an offer, submitted in response to a request from a contracting authority, that constitutes a solution to the problem, requirement or objective in the request.
A formal application, perhaps for insurance or business.
is an offer to provide a client with a service or product, frequently written in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP).
A new proposal is a request for financial assistance for a project or activity that is not currently receiving sponsored support and must compete for support. Proposals normally contain all information necessary to describe project plans, staff capabilities, and budget requirments. proposal types
Offer to do work, or provide products and services, which is submitted to DOE for consideration. title, number, date, type dollar value, technical approach, business management, key personnel, exception/deviation May result in contract, grant, cooperative, or international agreement or other agreement.
a broad outline of the paper that you are to write
a carefully argued plan for a specific project, set of projects, or a motivated and balanced learning programme
a complex project in a compressed timeframe that is critical to gaining new business
a docment written to request some sort of support for accomplishing a specific purpose
a document seeking approval for a project which may have resource implications
a document that outlines the goals of a project, states the objective, target audience, assignment of responsibilities, and so on
a formal written document that provides detailed information on the components and the design goals of a planned project
a notice whereby a vendor informs the purchaser of the labor, material, equipment and all else necessary to properly complete the services requested in the RFP
a one sheet piece of paper outlining the project so it is easy for your local planner to submit
a proposed project agreement which id developed in the format required for a project agreement
a request for financial assistance to implement a project
a request for funds from a potential donor
a request for support of sponsored research, instruction,
a request made of a sponsor to fund a project
a request on the part of one or more principal investigators or project directors, through the sponsorship of the University of Colorado, for funding from a non-University source for a specific project or program
a request to change any or all of the cards in hand with fresh ones from the stock
a tentative agreement for a project
a very effective way to sell the idea to your employer because it can be used to highlight the benefits, and presents your request in an organized, professional manner
a written request for money
A written application or materials submitted to a foundation requesting a grant.
Written request for a grant or contribution. Proposals usually outline the program or project for which the grant is needed, the need it will serve, the plan for meeting that need, amount of money needed, and background information about the applicant.
usually a written offer with specification, prices, outline terms and conditions, and warranty arrangements, from a sales person or selling organization to a prospect. Generally an immensely challenging part of the process to get right, in that it must be concise yet complete, persuasive yet objective, well specified yet orientated to the customer's applications. An outline proposal is often a useful interim step, to avoid wasting a lot of time including in a full proposal lots of material that the customer really doesn't need.
The document submitted to a funding source asking for monetary support for a specified period to carry out a specific project.
A written request or application for a gift or grant that includes why the project or programme is needed, who will carry it out, and how much it will cost.
A detailed presentation of the book’s concept, used to gain the interest and services of an agent and to sell the project to a publisher.
The Contractor-prepared document including a lump sum, firm fixed price and schedule for the completion of a scope of work as requested by the Project Owner. The proposal shall also contain, when appropriate, approved drawings, permits, or other such documentation as the Project Owner may require for the Job Order.
The information provided from RM to a funder concerning a customer they wish the funder to credit clear for finance.
Details the project developed in response to the grant requirements
the synopsis/outline of a novel idea, submitted by request to an agent/editor instead of a query letter.
A solicited or unsolicited bid, application, request, invitation to consider or similar communication by or on behalf of a person seeking to participate or to receive a benefit, directly or indirectly, in or under a covered transaction.
specifies product or service to be delivered, when, by whom, at what cost, and to what standard. Can be done in response to stated request, or self-initiated.
A written request for funding, usually in response to a call for proposals.
An application for funding that contains all the information that is necessary to describe the project plans, staff capabilities and funds requested.
A detailed presentation of the site's concept, used to gain the interest and services of a cient and to sell the project to him/her.
A written application, often accompanied by supporting documents, submitted to a foundation or corporate giving program in requesting a grant. Most foundations and corporations do not use printed application forms but instead require written proposals; others prefer preliminary letters of inquiry prior to a formal proposal. Consult published guidelines.
document outlining a proposed PR campaign to an existing or potential client.
n. a written request or application for a gift, grant, or service.
an application or request to a sponsor for funding for a research, training, or service project. Formal proposals are prepared by a PI/PD, consist of descriptions of project goals and methods as well as a budget, and are submitted through ORDA on behalf of SIUC. Successful proposals result in an award ( grant or contract) for a sponsored project. ORDA's Sponsored Project Guide includes sections on Proposal Preparation and Proposal Submission.
a summary of a proposed book, usually nonfiction that includes articles you have written (particularly on the proposed topic), 2-3 sample chapters, chapter-by-chapter outline, author information, marketing information, one page overview of the manuscript and a cover letter.
An application for funding that contains all information necessary to describe project plans, staff capabilities, and funds requested. Formal proposals are officially approved and submitted by an organization in the name of a principal investigator. topˆ
a written request for a major gift. A copy of all proposals must be forwarded to the coordinator for prospect management for inclusion in the permanent prospect file.
A solicitation, written or verbal, seeking funds for a particular project or projects at the University of Idaho.
The approved form on which the Department requires Bids to be prepared and submitted for the Work.
A formal document given to customer that outlines proposed work to be done by the business
Refers to Part A of the SPR form which can be used as an application for CRCAH approval of a project. If submitting form as proposal, Part B of the SPR is not required
An offer made by one party to another as a basis for negotiations for entering into a contract; the response to a Request for Proposal.
A detailed plan for a book or article, including an outline, author bio, marketing strategy, and any other information used to persuade a publisher to offer a contract for the work.
formal written document that provides detailed information to a funder on the components and cost of a proposed project in response to some substantiated need or problem; often confused with the term ‘grant' – proposal represents a plan for change whereas grant is the financial award, the money.
Written request for a grant or contribution. Proposals usually outline why the grant is needed, the purpose it will serve, the plan for meeting the need, the amount of money needed, and background about the applicant.
An application submitted to a funding source seeking approval and funding.
A written application, often with supporting documents, submitted to a foundation or corporate giving program in requesting a grant. Preferred procedures and formats vary. Consult published guidelines.
An application for insurance cover. Applications are normally submitted on a standard proposal form.
A formal document outlining an idea for a new project, which provides broad estimates of benefits and costs, and attempts to answer the question, "Why should we initiate this project?"
A proposal is a request for the funding of a sponsored program. A proposal should include all the information necessary to fully describe research plans, including staff capabilities, resources, and a budget.