performance plan is an annual report prepared by each agency that includes the agency's goals, needed resources, and an explanation of the way in which the agency's budget request will help it achieve its goals. These plans are required under the Government Performance and Results Act.
A written or electronic document that contains at least one, and generally three to five job objectives and associated contributing factor(s) for each job objective.
The performance plan identifies annual performance benchmarks of the operating unit. Meeting benchmarks, or the planned levels of achievement for a given year, are considered important steps toward ultimately achieving the ten-year performance goals identified in the Strategic Plan.
Performance-related expectations documented on DA Form 7223-1 in the Base System; DA Form 7222-1 in the Senior System, or on the ICD for those employees whose job descriptions are so generated. The performance plan uses the job description and the work unit's mission and goals as its base and includes reprinted Responsibilities (Base System only), pre-printed Performance Standards, and individual work and professional development expectations.
Another term for Strategic Plan
A document that outlines the key measurable objectives a department or organisation must achieve. In government departments, these objectives are often handed down to staff members and included in their personal performance plans. It is usually issued annually, with quarterly feedback on progress from staff members.