An article in a newsgroup. "Posting" is the act of sending a "post" to the newsgroup so that other subscribers can read the article.
Sends information from the client to the addressed server. This method adds the data sent to the server to the object addressed. The POST method is used to request that the destination server accept the entity enendd in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line.
Members (subscribers) of a discussion list communicate with each other by sending posts to the list server or moderator, who in turn distributes them to the list. These posts, or email messages, can range in size from a few lines to many well-thought paragraphs.
Action of submitting a message to a virtual or electronic discussion board.
To send a message to a public medium, such as a Usenet newsgroup, or a mailing list. Also used to mean the actual message.
To post is to send an article or an article response to a newsgroup. To post means the message will be seen publicly by thousands of people.
The routing of send bus or other channel control signals after the main channel fader.
To send a message to a public area like a BBS or newsgroup where it can be read by many others.
a message posted to a Forum.
To compose and publish a message for an internet community to read.
operation - the subsection of http used to send information from the client to the server.
To leave a message on a Usenet newsgroup or email discussion list. Also, the message itself is called "a post" or a "posting."
Either a single message entered into a network communications system or the act of entering such a message.
To send a message to someone online. An online message is a "post."
A CGI method of sending an input form from the user back to the HTTP server. With POST, data in the input form is sent to the CGI program as a message body, not as a part of the URL.
is one of the two main method= options in a FORM element (the other is get). The FORM data is conveted to a bulky format (see RFC 2045 MIME Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies) and shoved back to the server. The advantage is that much more data can be handled this way than with get.
a message sent to Network Groups or the process of sending a message to Network Groups (i.e. to post a message)
To send a message (a posting) to a mailing list, newsgroup, or message board.
Subscribers to newsgroups and mailing lists take part in discussions by sending, or posting their articles or comments online. | français
"Posting" is the act of submitting a message. A post is essentially a message from a member that appears in any Discussions forum. A post can be a new topic or a reply to a message. Apple Discussions are comprised of an original message that's posted about a topic and the replies posted in response.
The act of placing a message in an on-line conference. The noun "posting" is sometimes used to refer to a conference message.
There are two methods to send form data to a server. GET, the default, will send the form input in an URL, whereas POST sends it in the body of the submission. The latter method means you can send larger amounts of data, and that the URL of the form results doesn't show the encoded form.
A message submitted by a user that is located within a topic.
a message made to a discussion by a member who is logged on
a message that anybody can write and upload to the server, and it can contain an attached file, just like an email message
a message that is added to a topic on the GameFAQs forums
a message that someone has sent to the newsgroup for others to read and respond to
an article or story you publish such as a list of things to do for a certain place
an article submitted to a newsgroup, such as ucam
a public message by definition
a single message from a single user
a single public message by a user
a specific message w/o message title
a virtual message put up on a bulletin board or forum
What a message to a Usenet newsgroup is called. When you submit messages (also called articles) to newsgroups, you are said to be posting.
The action of submitting an article to a Usenet newsgroup, or to a BBS. Also, such an article or item. See article.
A message sent to a newsgroup. Also known as an "article."
To publish a message in an online forum or newsgroup; to place an HTML page on the World Wide Web.
A message sent to an email discussion group or a Usenet newsgroup. Also, to send a message to an email discussion group or Usenet newsgroup.
To contribute a message to an electronic bulletin board; more generally, to place any message or document on a web site.
A post is a message directed to the general public on one of the boards. Not to be confused with private messages, which can only be seen by one member. Remember, anything you post to the boards can be read by anyone, even guests.
To "publish" an article, message, or picture on a bulletin board.
a message and/or file uploaded to a news server comprised of a header and a body. Can be used as a noun or a verb as in "That was an awesome post" or "I just posted a naughty picture of my girlfriend". Very large files are typically broken up into many different posts, with similar subjects so they can be downloaded separately and re-combined. These types of posts are called multi-part posts.
This is the act of sending an article to a news server. It can also be used to describe the article itself. For example, one may refer to an interesting article by saying, "Hmm, now that was an interesting post."
An article or message which appears on a newsgroup; the act of sending it is known as posting.
Process of adding an article to a newsgroup. 2.33 Postage printer, 6.21
To send a message to a forum, chat session or group website.
To send information through the Internet.
As a verb, to send a message to a Newsgroup other discussion group. As a noun, a message sent to such a group.
To send a message by email or to a newsgroup
An HTTP method that creates a new object linked to the specified object. Either the client or the server sets the message ID field of the new object. The server allocates a URL and returns it to the client, with the new document comprising the data part of the request. It is subordinate to the specified object, as a file is to a directory or a news article is to a newsgroup.
Post Office Protocol 3 - A standard mail server commonly used on the Internet. It provides a message store that holds incoming e-mail until users log on and download it.
Refers to ‘posting a message', meaning to send a public message to an USENET group.
A message contributed to a newsgroup, bulletin board or mailing list.
To place a message, on Bulletin Board Systems, in newsgroups, by e-mail, or other means of communicating over the Internet.
To 'send' a message, question or answer to a BBS or newsgroup.
To put a message on a forum or bulletin board.
When you send a message to a newsgroup, you are posting a message to a newsgroup.
The act of submitting a new message or a new message to the forum.
A post is a single message sent to a newsgroup or message board.
To send a message for public display in a Usenet newsgroup.
The term for an original USENET or mailing list article. Used as a verb, to "post" means to submit an article for publication on USENET in one or more newsgroups or to one or more mailing list. If sent to more than one newsgroup or list the post is said to be"cross-posted". If the newsgroup is moderated, the moderator decides if the post will appear; otherwise the post appears automatically.
To send a message to a newsgroup; also, the message itself. Sometimes called a "posting".
To compose a message for a Usenet newsgroup and then send it out for others to see.
A newsgroup article. Also, the act of sending an article to a newsgroup so that others can read and reply to it.
Part of a topic that contains what a member wrote. It also contains the avatar and the informative links about the same member. It is synonym of "message"
A message sent to a newsgroup or mailing list or a verb referring to the transmission of same. (8/97)
To post is to send a message to a newsgroup or forum for other members to read and respond to.
To submit an article to a newsgroup.
Sending a message to the Discussion Area of the WebBoard that begins or continues a thread of discussion. You must first select a Discussion before posting a new topic (or continuing an ongoing one).
To compose an e-mail message and send it to a Listserv for distribution to the group.
To send a message to a newsgroup or BBS.
To send a message to a mailing list or newsgroup.
Another word for the message that appears on-screen in a chatroom
To tack up a message in a bulletin board or newsgroup for all to see.
To send a message to a mailing list or news group discussion, to put up a Web page.
A message sent to an email list
(n., v.) To post is to submit or send a message to a discussion list. A post is a message.
To place a message on a newsgroup or BBS.
A post is the mail a person sends to a mailer or a message they posted on a bulletin board.*See Mailer
To broadcast a message to an entire forum (distinguished from e-mail in that it is not sent from one person directly to another).
"Used as a noun for messages added to BBS's, newsgroups, blogs, etc."
1. n. a message in a discussion group, message board , newsgroup, or mailing list. 2. v. to send a message to a discussion group, message board or mailing list. 3. adj. after, as in post mortem.
Used as a noun for messages "posted" to BBSs, newsgroups, blogs, etc.
The act of sending a message to a particular network newsgroup.
Sending a message into Usenet for distribution around the world.
An act of putting information on the Internet. You usually post to newsgroups or bulletin boards. You can also post a Web page.
A type of form query for web pages. A related query is GET Show related articles
Posting is Internet talk for sending a message to a newsgroup, where it can be read by anyone looking over the newsgroup.
A message that is replied or put up by a member. Posts are 'posted up.'