Fleshy stem section of a cactus plant.
Flattened leaf-like stem.
A cladode is a modified stem that looks somewhat like a leaf. It it typically flat, green, and contains more width than a typical stem. It will bear leaves, flowers and fruits. This is a synonym for cladophyll.
a stem assuming the form and function of a leaf
stem structure more or less resembling a leaf, but in the axil of a reduced leaf (Asparagus fern has them)
the photosynthetic stem of a plant whose foliage leaves are absent or much reduced. cf. phyllode.
a flattened stem that looks like a leaf.
a flattened stem. In prickly pear cacti (Platyopuntia sp.), cladode is the proper term for one of the plant's pads.
A flattened main stem resembling a leaf.