Animal used as a symbol when the market prices are falling in an economic downturn.
Someone who believes prices are going to fall. A Bear "claws the market down".
Stockmarket jargon for a pessimist. Someone who thinks that the market is going to fall and sells shares or options in the belief that they can be bought back later at a cheaper price.
A person who believes that future prices are going to fall.
One who anticipates a price decrease.
A trader who believes prices will fall.
An investor who is pessimistic about the prospects for a market, a sector or a particular security.... more on: Bear
"Bear". The participant of the market, selling short the prices
An investor who acts on the belief that a security or the market is falling or is expected to fall.
An investor or trader who thinks that the price of a particular security is going to fall.
the opposite to a bull. A 'bear market' is a term used to describe a falling market, or one that is expected to fall.
An investor who sells a security in the hope of buying it back at a lower price, as he thinks the market will go down. A bear market is a falling market in which bears would prosper.
An investor who believes prices will fall. A bear market is a persistent falling market.
A bear is someone who expects the price of a currency to decline. In a bear market, the value of that currency drops.
An individual who expects price to go down.
dealer who expects the value of a commodity, security, currency or market sector to fall.
Someone who anticipates a drop in prices.
An investor who expects share prices to fall and thus likely to sell short. More generally, a pessimist about the market outlook. see also bull
One who believes the outlook for a particular market or stock is down and invests accordingly.
Anyone who takes a pessimistic view of the forthcoming long-term trend in a market; that is, one who thinks that a market is or soon will be in a long-term downtrend.
Investor's pessimistic forecast on the market price.
A person who anticipates or believes that asset prices will weaken.
This term describes an investor who thinks that a market will fall. The term also refers to a short position held by a market maker and a market where prices are falling over an extended period.
A person who believes that stock prices will fall. See bull.
A bear is a person who believes that shares or commodities are going to decline. A bear market is when shares are generally all moving downwards. For example, the 1997 gold share market.
A person who believes market or share prices will go down
A person who believes that prices will drop in the future.
Going short or advocating this action in expectation of a depreciation of the base currency.
Someone who anticipates that price will fall
A ‘bear’ is pessimistic about the market and expects it to fall. A 'bear market' is a term used to describe a falling market, or one that is trending lower.
An investor who expects that the overall market or the market price of a particular security will decline. See also Bull.
One who expects that the market generally or the market price of a particular security will decline.
an investor who anticipates a falling market and, therefore, sells the security in the hope of buying it back at a lower price.
Someone who sells securities anticipating that prices will fall.
An investor who believes the stock in an overall market will decline.
A Market player believing that the Market will fall. Bears will SELL before buying at a lower price for a Profit.
Trader who believes prices will move lower.
An investor who thinks a stock or the overall market will decline. Just the opposite of a bull.
One who believes prices will decrease.
The name given to an investor who is pessimistic and reckoning with falling prices. A market which falls for an extended period of time is called a "Bear Market" (Synonym for Baisse). The expression comes from the picture of a bear that is sweeping its paws downwards. Antonym: Bull.
An investor with a pessimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower price.
BEARISH Favouring a negative view of future price movements (opposite of bullish).
An investor with a generally pessimistic market outlook. opposite of bull.
Is a person such as an investor, speculator, or strategist who thinks that a stock, index, or market will decline in value. Compare to Bull.
So you think that the market is headed south? You're bracing yourself for a crash or correction? You feel that shares will soon be taking a tumble? Guess what - you're a bear! Bears are investors with pessimistic outlooks, as opposed to Bulls.
Someone who believes the prices/market will decline.
An investor who believes that prices/the market will decline
An investor who believes that a share price or market is going to fall and is likely to be selling stocks and shares.
A stock market operator who expects share prices to fall and keeps selling (to pick up the shares later at lower prices for actual delivery).
Someone who believes the market will decline (As opposed to Bull).
This is the term investors use has a strong feeling that a particular share or the stock market will fall.
Someone who expects the price of a given financial instrument or the overall value of a given financial marketplace to decline in value and thereby is a seller of the instrument(s). This individual is said to be bearish on the instrument / marketplace. Opposite of bull (bullish).
An individual who believes prices will move lower.
Used to describe someone who expects a market to decline, commonly referred to as being “bearish.
Someone who thinks market prices will decline.
An investor who believes that prices are going to fall.
A market trending downward, or a person who expects prices to go lower.
An individual who believes the market will decline.
One who believes prices will move lower.
A person who believes that the market is going to go down or head lower.
market player who believes prices will fall and would therefore sell a financial instrument with the view to repurchasing it at a lower price. Opposite to a Bull.
an investor who sells his stocks, and gambles on buying it back at a lower price.
A person who expects prices of shares and/or stock markets to fall.
An individual who perceives that the gold price will fall below the spot level in the future.
An operator who expects the share price to fall
Investor who believes an individual security, an industry segment, or the overall market will decline. See: Bear Market; Bull
A person expecting a decline in prices: someone who is bearish.
This is an investor who their stocks and shares hoping of buying them back at a lower price.
One who anticipates a decline in price or volatility. Opposite of a bull.
A person who expects a decline in prices or in the value of a currency. A person who has a pessimistic view on the market. A bear market observes declining prices, with a general sentiment for further weakening of prices to occur.
Someone who believes the market will decline. Opposite of a bull.
An investor who believes a stock or the overall market will decline. A bear market is a prolonged period of falling stock prices, usually by 20% or more. Related: bull.
A bear is someone who believes market prices will fall.
A person who believes that prices will decline
An adjective describing the opinion that a stock, or a market in general, will decline in price -- a negative or pessimistic outlook.
Someone who believes prices are heading down. A bear market is one in which there is a sustained fall in prices and which does not look like it will recover quickly.
One who anticipates a decline in prices. Opposite of "bull".
A person who believes prices will decline and might be described as having a "bearish" outlook. Bear markets
One who expects a decline in prices (the opposite of "bull").
A person who anticipates market prices will decline.
An investor who has sold a security in the hope of buying it back at a lower price.
An investor who is negative towards shares, believing prices will fall. A Bear market is one where share prices across the entire market are generally, and consistently, falling.
Someone who believes the market will decline. (See: Bull)
a person who believes stocks will decline.
An investor who believes that price of an investment product is going to fall.
A person with a generally pessimistic market outlook or a pessimistic view on a sector or specific stock.
An investor who believes that a share or the overall market will fall.
A noun describing an individual with the opinion that a security, or the market ...
Someone who expects prices to fall.
A person who expects prices of shares, and consequentially the value of the stock market itself, to fall.
A person who expects the market to decline.
A speculator who is a pessimist and expects a fall in prices. He sells first with the hope of buying the same at a later date, when prices fall, to cover up the sale.
Someone who expects that the market in general, or the price of a specific investment, will go down.
See on: Wikipedia Investopedia An investor who believes that a particular security or market is headed downward. Bears attempt to profit from a decline in prices. Bears are generally pessimistic about the state of a given market.
An investor who believes that a share, or a stock market, will lose value. The opposite of a bear is a bull.
Someone who believes prices will fall in the future. (See Bull).
An investor who believes the market will weaken leading to falling prices.
A person who believes prices will move lower.
Someone who believes or speculates that a particular security or the securities in a market will decline in value is referred to as a bear.
An investor who expects share prices to fall or, more generally, has a pessimistic outlook about the market. A bear market is a period of falling share prices. See also bull.
Market A market in which prices are declining. A "bear" is a person who expects that the market or the price of a particular security will decline.
A dealer (or an investor) who believes that market will fall.