A summary of what a court or government agency does.
A summary of the main points of a piece of writing, usually placed at the very beginning of the work.
A summary of an abridgement. Before the use of photo copying, public records were kept by abstracts of recorded documents
abbreviated transcription of a document or record that includes the date of the record, every name appearing therein, the relationship (if stated) of each person named and their description (ie., witness, executor, bondsman, son, widow, etc.), and if they signed with their signature or mark.
shortened transcription of a document or record.
1. adj. an abstract sentence makes general statements about things or people; 2. n. a brief report of an article, a record, etc.
An objective summary of the main idea or content of a work such as an article, book or dissertation.
A concise statement of content of the paper. It indicates the key arguments and conclusions, the data or sources and research methodology upon which these conclusions are built, and the importance of these arguments in the context of positions on points of fact or theory previously argued by other scholars.
The abstract provides the written history of the ownership for that particular piece of land or parcel. The title binder is information gathered from the abstract.
A form of current bibliography in which sometimes books, but mainly contributions to periodicals, are summarized; they are accompanied by adequate bibliographical descriptions to enable the publications or articles to be traced, and are frequently arranged in classified order.
A form of bibliography which summarizes, condenses or comments on the essentials of other publications.
a brief description of the goals , methods , and results of a lab experiment
a brief description of the paper fundamentals, including methods of solving problems, result-producing data, their analysis and conclusions
a brief description of what the article contains
a brief description of your project purpose, experiment method, result and conclusion
a brief (one or two sentence) statement summarizing what you plan to do and how
a brief preview of the content and argument of an academic paper
a brief recapitulation of the contents of a larger piece of writing
a brief report of a research project to inform potential readers about your graduate study
a brief set of statements that summarize, classifies, evaluates, or describes the im
a brief statement of a thing in its main points
a brief synopsis of the paper that allows the reader to quickly understand the contents and meaning of the work, and needs to be written concisely and clearly
a brief, written discussion of your Science Fair Project
a clear and concise description of the methodology, purpose and findings of the work)
a communication of restricted length that permits informed readers to evaluate significant contributions of a scientific study, method or technique of teaching or extension
a concise paragraph that describes a product
a concise statement of the purpose, scope, and major findings of the information product
a concise summing up of the experiment that includes the type of measurements made, the numerical results, and the significance of these results
a condensation of the essential information in the thesis
a condensed account of an article that enables a reader to digest the contents of the article more efficiently
a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights
a document maintained by the DMV to track and record violations and other orders relating to a driver's conduct and driving privileges
a document that a title insurance company or, in some states, an attorney, will prepare giving the history of the home
a document that contains all of the transfer documents used to assign Title to Land from the Patent to the present
a free text record that summarizes a longer document
a history of the property title as revealed by the public records
a history of the title to a particular tract of land
a miniature scientific paper that allows the reader to get a quick sense of what the longer paper is about
an abbreviated and unbiased summary of a longer document
an abbreviated summary of a research article, thesis , review, conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose
an abridged version of a document highlighting only the main points of the document
a paragraph or two summarizing the entire paper
a paragraph, which comes at the beginning of a journal article or a study
a short statement about your paper designed to give the reader a complete, yet concise, understanding of your paper's research and findings
a short synopsis of the content of the thesis
a stand-alone statement that briefly conveys the essential information of a paper, article, document or book
a statement by a proponent of a conclusion from alleged data
a statement summarizing the main points of a text
a succinct passage which provides a brief outline on what was achieved/decided/concluded in your report
a succinct yet detailed synopsis explaining the focus of your research paper and the major questions it addresses
a synopsis of a piece of nonfiction writing, such as an article, document, speech or statement
a very brief description of an article or a book
a very concise statement of the major elements of your research project
a wonderful device for initial evaluation of an article and it is an annoyance not to have it online
The abbreviated transcription of a document or record.
A history of the title to a particular property. The buyer’s attorney “reads†the abstract and issues his “title opinionâ€. See above.
An objective summary of an article or book.
Historical summary of all recorded transactions that affect title to the property. Any outstanding issues or problems must be resolved before a buyer is issued a clear and insurable title.
any brief one or two paragraph description of the contents of a document, usually by the author.
A statement that summarizes the important points of a larger document.
The recorded history of a land title. A compilation of all instruments affecting the title to a tract of land.
Report of title search by Abstractor for examination by Title Attorney
Summary of statements, documents, etc., especially deeds and wills.
An abbreviated, accurate representation of a work, usually without added interpretation or criticism, accompanied by a bibliographic reference to the original work when appearing separately from it.
An abbreviated summary of a research report, generally found at the beginning of the report.
Express important points of the documented content as concept(s) apart from itself. Do not refer to any part of the content, or speak of results, conclusions or recommendations, yet summarize the content without using examples. State it so a new reader of the content will understand the nature of the content without having any practical understanding of the content, as in relating the content to theory. Use less than 100 words, and stand alone paragraph(s) including an introductory, body and finish structure to the wording. Follow the chronology of the related content. Do not add recommendations or thoughts.
Summary of a publication; can be any length.
a brief overview of a project, usually 1/2 page or less immediately following the face page or cover sheet.
nouns, such as truth or beauty, are words that are neither specific nor definite in meaning; they refer to general concepts, qualities, and conditions that summarize an entire category of experience. Conversely, concrete terms, such as apple, crabgrass, computer, and French horn, make precise appeals to our senses. The word abstract refers to the logical process of abstraction, through which our minds are able to group together and describe similar objects, ideas, or attitudes. Most good writers use abstract terms sparingly in their essay s, preferring instead the vividness and clarity of concrete words and phrases. Allusion
An objective summary of a document, book, or journal.
Summary of the public records for liens and encumbrances recorded on a title or deed.
A set of documents which record the ownership through time of a property. A brief history of the transfers of a piece of land, including all claims that could be made against it.
A short description of a book, article, or other source. (Unit 5 The Great GALILEO; Unit 6 GIL)
a short summary of an article or book; abstracts are provided along with citation information in many periodical indexes or databases, and may be written by either the author or an indexer.
A written summary of the title history of a particular piece of real estate.
A scientific abstract is a short summary of a full text journal article about a particular topic.
A short summary of an article, book or other source.
A summary of an article, book, report or audiovisual material.
An abbreviation of all of the recorded deeds, mortgages, leases and the instruments affecting the title to a particular piece of land.
A summary of a particular record or document; usually contains only the most important information from the original document; may be used instead of original documents in genealogical research.
A summary of the contents covered in a journal or magazine article, book, or other bibliographic material.
A written history of the title to a parcel of real estate as recorded in a Land Registry Office.
Brief statement of the main parts of a document
A summary of public records relating to the title to a particular parcel of land.
Summary of an article, book, or other written publication.
A summary of a money judgment obtained in court. (When this summary or abstract is recorded in the county clerk's or recorder's office, in some states the judgment becomes a lien on the debtor's property.)
A summary of the public records relating to the title to a particular piece of property. An abstract in some states or areas is reviewed by an attorney or title insurance company to determine whether there are any title defects affecting the property, which must be cleared or paid before a buyer can purchase marketable and insurable title.
The notes made by a title examiner based on his examination of the land records. These notes are a concise summary of the transactions affecting the property. The title agency produces a BINDER from the information in the abstract.
A brief description of a work's content, usually without added interpretation or criticism. Generally found at the beginning of an article in a journal, or with a citation in a bibliographic database.
A brief statement of the essential content of a book, article, speech, etc.
A summary of an article or dissertation. When available, an abstract can assist you in deciding whether an item will be useful for you.
A synopsis of the legal history of ownership of real property. A summary of recorded instruments, which affect title, arranged in the order of recording.
a summary of a file or document.
A historical summary of all of the recorded instruments and proceedings that affect the title to property. An attorney or title insurance company reviews an abstract of title to determine whether there are any title defects which must be cleared before a buyer can purchase title.
a summary of a book, article, or other publication. Abstracts often appear at the beginning of journal articles, as well as in discovery tools such as periodical indexes.
a non-evaluative summary of a work (article, chapter, book, etc.); compare with an annotation.
a summary of important points (as in a deed, will, or title).
a summary of the most important information from a deed or will. Sometimes you may use abstracts instead of original documents when you do your research. You may also create them yourself from original documents.
a summary of the important aspects of a document
Is the collection of information from the medical record via hard copy or electronic instrument.
Of Title – A complete historical summary of the public records relating to the ownership of a particular piece of land. It represents a short legal history of an individual piece of property, and traces the ownership of that property from the time of the first recorded transfer to the present.
A summary of the public records relating to the title of a particular piece of land. An attorney or title insurance company reviews an abstract of title to determine whether there are any title defects which must be cleared before a buyer can purchase a clear, marketable and insurable title.
A summary of the content of an article, or other item. Usually an abstract appears in conjunction with a bibliographic citation. Abstracts from articles relating to particular subjects or disciplines, or from particular publications, are often gathered together into standard bibliographic tools know as indexes and abstracts -- for example, PsycInfo.
a short summary placed prior to the introduction, used to help readers determine the purpose of the paper.
A summary. Library databases usually include abstracts of the material indexed. The abstracts are short summaries of the content of the material. You can use the abstracts to decide if the material you’ve found will be useful in your work before you print, save, or retrieve the material.
A summary of important points of a given text, especially in deeds and wills
Condensed history of a title to real estate consisting of a summary of the various links in the chain of title, together with a statement of all liens, judgments, taxes, or encumbrances affecting the property.
A statement summarizing the important points in a text. Abstracts in article databases are useful for evaluating the article. In scholarly journals, an abstract usually appears at the beginning of an article. Also called a summary.
a written summary of the important points of a scientific article.
The Abstract is a miniature version of the whole lab report. Each major section of the lab report is summarized in the abstract - Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion - in 1 sentence each (two if a section is complex). The summaries are strung together in a paragraph in the order the sections come in the final report.
A brief, objective representation of the essential content of a book, article, speech, report, dissertation, patent, standard, or other work, presenting the main points in the same order as the original but having no independent literary value.
A short summary of the contents of a book or article.
a document that summarizes the major points of another document.
Set of public records that are related to the title of a piece of land. Usually a title company or attorney reviews these record to check for, and clear away, any discrepancies before buyer can purchase property.
A summary of a longer work.
A short summary of a project or program including all pertinent aspects of the sponsored activity, a summary of the objectives and expected results. The abstract is usually less than 350 words and limited to one double spaced typed page.
A summary of the public records relating to the title to a particular property. An attorney or title insurance company reviews an abstract of title to determine whether there are any title defects which must be cleared before a buyer can purchase clear, marketable, and insurable title. The abstract also identifies encumbrances, easements and covenants that affect the property. Also known as a Title Report.
A paragraph or two condensing an article or book. Some databases and indexes abstract documents for you; a help if the title of the document is unclear.
A summary of the public records relating to the title of a particular piece of land. An attorney or title insurance company reviews this to determine if any defects need to be cleared before a buyer can make the purchase.
A written history of the title to a property including every owner and every claim since its original owner. It is the result of a title search and indicates all legal claims to the property.
A summary of a publication (book, article, dissertation) that is included with citation information. It may help you identify the best articles on your topic.
A summary of the major points covered by the author or authors of an article, book, or other work.
A short summary describing the main idea or content of a work such as an article, book or dissertation
A summary of an article, a video or a book.
A condensation or summary of a larger document.
a short summary of a journal article. Some databases include an abstract with the reference information about an article.
This is a summary of the public record in relation to a specific piece of property. The title insurance company or an attorney will review this file to determine if the property has any defects that would need to be taken care of before the home can be sold.
A summary of an article or other document.
a written summary of the main points in a document.
A summary of a periodical article or other publication that appears in a periodical index
(1) A summary which gives the essential points in an article or book. (2) Used also for a special type of publication which summarises the content and bibliographic details of every publication and article over a given time period in a particular subject area (e.g. Chemical Abstracts).
A summary of a document, an article, or a book.
A summary; an abridgment. Before the use of photostatic copying public records were kept by abstracts of recorded documents.
A summary of an article. Some databases include abstracts of the article, and some journals print the abstract right at the beginning of the article. This allows you to read that short summary before you decide if it is worthwhile to read the entire article.
A summary of public records affecting the title to a particular parcel of land. A title insurance company officer or an attorney creates the abstract of title by examining all recorded documents relating to a specific piece of property, such as easements, mortgages, liens, etc.
A non-evaluative summary of a book, journal article, or other information source. Often the term refers to an index that includes abstracts for materials indexed.
A written history of public records on a property. (also see title report)
A short summary of an article or other published work.
a summary of a book or journal article. If the abstract is interesting, use the citation to find the book or full article.
A summary or abridgment. Before the use of photo-static copying, public records were kept by abstracts of recording documents.
Summary of the essential points of an article or book.
The summary portion of a patent or publication describing an overview of the invention.
The title to the property is a synopsis of all recorded transactions that an attorney or title company has to analyze to find out whether there are any unsuitable problems influencing the title to the property. All problems are then validated before the buyer is issued the title.
short summary of an article that can be featured on the home page of a weblet to link to the main text.
A brief explanation of a book or article.
A statement summarizing the important points of a text. The text could be either a term paper or research paper or essay or a book report
A summary of an article or book which gives the essential information.
A summary, usually of a journal article. Many of our journal databases include abstracts of articles.
A historical summary of all recorded transactions that affect the title to the memberâ€(tm)s property. Our attorney or a title company reviews the abstracts to determine if there are any problems affecting the title to the property. All such problems must be cleared up before the buyer can be issued a clear and insurable title.
A condensed history of the title to a property, consisting of a summary of the original grant and all subsequent conveyances and encumbrances relating to the particular parcel of real estate.
A summary or abbreviation of essential information from an original document (e.g., birth, death, or title abstract).
A brief restatement of the contents of a file or document.
1) A summary of an article or book; 2) An index which also provides summaries
A short legal history of a piece of property, tracing its ownership (title) through the years. An attorney or title insurance company reviews the abstract to make sure the title comes to a buyer free from any defects (problems).
A short summary of an article, dissertation, or other work. Use the "Back" button at the top of your screen to return to the previous screen.
A short account of the contents of an article, book, dissertation, report, etc. Acquisitions: Materials being added to the Library's collection, including donations. Adobe Acrobat Reader: A programme for viewing PDF files. The reader programme is free and instructions for downloading it will usually appear on your screen. Annual: A serial publication issued regularly once a year. Audio-Visual: Non-book materials such as various formats of audio and video recordings e.g. vinyls, CDs, audio tapes and DVDs. Barcode Label: A label attached to each Library item with a unique number comprised of vertical lines which contain machine readable data.
A synopsis or summary of facts. Abbreviated, accurate, and authentic history of a proceeding.
A summary of the text of a book or journal article or thesis (etc.). An abstract should include the main points, and not merely contain a description of the content.
A compilation of the public records relating to the title to a particular piece of land. The title insurance company and/or an attorney reviews an abstract of title to resolve whether there are any title defects which must be cleared before a buyer can purchase the clear, marketable, and insurable title.
Brief description of a document, prepared by an author or professional abstracter, which identifies its major points.
alliteration allusion* assonance ballad
A summation of the public records relating to the ownership to a particular parcel of land. Any title inconsistencies must be cleared before a buyer can purchase a home with a clear, marketable, and insurable title.
A summary of what a book or journal article is about. Abstracts are provided by most online periodical indexes and many databases, and are important in helping you decide whether you need to read the article or other cited item.
An abstract is a summary of an article or book, accompanied by a bibliographical reference to the original work. Abstract can save the user time because an evaluation can be immediate as to the likelihood of the item being useful. In some cases, abstracts can replace full-text articles.
A short summary of a document that can either appear at the beginning of the document or in an index. Indexes that include abstracts are often themselves called abstracts (i.e., Historical Abstracts, Social Work Abstracts).
a summary of an academic text, which appears at the beginning of the text
A historical summary of all the recorded transactions that affect the title to the property. An attorney or a title company will review an abstract of title to determine if there are any problems affecting the title to the property. All such problems must be cleared before the buyer can be issued a clear and insurable title.
A written, chronological summary of all deeds, mortgages, foreclosures and other transactions affecting the title to a tract of land. Also called abstract of title.
This is typically a summary of a record or document, such as an abstract of judgment.
A short statement of the essential content of a book, article, speech, report, dissertation, or other work of nonfiction, which gives the main points in the same order as the original work, but has no independent literary value. In scholarly journal articles, the abstract usually appears at the beginning, following the title and before the first sentence of the text. In an entry in a bibliographic database, the abstract accompanies the citation. Compare with summary. See also: author abstract and abstracting service.
An abstract is a concise summary of a periodical article or book. It can also refer to an electronic database or a set of print publications which provide citations and summaries of articles or texts published in periodicals, books or other materials. They can usually be searched by subject, author and/or title.
An abstract is a summary of the important points of a text. In the context of library research "abstracts" generally refers to periodical indexing tools that provide a citation to an article as well as an abstract, that is a summary of the article. For instance Religious and Theological Abstracts, ERIC and America: History & Life are all abstracting services that simply can be referred to as "Abstracts".
An abstract precedes an article or essay. It summarizes the essentials of the work that follows so the reader can easily tell whether reading this work will add significantly to his body of knowledge on the subject.
A non-evaluative summary of a book, journal article, or other information source. The INDEX called an "abstract" tends to cover a relatively narrow subject area with the main entries often organized by broad subject headings.
A summary or condensation of the content of a document.
A summary of the content of a document or article.
An abstract is an abbreviated, accurate summary of a non-fiction work, usually without interpretation or criticism. It may appear with the work that it summarizes, or it may include a bibliographic reference to the original work.
A short summary describing the contents of a document. In journals, abstracts are often the first page of the article.
A summary students write for their assignments, especially for longer papers, designed to provide an accurate description of the original source
A written abbreviated summary of documents, recorded at various county offices concerning a particular parcel of property in a special format called State Bar of Wisconsin Abstracting Standards covering a specific period of time. The abstract may be used to examine the chain of title to determine ownership to property.
A summary of the public records for a specific piece of land. You should review the abstract before purchasing a property to make sure that there aren't any stipulations that would make it less valuable.
A brief synopsis of legal documents affecting a specific piece of property, which is compiled in chronological order and includes all the instruments in the chain of title.
a summary of a larger work, such as an article, book, or dissertation, included with citation information in many databases.
This brief article offers a glossary of terms commonly used when discussing polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Terms defined are: anemia, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, creatinine clearance, electrolytes, erythropoietin, hematuria, hypertension, nephrotic syndrome, proteinuria, and uremia. Each word is defined in a sentence or two. The article includes a web site recommended for patients who would like additional information (www.pkdcure.org).
A summary of the contents of a periodical article or book.
A summary of a journal or magazine article, book. Use abstracts to determine of the content of the reading is relevant to your topic.
A summary of an article or book, accompanied by a bibliographical reference to the original work when appearing separately from it.
A succinct summary; (e.g. an abstract of judgment; an abstract of title, an abstract plant.)
Summary of essential facts in a document or record
A summary of an article. An abstract usually appears at the beginning of a scholarly or technical article. Databases and indexes often contain abstracts that can help you decide whether an article is relevant for your purposes.
A summarized record of the actions taken by a court or other governmental agency.
In law, an abstract is a brief statement that contains the most important points of a long legal document or of several related legal papers.