A small flower, generally one of a dense cluster but an individual flower in members of families Poacea and Asteracea.
A unit of the spikelet, including the lemma, palea, and the flower.
A single flower of a grass or composite.
n. (L. flos, flower) one of the small individual flowers of a crowded inflorescence such as capitulum; flower with lemma and palea, of grasses; alt. floscule.
A small flower, usually, that forms part of a larger flowerhead.
The lemma, floral axis, and palea with the included flower (pistil, stamen, and lodicules) or caryopsis (floret with all parts).
the individual small flower that form part of large flower clusters.
Technically a minute flower; applied to the flowers of grasses and Composites.
one of several small flowers when combined create a single inflorescence
Lemma and palea with the enclosed flower, they may be bisexual and perfect, or unisexual and male or female or infertile. Individual small flower, as in grasses or composites.
the single small piece(s) of cauliflower or broccoli into which these heads of these vegetables can be broken
the individual flowers that make a complete flower, or flowerhead
Very small flower, especially those of members of Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, and Poaceae; sometimes applied to the flowers plus associated bract-like structures.
a grass flower, together with the lemma and palea that enclose it (often also applied to the individual small flowers in Cyperaceae and Asteraceae).
One of the small flowers that make up the inflorescences in the composite and grass families.
The smallest unit of a flower. In grasses it consists of the lemma, palea, stamens, and pistil.
The flower (including the lemma and palea) of cereals and grasses.
A very small flower, especially one of the disk flowers of plants in the composite family.
The reduced (smaller than normal) flower of many plant families, but especially those of the grass family.
One of many small flowers in a dense flower cluster.
A small flower that is part of a large cluster.
a diminutive flower (especially one that is part of a composite flower)
a small flower or cluster of flower buds, such as in a head of cauliflower
One of the closely clustered small flowers that make up the flower head of a composite flower- Grass flower consisting of a lemma, palea, stamens, and/or pistil.
Monocot flower that consists of a lemma and palea, lodicules, stamens, and the pistil.
the flowering part of a grass (includes the lemma and palea); the term is also used if some parts are absent and can refer to a lemma only.
Small flower, especially one in a dense cluster; a grass flower.
a small individual flower from a compact inflorescence.
A tiny flower, usually one of many forming a cluster, that comprises a single blossom.
The reduced flower of grasses, consisting of a lemma, palea, stamens, and pistil.
one of the small flowers in a composite blossom; a floweret.
round, flower-like ornamental motif.
a small or reduced flower, such as that of grasses.
A small flower, usually of a dense cluster of flowers.
The flower contained in the spikelet.
Small, individual flower. The ray and disc florets make up the compound flower in the Sunflower Family (Asteraceae), while the lemma, palea and included flower make up a floret in a grass plant. See drawing of flower parts and drawing of parts of a grass plant.
A small flower which is part of a much larger compound flower head; a short, tight cluster of flowers, such as those found in the daisy family.
A small flower in a flower head or other cluster
a small flower, one of many making up the head of a composite flower.
Parent Term: Capitulum Child Terms: Disc_floret Ray_floret Disc_floret__disc_flowers Ray_floret__ray_flowers
In grasses, the lemma and palea with enclosed stamens and pistil. In legumes, the individual flower, usually belonging to a cluster.
(n) A small flower in an inflorescence of compositae.
One of the small, closely clustered flowers forming the head of a composite flower in the sunflower family.
one of the small reduced flowers in either the Asteraceae (daisy family) or Poaceae (grass family).
One of the small flowers which collectively comprise the flower head.
(pl. florets): The head of a wheat plant is composed of many individual florets in which the kernels form. Small flower as in a spikelet. (2)
The individual flower of a cluster.
A small flower which is part of a much larger compound flower head; e.g Cineraria.
In grasses, the flower parts with the subtending bracts.
An individual flower within the head.
An individual flower in Asteraceae (composites) and Gramineae (grasses).
Individual flower in a flowerhead, flower part in grasses (see diagram).