The swollen portion at the end of a stem that will mature into a flower.
Common term for a flower before it begins enlarging, although it is also applied to a tiny new growth or leaf.
the fresh or dried flowers of the female marijuana plant
an undeveloped flower, flower cluster, stem, or branch, often enclosed by reduced or specialized leaves termed bud-scales.
After a leaf, stem, or flower is apparent, but before it emerges, it is called a bud. It is premature and generally in a compact, compressed "fist."
Dormant and unelongated stem composed of a short axis of meristem cells from which embryonic leaves, lateral buds, flower parts or all three arise.
An undeveloped or dormant branch. leaf, or flower, usually enclosed by protective scales. Bud Scales. (buds) Reduced leaves covering a bud.
An undeveloped stem, branch, leaf, or flower.
The embryo flower or shoot, sometimes shoot buds can be referred to as growth buds
a growing point on a shoot from which flowers or foliage may develop.
A dormant, immature shoot from which leaves or flowers may develop.
The baby state of a stem, branch, or flower.
Term used to describe a particular thumb piece type frequently found on baluster measures. A roughly "T"-shaped thumbpiece with each of the two side projections resembling a leafed bud.
n. (ME. budde; AS. budda, beetle) a small swelling or projection on a plant, from which a shoot, cluster of leaves, or flowers develops; a rudimentary, undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower; gemma.
The rudimentary or resting end or branch of a stem; usually referring to the stage in which the growing tips pass the winter or dry season; also applied to undeveloped flowers or flower clusters. Scaly buds are protected by modified leaves or stipules. Naked buds lack such special protection. Usually one bud occurs in each axil or angle above a leaf, but these often branch and collateral buds, standing side by side, are thus produced; in some plants (walnuts, honeysuckle) several buds occur one above the other (superposed) in an axil.
(1) In plants, an embryonic shoot, including rudimentary leaves, often protected by special bud scales. (2) In animals, an asexually produced outgrowth that develops into a new individual. budding An asexual means of propagation in which outgrowths from the parent form and pinch off to live independently or else remain attached to eventually form extensive colonies. buffer A substance that consists of acid and base forms in solution and that minimizes changes in pH when extraneous acids or bases are added to the solution. bulb A modified bud with thickened leaves adapted for underground food storage. bulbourethral gland( bul-bo-you- ree-thral) One of a pair of glands near the base of the penis in the human male that secrete fluid that lubricates and neutralizes acids in the urethra during sexual arousal.
Little swollen areas along a stem, branch, or trunk where new growth may occur. Cutting above one of those buds stimulates growth.
a partially opened flower
a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals
Undeveloped shoot found in the axils of the plant; also the developing flower.
Bud is a condensed shoot that contains a left or flower
A small bumpy part of a twig or stem on a plant. This is where new leaves or flowers are made in the Spring.
the beginning of a new flower or leaf.
Top unopened leaf of the tea bush hailed for its sweetness and tenderness.
small dormant apical or lateral meristem; may be foliar or floral tissue; undeveloped flower or stem.
Immature vegetative or floral shoot or both, often covered by protective scales and born on stems or twigs.
an undeveloped or rudimentary stem or branch or flower, with or without scales.
The Smokable flower of the marijuana, The whole plant is smokable, but the buds or flowers have the highest concentration of THC
A condensed shoot, often protected by overlapping scales. A growth bud contains embryo leaves. A flower bud contains embryo flowers or flower clusters.
1/2׶ΠEarly stages of development of a flower or plant growth. bulb Çò3/4¥»ÆË®ÏɺÍÓô1/2ðÏãµÈ¶àÄêÉúÖ²Îï·ÊºñµÄµØÏÂÇo The thickened underground storage organ of the group of perennials which includes daffodils and tulips.
A small protuberance on a stem or branch, often enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaves or flowers.
A region of meristematic tissue with the potential for developing into leaves, shoots, flowers or combinations; generally protected by modified scale leaves. A terminal (or apical) bud exists at the tip of a stem or branch, while axillary (or lateral) buds develop in the axils of leaves.
A growth bud occurs at the tip of a stem, or along the stem, and produces leafy growth. A fruit bud produces flowers, then fruits.
Organ or shoot that contains an embryonic branch, leaf or flower.
A protuberance on a stem, from which a flower, leaf, or shoot develops.
The rudimentary stage of development of a branch, leaf, or flower.
Botany: 1. A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower. . The stage or condition of having buds: branches in full bud. [Middle English budde.
Term used to describe a particular thumb piece type frequently found on baluster measures. "Each end is a 'leafed' projection faintly like a bud, and comparable with car springs pressed together.
The slightly enlarged portion in the node region of a cane from which shoots grow.
An unopened bloom. On African Violets, a bud appears as a small ball, about 1/8 inch in diameter. It is covered by the calyx and forms on the end of a pedicel.
The tightly wrapped structure that contains miniaturized forms of leaves and stems (vegetative bud) which may open at a later date or remain dormant forever, or flowers (floral bud) which open the following spring.
The compound bud or eye in the axil of a leaf, at the node.
may refer to an underdeveloped leaf or flower
A condensed shoot containing an embryonic leaf, leaf cluster or flower.
Flowering top of a marijuana plant
An incipient shoot bearing embryonic leaves, flowers or both.
An undeveloped leafy shoot or flower.
the beginning of a shoot or flower. This could develop into leaves. It may be the extreme end (terminal) portion of a branch or shoot.
A bud is a small, developing part of a plant that will grow into a flower, a new leaf or a stem.
Unexpanded leaf, stem, or flower that will develop at a later time.
In botany, a bud is an undeveloped or embryonic shoot and normally occurs in the axil of a leaf or at the tip of the stem. Once formed, a bud may remain for some time in a dormant condition, or it may form a shoot immediately.