General statements of objectives that property management companies use in their standard operating procedure manuals. Designed to remain unchanged for a long period of time.
general statements of principles that guide government administration in the management of public affairs. They normally do not have the force of law. Policies include statements on how a government authority is to achieve its goals and objectives with regard to a specific subject area or class of subject areas, e.g., a policy for the process and recording of determinations.
A written statement, approved by the library board, stating the library's official position on an issue. Two fundamental library policies are materials selection and circulation.
Definitive statements of what should be done in business. Also, position statements by the firm. Guiding principles.
The written actions or principles that guide the administration, operation, and decision-making of the certification body. Policies are frequently set by the governing board or other entity with authority over the credentialing program. Policies are implemented by all persons associated with the functions of the certification program to assure fairness and consistency in decisions and practices.
statements on how the authority is to achieve its goals and objectives with regard to a specific subject area or class of subject areas, e.g., a policy for development on floodplains.
Policies are statements of direction, philosophy, or methodology to guide and determine present and future decisions, standards, and procedures.
Policies are the sets of principles or criteria that define the different ways in which an organisation carries out its role or functions and meets its duties. This includes policies, legislative proposals, strategies, service developments and other formal and informal decisions. Where an authority is developing a strategy, which sets its vision for a given area of policy or service delivery, it may be necessary to impact assess the overarching strategy and, possibly at a later date, to assess individual policies which emerge from its implementation. Policies also include formal and informal decisions made in the course of their implementation.
Tools used to configure Sirsi's UnicornĀ® Library Management System to reflect a library's policies governing access to its resources.