C D E-G H-L M-O P-R U V W
A fleshy or enlarged stolon as in hydrilla.
A modified stem that develops below ground; develops as a swelling of the subapical portion of a stolon.
A fleshy underground food-storage root that sprouts stems from its "eyes" or growth points.
This is a swelling on a rhizome that usually stores food.
type genus of the Tuberaceae: fungi whose fruiting bodies are typically truffles
a big group of swollen stems that act as a storage chamber, each of which can form a new plant after the main plant has died
a fancy name for a potato
a fat underground stem from which a plant grows
a greatly enlarged short underground stem
a modified stem structure that develops on underground stems
a short, fat, underground stem used for food storage
a short, thickened portion of an underground branch
a short think, fleshy underground stem of a plant that usually has buds or "eyes"
a swolen, underground stem
a swollen, fleshy structure below the ground, usually of stem origin but often partly stem and partly root
a swollen stem, there is no standard shape but they are usually knobbly
a thickened, fleshy or scaly portion of a plant 's underground stem which serves as a store-house for starch and other plant food
a thickened part of a rhizome, enlarged as a storage organ
a thickened stem or branch produced by the approximation of the nodes and the swelling of the internodes, as in the potato
a thickened underground stem with many buds on its surface
A plant with thick, swollen branches that grow underground. A potato is a tuber.
An enlarged underground stem tip having numerous buds or eyes and used for food storage.
A type of modified stem or root, consisting of enlarged subterranean storage tissue. Potato tubers are stem tissue which have nodes, or "eyes", from which whole plants are propagated. Sweet potato tubers have similar nodal structures but are actually root, not stem, tissue.
an swollen part of a root or stem that stores food for the plant but which can be dug up and eaten; potatoes are tubers
Latin tuber = a swelling or lump.
A thickened, short, usually subterranean stem having numerous buds called eyes; like a potato.
An enlarged, fleshy underground stem specialized for asexual reproduction.
TU-ber Swollen region of stem that stores nutrients. 541
A type of underground storage structure in a plant stem, analogous to a bulb. It generates roots below and stems above ground (example: dahlia).
A fleshy, underground, modified stem that gives rise to aboveground stems (e.g. potato).
Short, fleshy underground stem that produces tiny to large leaves and buds (as in potatoes, caladiums, dahlias and tuberous begonias).
A swelling, as t. cinerum; a swelling in the floor of the fourth ventricle of a gray color.
a swollen underground stem or root from which a new plant grows
a starchy, enlarged portion of a rhizome or root.
A thickened, underground stem that stores food.
A swollen root or underground stem or rootstock, which forms a food store for the plant.
n. (L. tuber, a swelling or knob on plants) the short, thickened fleshy food-storing portion of an underground stem with many surface buds, generally shaped like a rounded protuberance.
The swollen portion of an underground stem or root which acts as a storage organ and propagule; it is usually of one year's duration, those of successive years not arising directly from the old ones nor bearing any constant relation to them.
a swollen underground stem, such as a potato
Food-storing modified roots in plants like potato.
An enlarged underground stem that serves as a food storage organ.
an enlargement or swelling
a swelling of root or underground stalk that functions as a storage organ as in a potato
A thickened, short, underground stem or root containing reserve plant food.
A thickened and short subterranean branch having numerous buds or eyes and used for food storage.
A thick, fleshy part, usually of a rootstock.
a short, fleshy underground stem or root. Return to
A short, thickened, usually underground stem or root that serves as a food-storage organ for plants.
an underground stem enlarged as a storage organ.
Swollen part of underground stem of one year's duration and capable of new growth
A swollen underground stem , usually with buds, for example, potato.
A flat underground stem which stores food and plant energy and from which a plant grows. (e.g. Dahlias)
A swollen area of a plant root or stem, used for food storage
a short, thickened fleshy part of an underground stem. New plants develop from buds that grow in the axils of the minute scale leaves of a tuber.
an enlarged, underground stem that stores food.
A thick storage stem, usually not upright.
underground stem modified for food storage; the thickened part of the rhizome
An underground stem which has been modified for storage of nutrients, such as a potato.
A storage organ used for propagation. It may be a fleshy root (e.g Dahlia) or a swollen underground stem. [ GO BACK TO TOP INDEX
(tuberous) Swollen portion of root or stem of one year's duration ; storage organ.
A short thickened part of a rhizome, used for food storage (potato).
a swollen underground plant organ (root or stem) which is used for the storage of food.
A large root or underground stem that is used to store wayer and nutients for the plant.
A thickened, solid, and short underground stem with many buds.
A fleshy, enlarged part of an underground stem, serving as a storage organ. For example, a potato.
A tuber is a modified root that stores nutrients. Potatoes are tubers.
A tuber, or stem tuber, is a development of a stolon, or above-ground rhizome, thickened for use as a storage organ. The tuber usually, though not always, develops when the stolon becomes subterranean, such as in a potato. This modified stem forms at the end of a lateral branch.
The true truffles are a group of several valuable and highly sought-after edible species of underground ascomycetes belonging to the fungal genus Tuber. All are ectomycorrhizal and are therefore found in close association with trees.