(1) A unit, piece, entity, or component of information, or (2) in telecom services, it is a numeric value that is used to represent an aspect of a device.
The fundamental unit of information modeling in the object-oriented paradigm. In principle, there is a one-to-one correspondence between notional 'objects' in the data model and the actual entities in the real world which are being modeled. (This is not true, in general, of the data structures of conventional programming languages or database systems, and is less true in practice than in theory of official object-oriented languages and databases.) An object stores state information (like the field values of a database record; notionally nouns) and it stores behavioral information (called methods; notionally verbs) about what computations can be performed on an instance of the object. The information stored in an object is encapsulated in that it is not visible directly; it can only be seen by sending a message to the object which asks it to perform one of its methods.
following In analysis, an object is an instance of a class in the problem_domain. In design, an object is something with an unique identity that encapsulates some know-how ( operations) and some values( attibutes). In code, an object is a piece of storage plus some sub-programs that have privileged access to that storage. [ object in glossary
An object is a unit of modularity and abstraction of a concept, a Resource , or a well-defined functionality. It encapsulates data and processing. see also: Managed Object source: INA - PIR2.3 domain: Information Model usage: EU-P103
The encapsulation of data and methods to process that data.
a software component that models something in an application. An instance of a class that conforms to a type.
(def 2) an object is a grouping of messages and data that its messages can operate on.
An integral part of a feature component needed for data collection (for example, record definitions, record procedures, and update definitions).
the consequence or result of the action of the verb. direct object answers who or what was the result of the action of the verb. eg: Children love cookies. indirect object answers to whom or what, or for whom or what the action was done eg: I gave my friend a hug. object of the preposition shows the relationship between the preposition and its noun or pronoun eg: under the table participle - part of a verb which can be used with an auxiliary verb to create past tenses, express passive voice, progressive forms.
The passive aspect of entities whose security attributes are to be protected. See Subjects and Objects, Privilege and Authorisation .
A self-contained module of data and its associated processing. Objects are the software building blocks of object technology.
A data structure that implements some feature and has an associated set of operations. For RPC applications, an object can be anything that an RPC server defines and identifies to its clients (using an object UUID). Often an RPC object is a physical computing resource such as a database, directory, device or processor. Alternatively, an RPC object can be an abstraction that is meaningful to an application, such as a service or the location of a server. See also object UUID.
An object is a combination of data and algorithm into a fully independent and self-contained component capable of carrying out a well defined set of functions. These functions can only be executed via key invocation. Objects may be constructed from other objects. See "Instantiation", "Primary object", "Atomic object", "Fundamental object", and "Invocation".
A programmed entity with the following characteristics: An object embodies both data and behavior. Objects come into existence at run time through the process of instantiation. Each object is based on a definition, which is called a class. Many parts of a Netscape Application Server application, such as servlets, queries, and result sets, are objects.
In ADSI, refers to a COM object that implements one or more interfaces. In Active Directory®, the basic named unit of storage. A directory object is an instance of an object class, which is defined in the Active Directory Schema.
Generally refers to a program object, meaning that it is created within the program when it executes. Not to be confused with shared objects (shared object files), which are the files that ship with Trackd.
Any thing, entity, concept, or abstraction (real or imagined) with clear boundaries and meanings within a particular context, view, or domain (e.g. customers, vendors, locations, products, parts, services, contracts, reports, systems, resources, equipment, goals, business concepts, etc.). An object may be an instance of one (or more) classes of similar objects that shared common attribute types and operations.
Any discrete and identifiable entity.
An object is a computer programming construct that combines (encapsulates) attributes and relationships (state) with operations and methods (behavior) in a single entity. The object model facilitates object reuse and object-oriented business engineering, and allows programmers to use a metaphor that resembles the real world. For example, a "customer" object can have attributes and behaviors such as "owns" and "buys". C++ and Java are popular object-oriented languages. An object is an instance of its object class. For example, carbon and hydrogen can be instances of the element class. Another example of an object is a spreadsheet embedded in a word processing program.
An entity or component identifiable by a user that can be distinguished by its properties, operations, and relationships.
An instance of a class. An object has identity (uniqueness), state (instance variable or class variable values), and behavior (methods).
A tangible of abstract thing of relevance to business.
An Object in syntax normally refers to a Direct Object . It can also refer to the Object of a preposition.
A noun or noun substitute governed by an active verb, a verbal, or a preposition. Bill hit the ball [direct object]. She likes to grow flowers [object of a verbal]. I gave him the keys [indirect object]. They play ball in the park [object of a preposition
A single, run-time instance of a system-defined object type. Objects visible in user mode include process, thread, section, file, event, semaphore, key, timer, port, object directory, symbolic link, I/O completion port, and token objects. Many user-mode objects are implemented through the use of a corresponding kernel-mode object, including processes, threads, events, semaphores, and timers. Kernel-mode-only objects include APC, DPC, device queue, interrupt, mutex, driver, device, adapter, controller, and stream file objects. See also object type and opaque.
A tangible or abstract thing of relevance to business; a data item. In general, it's anything that can be individually selected and manipulated.
A graphical image such as a photograph, video clip, etc. It is also one of the principle building blocks in object-oriented programming and can include buttons, tables, forms, etc.
Digital representation of a spatial entity (in part or in total).
in the most general sense, any value. More specifically, a value that is represented by a pointer to memory. These are strings, csets, real numbers, large integers, co-expressions, files, procedures, windows, and data structures. Sometimes the term object is used for just data structures.
Generally, any item that can be individually selected and manipulated. This can include shapes and pictures that appear on a display screen as well as less tangible software entities. In object-oriented programming, for example, an object is a self-contained entity that consists of both data and procedures to manipulate the data.
an abstract management object with an associated syntax, access, status, and name (OBJECT IDENTIFIER); a managed object is a template -- it is the instances of the object which are actually manipulated by get, get-next, and set operations.
An entity (e.g., record, page, program, printer) that contains or receives information.
An entity characterized by an identity and a set of predicate directives and clauses. In Logtalk objects can be either static or dynamic, like any other Prolog code.
Anything that can be created or manipulated with SQL--for example, tables, view, indexes, or packages. In object-oriented design or programming, an abstraction consisting of data and operations associated with that data.
An instance of a Class. Classes and objects in UML are represented on Activity Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Collaboration Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams.
also direct object - the constituent of a sentence generally associated with the entity which undergoes the action. In English, the direct object of a verb is a NP and normally follows the verb, e.g. Peter saw Mary.
a physical or abstract thing, in contrast to an event.
SNMP and MIB objects are abstractions of resources on systems that exist independently of their need to be managed. The objects are given names and assigned a value -- also called a variable.
An entity within the TSC that contains or receives information and upon which subjects perform operations.
An object is a data class that exposes events, properties, and methods to an application.
An entity that is defined to and recognized internally by VxVM. The VxVM objects are: volume, plex, subdisk, disk, and disk group. There are actually two types of disk objects - one for the physical aspect of the disk and the other for the logical aspect.
Logical representations of network resources including users, groups, printers, volumes, computers, etc., that make up the Directory tree. Some objects represent physical entities while others represent logical entities such as groups and print queues. It is important to note that an object is a structure where information is stored. It is not the entity that it represents. Property
(a) a noun or pronoun that, when it completes the action of a verb, is called a direct object: e.g., He passed the puck. An indirect object is the person or thing receiving the direct object: e.g., He passed the puck (direct object) to Richard (indirect object). (b) The noun or pronoun in a group of words beginning with a preposition; pronouns take the objective case: e.g., at the house, about her, for me.
he object of the sentence is usually a Noun Phrase in a particular relationship to the Verb of the sentence acting as ‘receiver of the action'; for instance the verb see requires an object see something; the verb give two objects give someone (indirect) something (direct)
anonymous, ~class, ~factory, ~instance, ~remote
Self-contained module of data and its associated processing. The infra deals with five objects: business unit, personal data, asset, position and product.
An instance of a TASE.2 object model.
A programming construct with properties and, optionally, methods
Any data with state (attributes or value) and defined behavior (methods).
Any data entity stored on an object server in digital form. In the folder manager data model, object specifically refers to a document's contents or base parts.
Objects are documents that define a physical entity (such as a Protein), set of physical entities (such as a Protein Family), or a physical concept (such as an interaction). In the Biozon database, they are the fundamental building blocks of all stored knowledge.
Who or what the action of the verb is directed to, as in "I see the dog."
A variable which is the instantiation of a class.
noun or noun equivalent either in a prepositional phrase or in a verb construction with the action of a verb directed on or toward it. Objects can be one of two kinds in English: a direct object or an indirect object. There's no reason to object to objects.
Software component, encapsulating data attributes and methods. Formally, an object has the properties of identity, state, and behaviour. An object has a single type, but may be considered a member of an increasingly more general series of classes.
In software, any representation of the physical or abstract world that can be modeled according to the requirements of object-oriented architecture
Computer programmes which use object oriented oriented techniques and languages. These employ a programming data centred approach to programming, based on the definition of “objectsâ€.
A unit of data in a Dylan program. Objects are instances of classes, may be stored in variables, slots, and collections, may be passed as arguments to functions, and may be returned as values of functions.
a programming term for a single "object-oriented" entity, e.g. a control or a form. Objects typically correspond to visible screen elements, but Montage also uses some non-visual objects, e.g. a timer and other internal "classes" of objects.
Object-oriented programming term, synonymous with 'object instance' though it is sometimes used more abstractly. See instance, OO Fundamentals.
In semantic terms, an element of a sentence that is affected by the verb. Traditionally, direct object and indirect object are distinguished: indirect objects appear with verbs like 'give' ('Mary gave Joe [indirect object] a book [direct object]'). The direct object covers a number of meanings depending on the verb: 'Fred kicked the ball [direct recipient of action]', 'Fred opened the door [= caused the door to open]', 'Fred liked the new house [attitude]'. There are other kind of object which are not traditionally distinguished, eg 'The meal cost four pounds', 'We walked five miles'. In Spanish, it is sometimes difficult rigorously to distinguish between direct and indirect object, since the preposition may introduce either, and the forms of the third person pronouns, which are apparently inflected for direct and indirect object ( le/lo), do not always obviously correlate with these notions.
A software packet containing a collection of related data (in the form of variables) and methods (procedures) for operating on that data. The term is used inconsistently in the literature, referring sometimes to instances and other times to classes.
(UML) The instantiation of a class in OO programming languages. class.php
An identifiable, encapsulated entity that provides one or more services on request; entities in a distributed computer environment that are being managed; a model of the physical resources that are to be managed.
any entity within your Flash project, such as a polygon, a line, or a bitmap.
A combination of state and a set of methods that explicitly embodies an abstraction characterized by the behavior of relevant requests. An object is an instance of a class. An object models a real world entity and is implemented as a computational entity that encapsulates state and operations (internally implemented as data and methods) and responds to requests for services. [Source: OMG Object Management Architecture Guide, Ed 2.0, September 1992
A passive entity that contains or receives information and that cannot change the information it contains. In SQL Server, objects can include rows, tables, databases, stored procedures, and views.
oriented: A style of programming that links data to the processes that manipulate it.
In object-oriented programming, a variable comprising both routines and data that is treated as a discrete entity. An object is based on a specific model, where a client using an object's services gains access to the object's data through an interface consisting of a set of methods or related functions. The client can then call these methods to perform desired operations.
A software construct encapsulating attributes and methods.
An entity with responsibilities. A special, self-contained holder of both data and procedures that operate on that data. An object's data is protected from external objects.
An object can be a direct object or indirect object (or object of a preposition). It refers to a nominal that is not the subject of a clause.
An item that can be placed on the layout. The following are examples of objects: rectangle, line, ellipse, arc, polygon, polyline, rounded rectangle, freehand, chart, text, symbol, and text field. In an Oracle database, an instance of an object type. An object can be a row in an object table, or the portion of a row contained in a column object in a relational table.
In an object oriented programming environment, this refers to the data structures and procedures that apply to a specific unit in the system
In image processing, a sub-region of an image that is perceived as a single entity.
An instance of a class. An object exists in memory, and has data and methods that act on the data. For more information, see Objects, Classes, and Structs.
n encapsulated software unit consisting of both state (data) and behavior (code).
record, row, element, entity An object is a record in a database that may be represented as a row in a table or as a page of content that includes the attributes of that record. As a general term for heterogeneous objects. Otherwise refer to the object type, such as "Employees", or in inline documentation, use the object name, such as "Mary Black". Object Templates , Object List Templates
An instance of a particular class. While a class may represent people, an object represents one particular person.
An object or system object is an entity through which information flows under the direction of a subject. This includes directories, files, fields, screens, keyboards, memory, magnetic storage, printers or any other data storage/moving device. Basically, an object is a data container or a system resource; access to an object effectively means access to the data.
An instance which is a member of a class.
The noun or pronoun that completes a prepositional phrase or the meaning of a transitive verb. (See also direct object, indirect object, and preposition.) Frost offered his audience a poetic performance they would likely never forget.
a concept, abstraction, or thing with crisp boundaries and meanings for the problem at hand; an instance of a class
A data abstraction consisting of private data and private and public functions that operate on the private data. Users of the abstraction can interact with the object only through calls to the object's public functions. In the X Toolkit, some of the object's public functions are called directly by the application, while others are called indirectly when the application calls the common Intrinsics functions. In general, if a function is common to all widgets, an application uses a single Intrinsics function to invoke the function for all types of widgets. If a function is unique to a single widget type, the widget exports the function.
An entity that is defined to and recognized internally by the Volume Manager. The Volume Manager objects are: volume, plex, subdisk, disk, and disk group.
(1) In object-oriented design or programming, a concrete realization of a class that consists of data and the operations associated with that data. (2) An item that a user can manipulate as a single unit to perform a task. An object can appear as text, an icon, or both.
A single, identifiable unit or entity. An object can comprise other, smaller objects.
The root of the Java class hierarchy.
1. any Lisp datum. The function cons creates an object which refers to two other objects. 2. (immediately following the name of a type) an object which is of that type, used to emphasize that the object is not just a name for an object of that type but really an element of the type in cases where objects of that type (such as function or class) are commonly referred to by name. The function symbol-function takes a function name and returns a function object.
In object-oriented programming, a unique instance of a data structure defined according to the template provided by its class. Each object has its own values for the variables belonging to its class and can respond to the messages (methods) defined by its class. Stripped of programming jargon, an "object" is the basic unit of data and programming code that the newest techniques of flexible, fast software development use.
An encapsulation of data and methods. The only way to access an object's data is by sending it messages. You can also think of an object as intelligent data, which includes implementations for the operations (methods) appropriate to itself. There are two types of object: classes and instances. A class object is created when you register a class; an instance is created whenever you send an appropriate message to the class object which defines that instance. The Object COBOL run-time system allocates each object its own data area in memory. There can be many instance objects of the same type within a run-unit, but there can only be one class object of each type.
An object is an instance of a character on the display list.
An object is an abstraction or simulation of physical things such as people and machines or intangible things such as events and processes that captures their characteristics and behavior. Objects and classes are the basic building blocks for object-oriented software design. "Something you can do things to. An object has state, behavior, and identity; the structure and behavior of similar objects are defined in their common class." 1
The principal building blocks of object-oriented programs. Each object is a programming unit consisting of data and functions
An object is any item within a window. For example frame, list box, toolbar, command button, text box, picture, etc. In the sense of "object-oriented", a level "of abstraction that [includes] attributes and behaviour", "associating methods (procedures) with objects that can benefit from class hierarchies." "Object orientation is a paradigm for the analysis, design and programming of software systems, as well as a model for managing complex data. [ ] It embodies concepts such as data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, message passing and polymorphisms."
A small package of data that is combined with programming elements. Objects are typically capable of performing simple functions.
an instance of a data structure, encapsulating a logical instance of a software function, that is operated on with specific, defined function calls.
an abstraction that encapsulates data and knows how to operate on the data
An object in the truest sense of the word is something that has physical properties, such as automobiles, rubber balls, and clouds. These things have attributes and behavior. They can be abstracted into data (attribute) and code (behavior). Instead of just writing functions to work on data, they are encapsulated into a package that is known as an object.
An object is a software "package" that contains a collection of related procedures and data.
a digital representation of all or part of an entity instance.
a representation of a real world thing encapsulating the data and all of its procedures (processes) within itself
Create a basic OBJECT. OBJECT is the root class from which all other ODE objects are derived. See the chapter on ODE.
A person, place, thing, or concept that has characteristics of interest to an environment. In terms of an object-oriented system, an object is an entity that combines descriptions of data and behavior.
Microsoft Exchange Server objects are instances of MAPI COM classes, or just MAPI objects. A MAPI object is an instance of a COM class that implements one or more MAPI interfaces.
An instance of a Component
1: a software entity that is uniquely identifiable and encapsulates behavior, attributes, and state. An object performs an action (behavior) upon receipt of a message, and may, in turn, send messages to other objects. 2: in equipment communications, an entity with a specific set of data and behaviors. An object may be physical or conceptual.
In programming-language methodology, an object is a unit of a program that contains both code and data. It exhibits a behaviour as a unit, and can be thought of as the simulation of a physical object or system.
Something that contains both the data and the application that operates on that data.
An object is another name for an instance of a class. There is also a class called Object which is the most basic of all Java classes. All classes either explicitly or implicity inherit from java.lang.Object.
A software unit that contains storage for a collection of related data plus operations for manipulating that data. Fundamental kinds of objects are class es and instance s of classes.
Code and data that are treated as a unit.
(1) In user interface design, a logical entity that an application presents in an interface and that users manipulate--for example, a document, chapter, or paragraph in a word- processing application, or a mail server, mailbox, or mail message in a mail program. (2) In programming, the principal building block of object-oriented applications. Each object is a programming unit consisting of data (instance variables) and functions (instance classes). A component is a particular type of object. See component.
An abstraction of an identifiable entity in some problem space. The abstraction is expressed in terms of knowledge or behavior properties that abstract what the entity knows or does that is relevant to the problem in hand. Contrast with: a Class abstracts the suite of properties that are shared among multiple objects and an instance instantiates an object at run time. (See category on what OO is all about.)
(1) A computer representation of something that a user can work with to perform a task. An object can appear as text or an icon. (2) A collection of data and member functions that operate on that data, which together represent a logical entity in the system. In object-oriented programming, objects are grouped into classes that share common data definitions and member functions. Each object in the class is said to be an instance of the class.
1. In object-oriented (OO) programming, a piece of software that contains both content and semantics describing how the content is to be interpreted or operated on. An object consists of data (attributes) and the operations (methods) that work with the data. The attributes and methods define what it means to be a particular type of object and how that object behaves. See OO. 2. In networking, any entity in a network (such as a node, printer or file server).
An entity, such as a printer, server, or program, that is an element on a network. Each object has four characteristics: attributes, operations, notification capabilities, and relationships with other objects.
A Shore object as seen by users of the SVAS, OC, or SDL. An object is an instance of an abstract data type. While the SVAS does not interpret the structure or abstract data type of an object, it recognizes that an object has a type and system properties.
A programming unit that groups together a data structure (instance variables) and the operations (methods) that can use or affect that data. Objects are the principal building blocks of object-oriented programs.
A single entity in the docbase. Every object is categorized by object type. How the Documentum system displays and processes the object depends on the object's type.
An encapsulation of an entity (data) and its corresponding services (functions) as a way of organizing them.
(1) In object-oriented design or programming, a concrete realization of a class that consists of data and the operations associated with that data. (2) In object-oriented design or programming, an object is an instance of a class. A class is a model or template. When a constructor is applied to a class, an object is created with the properties and behavior defined for the class. Properties are specified as values for attributes. Behavior is encapsulated in methods.
A component is a reusable program building block that can be combined with other components in the same or other computers in a distributed network to form an application.
The principal building block of object-oriented programs. Each object is a programming unit consisting of data and functionality.
Objects are the the basic building blocks in designing a program. They are used to create classes which share the same properties, behaviours and actions. Each object is in turn an instance of a particular class with the class's own methods or procedures and data variables. An object is what actually runs in the computer.
An instance of a class, formed by assigning specific values to the variables in the class.
In object-oriented programming, a unique instance of a data structure (abstract data type) encapsulated with a set of routines, called methods which operate on the data. An object is defined according to the template provided by its class. Each object has its own values for the variables belonging to its class and can respond to the messages ( methods) defined by its class.
The basic element in the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. An object comprises both data and code (procedures; usually called methods) that defines a behavioral interface to the encapsulated data. Properties of objects can usually be inherited by other related objects.
An object (in this context) is a software component that contains data and methods for interacting with that data.
(1) In object-oriented programming, an execution-time structure that contains data and routines that operate on that data. An object is an instance of a class, which can be used to create additional instances that constitute separate objects. (2) The field of an NBP entity name that identifies the user of the system or the system itself, in the case of a server. (3) A private QuickDraw GX data structure. An object has specific properties and is accessed through a reference.
In the context of a constructor, an instance of that constructor. Otherwise, an unordered collection of properties. To be more specific, an object is an associative array, where the keys are property names, and the values are property values. All objects are derived from Object, including arrays, and Object itself is also an object.
In an Activity Diagram, an object that receives information from Activities or provides information to Activities. In a Collaboartion Diagram or a Sequence Diagram, an object that participates in the scenario depicted in the diagram. In general: one instance or example of a given Classifier (Actor, Class, or Interface).
An abstract or atomic entity that corresponds to something tangible in an archive environment, such as a grouping of data (data object) or a related grouping of information about that data(catalog object).
In software engineering, an instance of data encapsulated with all its features and possible uses in constructing program applications, like an interchangeable part in manufacturing.
A named storage space that consists of a set of characteristics that describe itself and, in some cases, data. An object is anything that exists in and occupies space in storage and on which operations can be performed. Some examples of objects are programs, files, libraries, and folders. A visual part of the interface that the user can work with to perform a task. Icons and text are examples of objects. In MQSeries, objects define the attributes of queue managers, queues, and process definitions. In DB2 UDB for AS/400, anything that can be created or manipulated with SQL statements, such as databases, tables, views, or indexes. In object-oriented programming, a software entity consisting of instance data and the methods that can be performed on that data. An object is an instance of a class.
An instance of a class. A class models a group of things; an object models a particular member of that group.
In MQSeries, an object is a queue manager, a queue, a process definition, a channel, a namelist, or a storage class (OS/390 only).
An object is an instance of an object type. In Oracle8, objects can be persistent (i.e. stored in the database) or transient (i.e. PL/SQL or Oracle Call Interface TM (OCI) variables). See also object type.
An instance of a Java class. An object can be stored in a Cloudscape database if it implements the java.io.Serializable interface.
an entity that contains or receives information. Access to an object potentially implies access to the information it contains. Associated with each object is a type which defines the attributes and operations for the object.
A collection of attributes or characteristics that represents a self-contained entity (e.g., a user).
A specifically defined occurrence of a Class. An Object is given a name by the programmer, much the way any variable is given a name.
A object is the generic term (in object-oriented programming) applied to a piece of programming code consisting of executable code and data, combined as a single entity. Objects are manipulated (in the program) as a single entity - eg. create object, copy object, destroy object, etc.; the embedded code can be called to perform specific tasks, usually related to that object.
The basic component of an object oriented program. An object encapsulates functions and variables. Each object is an instance of a class.
A general term used to describe almost everything on the screen. In a stricter sense, objects are used in an object-oriented design.
An object is a word acting like a noun that receives or is affected by the action of a verb or that follows and is governed by a preposition. She placed the book on the table.
an entity that contains or receives information. Access to an object potentially implies access to the information it contains. Examples of objects are: files, jobs, queues, nodes, services, and users.
a program unit in OOP. An object has behaviors and states encapsulated within the object. Objects tend to manage themselves as they respond to requests or commands, so that they can be used without knowledge or regard to their internal functionality. See instance, child object.
A technical computing term for an independent piece of computer code with its data. Hence, object-oriented programming, and distributed objects, where objects are connected over a network.
A CORBA object is an abstract entity with a public interface and internal state. An object ``exists'' on the server side; the difference to the term ``servant'' is that the same servant can be used to implement many objects at once. Logically, an object is a three-tuple consisting of a type, a unique Object Id and a servant. Clients do not handle objects, they handle object references.
A variable defined as being a particular class type. An object has the data and methods as specified in the class definition.
A leaf definition in the object identifier tree, that represents a class of object instances. Objects are exactly those definitions declared by the SMIng keywords `scalar' or `column'.
An object is en entity in PCE's world that is identified by an object-reference and has a local state. An object is an instance of a class. The class defines both the constituents of the local state as well as the operations ( methods) understood by the object.
An object is a discrete entity with a well-defined boundary and identity that encapsulates state and behavior, an instance of a class.
An instance, once a class is instantiated it becomes an onject.
In Maya, any entity in a scene.
An object is a self-contained hunk of JavaScript that includes properties, other objects, and associated functions. The associated functions of an object (typically functions that describe what the object is supposed to do) are known as the object's methods. JavaScript terms such as method and object are derived from the world of object-oriented programming.
In object oriented programming, A self contained module [encapsulation] of data and the programs [services] that manipulate [process] that data.
A self-contained software entity consisting of both logic and data.
direct object indirect object prepositional object
An entity in a programming system that is used to represent a piece of information or knowledge.
n. 1. Short for object code (machine-readable code). 2. In object-oriented programming, a variable comprising both routines and data that is treated as a discrete entity. See also abstract data type, module (definition 1), object-oriented programming. 3. In graphics, a distinct entity. For example, a bouncing ball might be an object in a graphics program.
A passive entity that contains or receives information. Access to an object potentially implies access to the information it contains. Examples of objects are records, blocks, pages, segments, files, directories, directory tree, and programs as well as bits, bytes, words, fields, processors, video displays, keyboards, clocks, printers, network nodes, etc.
An entity that you can change or affect. An object has state, behavior, and identity. A group of objects with common structure and behavior is a class. An instance of a class is an object. See also object-oriented design.
Picture, audio, video, or a document created in other applications such as word processing or spreadsheet. 3.16 class, 15.20 data type, 13.5 entity, 14.16 possessed, 12.10
Item that contains both data and the activities that read or process the data. 13.26, 15.20
In the programming paradigm, object-oriented programming, an object is an individual unit of run-time data storage that is used as the basic building block of programs. These objects act on each other, as opposed to a traditional view in which a program may be seen as a collection of functions, or simply as a list of instructions to the computer. Each object is capable of receiving messages, processing data, and sending messages to other objects.