Broad directional targets to carry out the purpose; the end result.
A broad statements of intent. They should be phrased as statements in the present tense – e.g., reduce the impact of AIDS on affected communities.
General statements of the desired outcomes of R & D.
The results you want and have planned for. Also called 'outcomes' or ' objectives'. In NLP a goal needs to be stated in the positive, specifies the person's own part in achieving it, is specific enough to have sensory-based evidence and has been checked for unforeseen consequences.
Specific targets for a period of time.
General statements of anticipated project outcomes; usually, more global in scope than objectives and not expected to be measurable; if used, goals should be supported by well-stated objectives.
descend from and are validated by the vision; summarize the major accomplishments the organization hopes to achieve in order to realize its vision and fulfill its mission; are general and not quantifiable, can be short or long term.
Statements of expectations of general capabilities or student outcomes resulting from planned educational experiences. General educational goals refer to state or district goals for all students. Art goals can refer to state, district, teacher-planned, or teacher/student-planned expectations for student learning (i.e., student outcomes that will result from the planned experiences in the arts). Lesson Plan goals refer to what the teacher will do in order to facilitate that student outcome. An objective, in terms of student behavior, delineates a more focused outcome than a goal (i.e., a breakdown of a general goal statement) but does not refer to the over specification of minute enabling behaviors (i.e. each performance or manipulative skill).
a precondition to the success of other UN initiatives aimed at poverty reduction, human resource development, capacity building, sustainable development and the construction of an equitable world order
Objectives that a business hopes and plans to achieve.
Big picture, results-oriented statements about what an organization wants to achieve in fulfilling its mission and mandate.
Building Goals Goals that describe targets determined at the building level based on data. Curriculum Goals Goals that describe targets to be achieved in the area of curriculum, based on data and feedback from staff. District Goals Goals that describe targets determined at the District level based on data. Long Range Goals Goals that describe the District's desired rate of improvement for students over the five-year period of the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan. Student Achievement Goals/Annual Improvement Goals Goals that describe the District's desired rate of improvement for students in a single school year.
A concrete point of measurement that the business unit/library intends to meet to achieve objectives. For example, the library's goal is to improve reference services, its objectives include increasing fill rate by 20% in two months.
Broad-based statements of your ultimate expected result of the project being undertaken.
A clearly written statement about the desired direction or outcome of an educational program. May be determined by an individual or group.
A list of skills and/or behaviors that a parent, teacher and child will be aiming for over the next year. They are based on the child's needs.
Quantified and measurable objectives. For example, "I achieve call handle rate of 97.5%" or "'achieve first-level resolution of 75%."
A goal is a statement concerning the desirable improvements in the health of a given population that a health promotion program aims to achieve in the long term. It needs to be realistic and achievable within a set timeframe. For more info: How to write measurable goals
the aims and objectives of strategic options and candidate or indicative themes
Medium-term intentions linked to personal aims or aspirations that give direction to a programme for individuals and that may be achieved over the course of a year or more.
Broad statements about what the organizational unit is trying to accomplish to meet its mission (including major issues that are faced). The goal statements are general few in number and describe the primary things that the unit is trying to accomplish.
what your character hopes to achieve during the game. In games with pregenerated characters, your goals will usually be spelled out in your character sheet; in "make-your-own-character" games, you may be given goals or left to determine them on your own.
If one goal fades, an optimist finds another and strives to reach it. Optimism is one of the best predictors of career success and satisfaction. By breaking down formidable goals into discrete specific elements, optimists are able to accomplish much.
The aim of a broad, long-term purpose as opposed to objectives, which are more explicit and relate to a specified time period.
Goals identify how an organization intends to address its Critical Issues, considering both its Critical Success Factors and its Core Competencies, and in support of Mission and Vision. Goals are designed to drive actions and they are intended to represent the general end toward which an organizational effort is directed. Goals address Critical Issues in a general sense by stating overall policy intention that drives broad programmatic areas. A goal should provide a sense of what level of performance is expected but it should not specify how the organization is to achieve the level of performance. Generally, there should be a Goal assigned to each Critical Issue or programmatic area within the organization. Goals link "downward" to Objectives. Every Goal should have at least one Objective.
The aggregate result achieved by the effective implementation of the common feature s of a key process area. The goal s signify the scope and intent of each key process area. [D05183] SA-CMM
Broad action and results oriented descriptions of what the organization must excel at to achieve its vision.
The desired outcomes of a program. Curricular goals in professional education define in broad terms the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes most valued by the faculty and which the faculty believes will enable graduates to succeed as practicing professionals.
Aims that a student or teacher may have.
Something you aim to give up on.
A convention holds that goals should be general statement of themes or directions, either measurable or not measurable as stated. They represent a commitment to broad intentions and aspirations.
An object or end that one strives to attain; aim.
Things that one aims to achieve.
an objective (which is a broad aim or desired outcome) made specific in terms of time and degree—for example, increasing sales 20 per cent over the next year
Referring here to financial goals, this term asks what you want for yourself financially and sets a plan for how to achieve it. A goal is an intended desire that one plans to reach.
At the organization level, the broad results your organization wants to achieve for its audiences during a specific period of time, which guide the selection of programs and management/operations functions; can be expressed as an output or an outcome At the project level, the specific results you want your project to accomplish for its target audience(s), which guide the development of the project's activities and milestones and define the scope of what you can accomplish within a specific time frame; can be expressed as an output or an outcome
What we strive to achieve; our intended outcome/impact; the concrete manifestation of our values"Objectives" are more specific descriptions of what we intend to achieve. One person's goals can be another persons objectives, that is, a step on the way to achieving a higher-order goal.
Broad issue-oriented statements that reflect what the organization wants to achieve in fulfilling its mission/mandate.
The short and long range targets for swimmers to aim for.
The concrete results or manifestations of an intention.
A focus of accomplishment supported by a series of objectives needed to reach it. Goals are objectives that have been defined from a variety of sources. If set goals are met, then each will impact the company in a positive manner.
Objectives that we would like to achieve.