An item whose text expresses a programmatic response to a set of conditions. A rule's text contains a two-part statement, which can take one of several forms; for example: when fire-alarm is sounding then invoke fire-safety rules. G2 invokes rules using several different mechanisms.
The combination of a selector and a declaration block. A very basic example is h1 {color: green;}, but rules can be arbitrarily long.
something regarded as a normative example; "the convention of not naming the main character"; "violence is the rule not the exception"; "his formula for impressing visitors"
a conditional statement that tells Web-link II what to do when the specified event occurs
a general statement of policy if it does not establish a binding norm and leaves agency officials free to exercise their discretion
an absurd and senseless statement
an agency statement of general applicability that implements, interprets, or prescribes law or policy, or practice requirements of an agency
an assignment statement whose left side represents a cell or a range of cells and whose right side is an expression involving constants, bind variables, individual cells or an aggregate function on a range of cells
an IF-THEN-ELSE-BECAUSE construct that links statements together in order to facilitate inference
an If/Then/Else decision statement that determines the content to be displayed to a particular visitor based on their profile information, the segment they are associated with, and the business intelligence of the marketing manager
a sequence of logical statements which describe how you want the cost or revenue to be estimated
a set of 'If/Then' statements
a simple, direct statement of what a child must/must not do
a standard for correctness, a norm
a statement about one stylistic aspect of one or more elements
a statement applying one or more properties to one or more elements
a statement composed of a condition and an action that specifies what to do when the condition becomes true
a statement made up of an HTML or custom style, called a selector, and its defined properties and values
a statement made up of an HTML or custom tag, called a selector, and its defined properties, referred to as a declaration
a statement telling people to follow
a statement that exercises the Civil Service Commission's constitutional quasi-legislative power
a statement that includes a ruling, a user category, an action, a data category, and a purpose
Statement in the form If A, then B, term in the database in the form B:-A, where A is the rule body and B the rule head.
A set of logical statements that enable a server to recognize relationships among events and to perform automated responses accordingly.
an explicit statement that tells a supervisor what he or she can and cannot do.
A formal written statement of expectations for appropriate behavior.
An authoritative statement of what may or may not be done; a regulation.
a canonically*-approved set of approximately 143 statements (along with sub-statements) pertaining to mission,* duties, and practices that the Brothers* throughout the world adapt locally as directives for their communities* and districts.
In the Tivoli environment, a set of one or more logical statements that enable the event server to recognize relationships among events (event correlation) and to execute automated responses accordingly.
In the Tivoli Enterprise Console product and Tivoli Event Services Manager, one or more logical statements that enable the event server to recognize relationships among events (event correlation) and to execute automated responses accordingly. See also event correlation, rule base, and rule set.
how a style is defined in CSS. A rule is made up of a selector, and decoloration. Example
a declaration (e.g 'font-family: helvetica') and its selector (e.g. 'H1')
Part of a style sheet consisting of a selector and one or more declarations.