the auricle or external ear.
(pl.. pinnae) - External ear.
The medical term for the external part of the ear.
The external flap of skin on the outer ear that helps you know the direction of sound.
ear flap detects the direction of sound and directs the sound to the ear canal and eardrum.
The external portion or flap of the ear.
the projecting part of the external ear, composed of elastic cartilage and covered by skin; shaped like the flared end of a trumpet; also called the auricle
Also called the auricle. The external ear. It functions to capture sound waves as they go past the outer ear.
the visible part of the ear – the outer folds and the ear lobe; gathers sound waves in and enhances them as they move into the ear canal.
the outer, visible part of the ear, also called the auricle.
the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear
The exterior part of the ear. The ridges are important in determining the direction sound comes from - see photo [19.4 kb
The visible, outer portion of the ear, which should be enclosed completely by ear muff cups.
Outer, visible portion of the ear; also called auricle.
the external cartilaginous portion of the ear that holds hearing aids or earrings.
The fleshy skin flap that surrounds the external ear opening.
External part of the ear, the portion that is easily visible.
The projected, curved parts of the outer ear that contour the frequency response and phase characteristics of the sounds going to the inner ear, allowing the brain to determine from which direction they emanate.
The auricle. The cartilaginous structures of the external ear located peripheral to the skull.
The outer ear, which is composed of skin and cartilage. The pinna focuses sound waves into the middle and inner ears. Having two pinnae helps animals determine the location of a sound. In some animals, the pinna serves additional functions, such as heat dissipation.
the projecting part of the ear; also known as the auricle.
The part of the ear that's projected outside of the head.
The pinna (Latin for feather) is the visible part of the ear that resides outside of the head (this may also be referred to as the auricle).