a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment
a post to a newsgroup in response to an existing article
an article posted to a newsgroup response to a previous article. a series of followups creates a thread.
A Usenet posting that is a response to an earlier message.
A reply to a USENET newsgroup article (post).
The public reply to an article. Followups should always have a subject beginning with Re: and the original topic. Frequently changing the topic for no reason is one of the traits of a net.kook
An article which is written as an answer to another article. GNKSA GNKSA is a kind of seal-of-approval for newsreaders; you can get more information at http://www.gnksa.org.
An article on Usenet posted in reply to another article. The subject should stay the same so that readers can tell the two articles are related.