To inquire of by asking questions; to examine by interrogatories; as, to question a witness.
The frequently asked question paired with the according answer. Also referred to as an FAQ. Each question is assigned to at least one topic/ subtopic within a specific department. Questions can have multiple assignments to different topics and subtopics.
One assessment item, which receives a score when answered by the student. Back to top of glossary
The "front" of a ThinkFast Card. When practicing in Answer Mode the Question is presented to the learner and desired response is the Answer. For example, if the Question part is a definition, the Answer part might be the defined term. Or, if the Question part is a problem to solve, the Answer part might be the correct solution to the problem. When practicing in the Keyword Mode, selected Keywords within the Question are omitted and become the desired response from the learner. For example, a Question might be a definition of a term, and in the Keyword Mode one of several words or phrases might be omitted from the definition. The correct response of the learner would be to "fill in" the missing words or phrase.
Also called an "urgent question," an oral question must be tabled by Monday noon and concern current issues. Up to seven oral questions are permitted each week by the Speaker of the Knesset. The Minister concerned must answer the oral question within two days - by Wednesday of the same week. The oral question creates a short dialog in the Plenum between the Knesset Member posing the question and the Minister. The Knesset Member is not allowed to ask more than two short oral questions after the answer is given.
an instance of questioning; "there was a question about my training"; "we made inquiries of all those who were present"
a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations"
a linguistic expression used to elict information in the form of an answer
an arrow, the target is the answer, and if you can receive the answer it will be the death of wonder
an issue or inquiry that requires a response to it
an un-answered expression in query form which precedes specific information
a request for information addressed to the Prime Minister or ministers to be answered orally or in writing on behalf of the Council of Ministers
a sentence , a phrase or even just a gesture that shows that the speaker or writer wants the reader or listener to supply them with some information, to perform a task or in some other way satisfy the request
a sentence of enquiry that asks for a reply
a sentence requesting information or an answer
a sentence that asks for information
a sentence that asks something
a sentence that one uses to elicit information
a text-only topic that seeks an answer
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A WebQ element that includes a space for owners to enter question text and answer options (if applicable).
A question may be either a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or else the request itself made by such an expression. This information is provided with an answer.