collective term for the petals ( q.v.)
Corolle Blumenkrone, f Corola The name given to the collective whorl of petals of a flower.
The whorl of petals located above the sepals.
The whorl of petals composing the inner circle of leaf tissue, subtending the reproductive organs of the flower.
the petals of a rose flower considered as a single unit
The set of floral leaves, usually showy, composed of all the petals
the collective name of all of the petals of a flower.
see complete flower and petal
The inner of two series of floral leaves.
The petals of a flower; the major function of the corolla is usually to attract specific insects that will transfer pollen between lowers to fertilize their seeds. In the open flower, the petals are usually larger and more colorful than the sepals.
The circle of petals, free or fused together, forming a flower.
Inner, usually colored, whorl of sterile floral parts; the petals.
(in Hosta) the collective set of petals and sepals, fused into tepals, normally six, appearing as two sets of three.
Inner whorl of floral parts; made up of all the petals.
found on the inside of the flower, consisting of fused petals.
Inner whirl of a flower, petals.
refers to the petals of the flower; generally differentiated from the calyx in being colored
DIAGRAMS: PHOTOS: Composite Flower
the petals or lobes, typically 5 and joined at the inner base of the flower. The upper petal is known as the dorsal or upper lobe. The two petals to the side of the upper lobe are known as the upper wings. The lower petals are known as the lower wings.
The petals (or petal) that make up the flower. These may be united into a tube or other structure.
the inner, usually colored whorl of the perianth, composed of petals
A collective term that refers to all the petals together.
Second of the four floral whorls moving inward, containing the modified leaves known as petals.
Petals, or the inner part of the perianth.
inner part of a flower, made of the usually colored petals.
The inner showy part of the flower. Petals make up the corolla, and can be separate or joined.
Inner whorl of floral parts; collective name for petals.
The collective term for the petals; the inner part of the flower.
kah-ROLE-ah One of two outermost whorls of a flower, with no direct role in sexual reproduction. 563
a term used when referring to all the petals of a flower
all of the petals, often colored, the next whorl in from the calyx in a complete flower
collective term for all of the petals of a flower
the inner whorl of the flower composed of the petals.
the collective term for the petals of a flower.
the inner series of floral leaves of the perianth of a flower; the petals collectively.
the inner series of floral leaves, often showy; the petals collectively.
A collective term for all the petals of a flower. The petals are often brightly coloured and attract pollinating animals. The corolla encloses the reproductive organs, and is itself protected by the sepal.
The part of the flower that is usually its major decorative feature. It may consist of separate petals or be more or less fused into a single unit. The corolla tends to be colorful, in contrast to the normally plain green calyx.
n. (L. corolla, a little crown) the inner, usually colored or otherwise differentiated, whorl or whorls of the perianth; the petals of a flower as a whole.
the inner circle of floral leaves (petals), that are usually showy. The petals may be seperate or united. The corolla is always surrounded by a calyx.
The inner part of the floral envelope (perianth), immediately surrounding the stamens. Composed of petals and often brightly colored. A collective term for the petals.
The petals of a flower surrounding the stamens and pistil.
A collective term for all the petals of a flower, the inner whorl of a perianth.
The inner of the two series of floral segments, which are the sepals and petals. The term is rarely used in connection to Orchid flowers.
the petals of a flower collectively.
The petals of a flower, which may be separate or joined in varying degrees.
Petals, collectively; usually the colored flower parts.
All the petals of a flower as a unit.
the floral whorl inside the calyx, usually consisting of petals or a corolla tube and corolla lobes.
Structure formed by the petals, usually the most visible part of a flower.
The second envelope of a flower usually composed of coloured, leaf-like organs (petals), which may be united by their edges either in the basal part or throughout. 43
Collective term for all the petals of a flower, these petals may be separate or fused together.
The petals or inner row of floral leaves either distinct or united
The floral envelope inside the calyx, composed of a whorl of petals.
Collective term for the petals which are inside the sepals.
The ring of separate or fused petals which is nearly always responsible for the main floral display.
What most people think of as 'the flower' - the one or more layers of petals which form around the receptacle. This is most often used as a visual enhancement to attract specific species of insects and birds to aid in pollen transfer.
The inner circle of flowering parts, collectively, all of the petals of a flower.
The internal, usually showy, whorl of a flower; the portion of the flower composed of petals.
All the petals of a flower together (see diagram).