The stalk of flowering part/branch of the stem (the flowering part is known as the inflorescence).
Both the individual flower and the inflorescence are attached to a single, primary stalk called the peduncle. Compare with pedicel.
The stalk of an flower head. (see also Inflorescence)
The main branch of a solitary inflorescence.
The short stem of the flower cluster.
portion of a rachis (cluster stem) from the point of attachment to the shoot to the first lateral branch of the cluster.
The final internode of the plant stem, that bears the flower.
PĂ©doncule Stiel, m PedĂșnculo A flower stalk.
The flower stalk or tendril that may support a cluster of flowers or the single flower.
A band connecting parts of the brain. A stem or stalk. There are many of these in the brain connecting various structures.
Main stalk for entire inflorescence. [RA
the stalk of an inflorescence, bearing flowers or fruit.
stalk bearing an inflorescence or solitary flower
"stalk" supporting either a single flower or an inflorescence
Specialized stem tissue for the support of a flower or an inflorescence. The last elongated internode which supports the inflorescence.
The stalk (stem) that holds the flower or flower clusters (inflorescence).
L. pedunculus, diminutive of pes, foot. A stem or narrow part by which some part is attached to another. Cerebral peduncle, inferior, middle, and superior cerebellar peduncles connect different parts of the neuraxis.
The stalk of an avicularium.
The stalk supporting either a flower or flower-cluster.
The "stalk" that supports either a single flower, in plants that produce only a single flower, or an entire inflorescence.
the common stalk of a cluster of flowers, buds or fruit
stalk of inflorescence or of solitary flower
stalk of an inflorescence or solitary flower
a primary flower stalk, supporting either a single flower or a cluster.
stalk; for example, the caudal peduncle is the fleshy body part to which the tail fin is attached.
the stalk of a sporocarp, e.g. in Marsilea.
a band of connective fibers, resembling a stalk
the stem of a flower cluster, spike, or solitary flower.
A flower stalk of a single or cluster of flowers.
The last elongated internode which supports the head.
A stalk; in cetaceans, the tail stock between the anus and the flukes. See caudal.
Cluster stem; attaches the entire grape cluster (bunch) to the cane
The stem of a solitary flower or the main stem of a flower cluster.
the stalk of an inflorescence; in ferns, the stalk of a sporocarp. adj. pedunculate.
(in Hosta) the main stem of the inflorescence; flower stem.
Primary flower stalk supporting either a cluster or a solitary flower; in gasses, the stalk of an inflorescence.
The stalk or stem of an inflorescence.
On an African Violet, a stem which grows from the crown and supports the pedicels and their blooms.
Stalk attached to a flower.
the primary flower stalk.
proximal portion of a bird's head avicularium, modified into a stalk.
The stem on which the flower (head) is borne.
That portion of the rachis extending from the shoot to the first branch of the cluster.
The main stem of an inflorescence.
(pedunculate) Stalk of an inflorescence.
The top section of the stem between the flag leaf and the head.
In botany, a peduncle is a stalk supporting an inflorescence, or after fecundation a fruit.