The process of comprehensive, integrative program planning that considers, at a minimum, the future of current decisions, overall policy, organizational development, and links to operational plans.
A long-term flexible plan that does not regulate activities but rather outlines the means to achieve certain results, and provides the means to alter the course of action should the desired ends change.
The long range, highest-level company plan that describes its overall goals and objectives in determining what businesses to participate in, which strategic resources are required, assesses company strengths and weaknesses vs. the competition, and serves as the basis or target for the next detail level (the business plan).
A plan of action that guides how a goal, such as developing affordable housing, will be accomplished.
A document used by an organization to align its organization and budget structure with organizational priorities, missions, and objectives. According to requirements of GPRA, a strategic plan should include a mission statement, a description of the agency's long-term goals and objectives, and strategies or means the agency plans to use to achieve these general goals and objectives. The strategic plan may also identify external factors that could affect achievement of long-term goals. [GAO] Strategic planning is a systematic method used by an organization to anticipate and adapt to expected changes. The IRM portion of strategic planning sets broad direction and goals for managing information and supporting delivery of services to customers and the public and identifies the major IRM activities to be undertaken to accomplish the desired agency mission and goals. [GAO
A plan that is tightly tied to the organization's mission, vision, values and objectives, and depends heavily on high-level coordination and influences management to achieve their goals.
a document recording what people think - a broad blueprint for positive change that defines a vision and key outcomes that must occur to attain this vision
a document that outlines, in general or specific terms, the goals, objectives, and intended direction of the institution, and which can serve as a blueprint for human and fiscal resource allocation and program planning
a document that reveals an organization's mission, objectives, and strategies for the future
a long-term plan that sets forth where an agency is and where the agency plans to go
a methodology that an organization uses to accomplish important goals and objectives
an outline of your group's goals and future campaigns
a planning tool for management of larger companies to formulate their high-level business strategy
a plan of the organisation of the decisive blow in the direction in which the blow is most likely to achieve the maximum results
a plan that is based on a strategies or combination of strategies
a road map that documents the overall mission, beliefs and values, issues and goals of an agency
a road map to insure that positive progress can be made toward agreed upon goals
a working vision of where you are taking your business
a written document that defines a vision of the organization
A forward-looking plan that aims to map out the means to achieve longer-term goals and to plan a response to unforeseen problems and opportunities.
Document that presents a comprehensive statement of goals and objectives of agency in the context of a future-oriented vision. The plan should cover multiple years, include specific statements of expected accomplishments and propose specific performance measures that will be used to assess progress toward those anticipated accomplishments.
A guiding document that outlines in broad terms the direction in which an organization should go to accomplish its goal(s).
The product of a strategic planning process, a comprehensive approach to how CLWA does business. The strategic plan relates the mission statement of CLWA to goals and objectives to be achieved during each fiscal year.
A road map that outlines the long-term goals of an organization or program and details how these will be achieved by adopting specific strategies, approaches and methodologies.
A document that sets organizational direction and measurable program objectives. These goals and objectives not only provide the basis for determining necessary financial resources, but also provide the basis for work force needs.
A long-range guide detailing specific steps that an organization will take to reach its mission.
a document that outlines the mission, values, and goals for the medium to long term.
A long term, district-wide action plan for improvement in all areas of a school district, based on their current vision, mission and beliefs about student learning.
The framework which an operating unit uses to articulate the organization's priorities, to manage for results, and to tie the organization's results to the customer and beneficiary. The strategic plan is a comprehensive plan which includes the strategic objectives and a description of how it plans to deploy resources to accomplish them.
A statement of long-term goals along with a definition of the strategies and policies which will ensure achievement of those goals.
A plan or blueprint that clearly and concisely states the mission, goals, and objectives of an organization, along with what the organization plans to do to meet those goals and objectives.
The findings of a review, planning and consultation process that the Canada Council conducted in 1994 and 1995. Its full title is The Canada Council: A Design for the Future (March 1995). The Strategic Plan was incorporated into the Corporate Plan of the Canada Council (March 1999).
A business document resulting from an analysis of the organization’s financial and operational conditions. It guides how the facility is positioned within the marketplace to provide services to its demographic constituency. This process is typically performed in advance of a “Facility Master/ Plan.
an outline of steps designed with the goals of the entire organization as a whole in mind, rather than with the goals of specific divisions or departments.
The framework which an operating unit uses to articulate the organization's priorities, to manage for results, and to tie the organization's results to the customer and beneficiary. The strategic plan is a comprehensive plan that includes the limitation of strategic objectives and a description of how resources will be deployed to accomplish the objectives. A strategic plan is prepared for each portfolio whether it is managed at a country, regional, or central level.
The target plan prioritized by critical total float from the current schedule. [D01923] PMK87
a plan that provides objectives and strategies for land allocation and/or resource management, including regional plans, subregional plans, and local resource plans.
The product of a strategic planning process, a comprehensive approach to how Metropolitan does business. The plan’s components include a composite rate structure, a resource management plan, the determination of prices and a compatible board governance and management structure with comprehensive ethical standards.
An organization's road map to the future which includes mission, vision, values, goals, objectives and actions at the lowest possible level.
a plan that establishes the overall direction for the BLM. This plan is guided by the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, covers a 5-year period, and is updated every 3 years. It is consistent with FLPMA and other laws affecting the public lands.
n. a program incorporating a strategy for achieving organizational goals and objectives within a specific time frame and with substantive support in the form of methods, priorities, and resources.
Plan adopted by the Board of Regents, plans for the State University System for a period of five years, the most recently adopted is for 1999-2003. Formerly referred to as the Master Plan.
The IMC physician’s action plan outlining the next steps to be taken in the management of a claim
A long-range, policy-oriented document that maps an explicit path between the present and a vision of the future. A strategic plan is derived from an assessment, goal-setting, and decision-making process that relies on careful consideration of an agency's capabilities and environment. A strategic plan identifies a state agency's mission, goals, measurable objectives, and strategies and leads to priority-based resource allocation and other decisions (see 5 MRSA c.151-C).