(~ name) Having a binding that associates the name with a value.
Unbound objects stay the same through every record in a form, while bound objects are linked to particular fields in a database.
adj., v.t. adj. having an associated denotation in a binding. The variables named by a let are bound within its body. See unbound adj. having a local binding which shadows 2 another. The variable *print-escape* is bound while in the princ function. 3. v.t. the past tense of bind.
A term referring to pages, sheets or issues of periodicals which have been covered by a binding, usually hardback, to create a single Volume. This process is used in libraries to preserve items for long term use. Return to Page Contents
A method of trimming a hood by which a piece of material is sewn over the anterior or the posterior side, or both, of a simple-shaped hood, or over the cowl or tippet, or both, of a full-shaped hood. The sewn-on piece of material - the binding - is thus partly on the inside and partly on the outside of the hood. If the hood is lined, the inner part of the binding covers part of the lining.
A variable that has been assigned a value in the binding process.