Read the F*cking Manual. This acronym is often used when someone asks a simple or common question.
See: Read the F*cking Manual
imp. [Acronym for "Read The F—— Manual."] 1. Used by gurus to brush off questions they consider trivial or annoying. 2. Used when reporting a problem to indicate that you aren't just asking out of randomness: "Yes, I RTFM first."
Read The F* Manual (or Read The Friendly Manual)
ead he (expletive) anual. Abbreviation common in e-mail, and particularly on newsgroups.
RTFM is hacker shorthand for "Read The Freaking Manual!" or...ah...words to that effect.
In NetSpeak "Read the F*****G manual". Directed at people who ask questions without first seeking answers. People new to the Net or a newsgroup should first acquaint themselves with the prevailing habits of the group or list they have just joined, and if at all possible read the FAQS. Then you can ask questions. The phrase RTFM has now spawned a web site, dedicated to keeping copies of all the "manuals" you should be reading. See the section on the RTFM site for more details.
An acronym for "Read The Flipping Manual." What you should do before emailing me with a question
ead he anual. Abbreviation used to inform someone that they could have answered their own question by consulting the appropriate (usu. obvious) documentation.
Also known as RTBM. Short for Read The F*****g Manual or Read The Bloody Manual and usually given in response to an obvious question where the answer is readily available.
(Read The Freaking Manual) - We really didn't want to put this here, but you will more than likely see it, and wonder what the heck it means. This is usually a term used when someone asks a question that is covered in a user's manual. (Note: Freaking is NOT the actual word...)
Net shorthand for Read The (explicative) Manual. A curt reply to a query which could have been answered by reading instructions.
Stands for Read The F***ing Manual. A common abbreviation used in e-mail and postings in response to obvious questions. See e-mail, posting.
Read the Fine Manual. This acronym is often used when someone asks a simple or common question. Replace "Fine" with a more vulgar word if desired.
See: Read the Fine Manual
"Read The FAQ, Man" (Note: The real words for this acronym are a touch different, but this contains the idea...)
Read the Flippin' Manual (or some such similar thing). This is a mild flame in response to a user's question when the answer is immediately available in file documentation.
Acronym for Read the Fine Manual.
Read the, uh, you know, Manual. Often used in flames against people who ask computer-related questions that could be easily answered with a few minutes with a manual. More politely: RTM.
Chat shorthand for "read the fine (or another four letter F word) manual".
Read the, er Flipping*!! Manual. Session When I visit a page on your website, I initiate a Session. A session can be measured in number of pages viewed, or the length of time spent. If I only look at this one page, the session is only one page long. If I look at six other pages on your website, the session has been seven pages long. Each session will have made a number of hits on your site.
Read the Flippin' Manual. An acronym used to respond to a simple or common question. (8/97)
This anacronym is often used when someone asks a simple or common question. The word `Fantastic' is usually replaced with one much more vulgar.
(Read The F***ing Manual). This anacronym is often used when someone asks a simple or common question.
An acronym meaning "read the flippin' manual" that anyone in computer support loves but can never say.
Read The F@#$%&* (substitute "Fine") Manual
(Read the Fine Manual) Note that RTFM.MIT.EDU is an anonymous ftp site that maintains every FAQ you would ever want to read.
"Read The Flipping Manual"
Read The Fantastic Manual. This acronym is often used when someone asks a simple or common question. The word "Fantastic" is usually replaced with a four letter variation and hand signals.
short for Read The F#*&ing Manual, usally said to a person that asks way too many questions that can be found in the manual.
(Read The F***ing Manual) - A commonly used abbreviation in online forums and email, in response to foolish questions or questions already answered in the FAQ. A repository of FAQs can be found at See Also: FAQ Page Top
a polite rebuke indicating that the information sought can be obtained by reading the manual. See documentation.
Read the F*cking Manual. This acronym is often used when someone asks a simple or commonquestion. reassembly
RTFM is an initialism for the statement "Read The Fucking Manual." This instruction is sometimes given in response to a question when the person being asked believes that the question could be easily answered by reading the relevant "manual" or instructions.